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8 hours ago, Melodie said:

I mean, he trended on Douyi (I think that's how it is spelt?) for NOT being in the Tokyo Olys. People (including me) have experienced getting questions from friends and relatives about why he doesn't compete in Tokyo so :xD:

My mom has been watching the Tokyo Olympics. She just called me and asked when Yuzu's going to be on. :laughing:

I'm not sure if she thought he was competing or if she thought he was going to take some part in it just because it's the Olympics.

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Regarding the apparent surge of interest in Yuzu because of the Olympics, I'm really wondering how many more views the videos of his performances would have if YouTube were actually available in China.


Yuzu is super popular in China even though figure skating is not that popular. So, in China, Yuzu is definitely popular way beyond the sport. As far as I remember, in polls he was even voted the most popular winter athlete in China. Especially considering the historical issues between China and Japan, Yuzu's popularity in China is more than remarkable.


I posted about how searches for Yuzu sky rocketed and he became a top ten hot topic on Weibo when the Olympic games started here:





One also has to take into consideration that when it comes to Google searches, Twitter trends etc., Yuzu's popularity in China doesn't even show up because these platforms - just like YouTube - are not available there.

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On 7/30/2021 at 3:00 AM, Mary_kyo said:

Also about scoring issue, my personal belief is that someone who is “continuously” involved in injustice towards others is not a decent person. The least he could do was to try to match his scores not justify them by saying he worked hard.


I totally feel the same way, which is why I am so hard on Nathan now.  

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I was somewhat surprised by the recent discussions about TTCT (Heaven & Earth), so I am bringing back my earlier post under the H&E subject which has become buried in layers of threads. As I noted before, I am probably one of the few who remember watching the original NHK Taiga drama, Ten-to-Chi-to - with the famous (in Japan) actor, Ishizaka Kouji, playing the iconic role of Uesugi Kenshin.  I was still very young (it was back in 1967), so I only have a vague memory of the series, but Lord Kenshin in white and blue buddhist monasterial robe riding a white horse has been seared into my brain. I suspect this same image has been burned into the mindset of the Japanese populace from my generation.   There is only the very last episode of that series still extant in public archives.  (NHK didn't do a good job of preserving their TV films and apparently couldn't find any trace of the recording in their large archive.)  The video in the attached thread, below, shows part of the last episode - sadly in poor quality recording.   When I found out that Yuzu had selected the theme of TTCT for his FP this last season, I nearly fell off my chair - I had fervently hoped he would select a Taiga theme, but I had given it up as impossible since the stories from the sengoku period are so little known outside of Japan (apart from that distorted hysterical history made famous in "Shogun" or via video games), and many of the musical themes are complex and difficult to turn into competitive programs.  I was also impressed to know that he chose Lord Kenshin, a very cerebral, deeply complex & conflicted, musically-gifted monk-warrior - whose aesthetics and ethics both seem to reflect Yuzu's own personal beliefs.  I am relieved that he did not choose some other, typical "samurai hero" type character, which would have made me gag.  


Perhaps the music is not as easy to get into as Seimei (which is more manga/anime like character in the way he is portrayed), but it is a solid orchestral piece with some genuine elements of biwa (lute/rabab) theme woven throughout that evokes the way that this historic instrument has been played.   I also provide a link to the traditional biwa player who is recounting a historic story - in the manner that reminds me of the Iranian rubab players who sing the story of rustam and other heroes.  There is a long, shared history between Iranian/Sassanid empire and Japan's Nara/Heian Imperial period.   Since I grew up in Iran as a child, the use of biwa resonates inside me from all different levels. 


@Henni147Elanvital on twitter has done a great job compiling the background history in her thread which is quoted below. 




Traditional Biwa player.  Lord Kenshin was known to be an accomplished Biwa player, and his plaintive plucking of the Biwa strings could be heard from the Bishamondo (the Buddhist temple where he had trained), and on some snowy evenings that sad song would waft across the cold Japan Sea to Sado-ga-shima - the large island off of modern day Niigata - the island know for so much suffering and human cruelty...



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2 hours ago, Henni147 said:

Well, since Yuzu keeps TenChi as his freeskate, a 4 minute cut of 4'33'' is probably out of question (SP cut as well). If at all, it could be used for the EX gala in full length. THAT would be something :smiley-laughing021:

0h right, it was SP we were talking about. Oh, definitely.  No one should ever cut the brilliant  4'33" to a 2 minute length, like my God, everything important about the composition would disappear as if it were silence. :hihi:

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5 hours ago, Lindt said:

Hi! I have been reading the planet for a while and would like to join the planet too :wave:

I have been following Yuzu  content since after Olympic Seimei (Youtube recommendation!) not only because he is amazing skater but also his characteristic & attitude too.

Also, I appreciate all of your hard work contents as it really made me smile especially during this pandemic situation.

Sorry if my English is bad. 

:wave: welcome to the planet

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47 minutes ago, Umebachi said:

J'ai été quelque peu surpris par les récentes discussions sur TTCT (Heaven & Earth), donc je ramène mon post précédent sous le sujet H&E qui est devenu enterré dans des couches de fils. Comme je l'ai déjà noté, je suis probablement l'un des rares à se souvenir d'avoir regardé le drame original de la NHK Taiga, Ten-to-Chi-to - avec le célèbre acteur (au Japon), Ishizaka Kouji, jouant le rôle emblématique d'Uesugi Kenshin. J'étais encore très jeune (c'était en 1967), donc je n'ai qu'un vague souvenir de la série, mais Lord Kenshin en robe de monastère bouddhiste blanche et bleue chevauchant un cheval blanc a été gravé dans mon cerveau. Je soupçonne que cette même image a été gravée dans l'état d'esprit de la population japonaise de ma génération. Il ne reste que le tout dernier épisode de cette série dans les archives publiques. (NHK n'a pas t font un bon travail de préservation de leurs films télévisés et n'ont apparemment trouvé aucune trace de l'enregistrement dans leurs grandes archives.) La vidéo dans le fil ci-dessous montre une partie du dernier épisode - malheureusement dans un enregistrement de mauvaise qualité. Quand j'ai découvert que Yuzu avait choisi le thème du TTCT pour son FP cette saison dernière, j'ai failli tomber de ma chaise - j'avais ardemment espéré qu'il choisirait un thème de la taïga, mais j'y avais renoncé car impossible depuis les histoires de la période sengoku sont si peu connus en dehors du Japon (à part cette histoire hystérique déformée rendue célèbre dans "Shogun" ou via les jeux vidéo), et de nombreux thèmes musicaux sont complexes et difficiles à transformer en programmes compétitifs. J'ai également été impressionné de savoir qu'il a choisi Lord Kenshin, un personnage très cérébral, profondément complexe et conflictuel, moine-guerrier doué pour la musique - dont l'esthétique et l'éthique semblent refléter les croyances personnelles de Yuzu. Je suis soulagé qu'il n'ait pas choisi un autre personnage typique de type "héros samouraï", qui m'aurait fait vomir.  


Peut-être que la musique n'est pas aussi facile à comprendre que Seimei (qui ressemble davantage à un personnage de manga/anime dans la façon dont il est représenté), mais c'est une pièce orchestrale solide avec de véritables éléments du thème biwa (luth/rabab) tissés tout au long qui évoque la manière dont cet instrument historique a été joué. Je fournis également un lien vers le joueur traditionnel de biwa qui raconte une histoire historique - d'une manière qui me rappelle les joueurs iraniens de rubab qui chantent l'histoire de rustam et d'autres héros. Il y a une longue histoire partagée entre l'empire iranien/sassanide et la période impériale japonaise de Nara/Heian. Depuis que j'ai grandi en Iran quand j'étais enfant, l'utilisation du biwa résonne en moi à tous les niveaux. 


@Henni147Elanvital on Twitter has done a great job compiling the history of their discussion thread which is cited below. 




Traditional Biwa player. Lord Kenshin was known to be an accomplished Biwa player, and his plaintive pinching of the Biwa strings could be heard from the Bishamondo (the Buddhist temple where he had trained), and on some snowy nights this sad song floated through the cold sea of Japan. to Sado-ga-shima - the big island off modern Niigata - the island known for so much suffering and human cruelty ...




:thankssign: A LOT of having discovered this traditional music  :heartsign: and I have always liked the concept of voice / instrument and nothing else : it's beautiful acoustic 

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23 minutes ago, amylance1215 said:

I'm loving how this Olympics has sparked an interest in Yuzu yet again, people should definitely get on the bandwagon in preparation for Beijing 2022!

I came across this happy schoolboy Yuzu earlier and thought it'd brighten up our day~



Thank you for sharing this. It has cleansed my soul for the day :0014:

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Guest Mary_kyo

Ohhhh….. This seems like a very good interview. I hope we get full translation. He talks about his future plans and using AI again.

I wonder if he will be able to bring AI to FS when ISU is so against it for obvious reasons. But I can’t think of anyone else competent and passionate enough for doing it*. What a huge battle it will be.

Honestly, watching Olympics, I strongly felt the impact of fair judgement in other sports and how FS is lacking a lot in that aspect. also how the legends of other sports are treated with a lot more respect compared to Yuzu.

*I mean can you imagine how hilarious it would be if N*than or et*ri girls advocate for fair scoring

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