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I'll post the message here in hope that somebody can help me.


I am finalizing the analysis of the survey we conducted for the fan book, and I need some help for the language question. In short, since it was an open question, I have to manually clean the answers and group them in a way that make some sense in order to compute the stats. For instance, I am putting "Chinese", "Mandarin" and "Cantonese" answers together as "Chinese" since I can't separate the first one. That one is pretty straight forward.

Where I'm having more difficulties is with the languages that I am not personally familiar with:13877886: In particular southeast Asian languages & dialects (a few examples of answers: Filipino, Tagalog, Sorsoganon, Hiligaynon, Bahasa Indonesian & Malay, etc.) I'm working with what information I find online so far, but I admit to being ignorant and I don't want to group them in a way that might be completely wrong. Can anybody who is familiar with those languages DM me to offer some advice? I'd appreciate some guidance on the topic.


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11 hours ago, TallyT said:

Just because...



this was probably one the first time(if not the 1st)that I watched Yuzuru and it was a love at first sight...and after all those years I'm still scared looking at those blue lips he has at the very  end but also I'm pretty impressed and humbled by his ironwill !


7 hours ago, Yuzu_GOAT said:

Also, I just watched Yuzu's Change EX for the first time and HOLY CRAP THAT FOOTWORK!!!

I'll love Change for ever(both the song and his performance),it really seems something imprompu :like you guys play and I skate...his energy and yep his footwork are amazing.

Wish he'd do something like that again.

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1 hour ago, ZuCritter said:

Why is it that I love him even more when he's a brat? I mean, he does something bratty, and I'm like ...:softYuzu:

Truly, this boy has bewitched me!


Idk why but i would cringe if it were someone else but when Yuzu does something like that, I'm like "I approve boi you deserve all the love and attention of this world. get those men to lift you. bless them boi bless them!" :LOL:

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