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I think if ACI wishes more orderly conduct and increased safety measures: assigned seats is the only way to go.


I found it shocking to see video footage detailing the ignoble 'footrace' from the door to the seats. 

This is dangerous behaviour not only for the runners but the other members of the audience who may get injured during the 'stampede'

Furthermore, I feel that if one person 'saves' more than 2 seats in addition to their own....that should be maximum. 

It is unfair to others who arrive early and all the seats are saved but nobody is in them.   


I enjoy live music/performances but save my applause and cheers for the beginning and the end.  Nothing is more annoying than someone who insists on screaming or acting out in the middle of a performance such that the performer is distracted or cannot be heard/seen and enjoyed by other patrons.  


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11 часов назад, SparkleSalad сказал:


I saw the staff member cross in front of everyone in the middle of Otonal to tell her to stop. Surely she could have waited until the performance had finished to intervene? To travel all that way to see Yuzu perform and have it interrupted. :Poohgaveup: I felt so bad for everyone.

And this moment I saw when I watched Otonal online oO

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1 hour ago, makebelieveup said:

I get that he is a public figure so I dont mind the idea of people approaching him when he is in public as long as he seems okay with it. But still the idea of approaching Yuzu is beyond me. I'm thinking how? Really, for me, sometimes just looking at his videos and picture gives me heart attack. To be able to reach that close to him, being in the same city he's in, in the same ice rink, and sensing his presence are all scary thoughts. If I am able to be one of the audience, I wouldnt dare to purchase that front row seat. Imagine having that feline face glance back at you for a fracton of second *shivers* I feel like Yuzu is someone I would love to watch and respect from afar. He gives off this unreachable aura. Okay I sound like a coward I should stop now

Lol I know exactly what you mean. I'm the same way. Not because I don't want to see him, but because I'm terrified just thinking of the hypothetical moment. I sort of hope all the time I don't run into him at the airport when leaving competitions XD

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I'm late to the topic so only under spoiler



re: fandom issues

it's absolutely true that the behaviour of crowds is different from the sum of their individuals. Mass psychology studies exactly that and it's hardly something only a specific fandom has.

So no surprise if some fans sometimes let the general enthusiasm get to their heads. But if it's just that, the temporary frenzy, than it can also be easily corrected by pointing them out what's wrong (like Yuzuru did, or the self-policing from fans towards other fans) and prevented by spreading self-awareness and awareness of the skaters' feelings and well-being.

When the individual behaviour is itself extreme, than that's not really a fandom issue anymore tbh, but something that should be better addressed with a specialist. Of course, the bigger the fandom the more relevant some deviant behaviours become, and more likely too, that individual deviant behaviour can be reinforced by the deviant behaviour of other people. It's just matter of numbers and with Yuzuru the numbers are against him, in this instance :sad4:

it's sad and upsetting to know that Yuzuru needs to worry about this every freaking day in his life, now in Toronto too.

But I'm a bit reassured that TCC has been good at managing his need for privacy till now, and that, when he's in Sendai, he's somehow protected too. At least, no photos of him getting into his house or hopping in a car or such have reached the international fandom afaik and his family is (more or less) left alone (tho I know they had some issues in the past and I wouldn't be surprised if there is some huge work behind the scene to be sure things are kept this way).


I also wish that, other than individual responsability from fans, there was also some serious ethic responsability from media too, 'cause they kinda make some really creepy behaviours look 'normal' and almost 'to be expected' and that's just wrong. If a newspaper or magazine publishes stalker-like pics, of course some people are going to think it's ok to stalker someone themselves (here an article about normalisation of behaviours). For example, camera following him as he changes costume is a big NO for me, it's just common sense. And how they intruded in the group hug at PC was a big no for me too. Ok filming from outside, they were in public after all, but sticking a camera at his face could and should have been avoided IMO. I have the photo in one of the mags I've bought but I can't bring myself to watch it, it's far too personal tbh:tumblr_inline_mm2wbbdJC51qz4rgp:


Anyway, I hope us fans can always remember that each one of those people we watch are human beings with their own feelings, and that we do our best, when attending a competiton, to give them a supportive atmosphere by cheering when it's their time and watching as many skates as possible. No reason to make anyone feel miserable (no gain, either). And who knows, there could be unexpected surprises... I'm sure at ACI a skater like Harry 'Pumpkin king' Mattick has been a positive surprise for many who didn't know him, just as much as he was for me last season:tumblr_inline_n2pjd3guzE1qdlkyg:


this doesn't mean, of course, that audience should always cheer in the same way for all skaters to make all of them feel equally loved. Cheering has to do with emotions, after all, and people can't be forced to be excited about everyone equally. It's unreasonable to expect people willl cheer for one they sincerly, deeply love only as loudly as when they're cheering out of politeness and respect of the skaters' efforts.

There's an abyss between clapping politely and booing. The first is human and while a skater might, upon comparison, realize the cheers weren't 'as loud', it's very different from feeling the audience turning against you.

In Milan I've clapped and cheered for each and every skakter, even if some of them didn't really hold my attention, but for sure I've clapped with more passion for thoso whose programs I had enjoyed. I clapped and cheered for Nate after his skate because it had been an admirable feat but, as my emotion were completely untouched, I didn't put nearly the same enthusiasm or clapped till my hands were burning as I did after skates that had touched me emotionally (I really needed to let out all those emotions through my lungs and claps). It would even have felt unfair to react in the same way tbh, because to me those skates did not have the same meaning. At all.

It's ok to cheer for your fave(s) more, to be loud, even extra-loud, as long as it's the right time and place.


I guess a good way to regulate oneself would always be: if people behaved like this when it's my fave skating/doing a runthrough/etc, how would I feel?


Outside of competition: if someone did this to me, approaching me when I don't want to, intruding in my time when I just need to take a breath and relax, making things hard for people close to me, for my driver and so on, how would I feel?




12 hours ago, KikaFlor said:

I'm watching figure skating since I was 4 years old and now I'm 34, that meens I'm watching figure skating for 30 years now. I've seen so many skaters but it's the first time I see so much madness for a skater. I admire many skaters but it's the first time I feel sorry about one of them and that makes me wonna cry.

Mr. Yusuru Hanyu is an incredible athlete and performer. He lives his skate. I've never seen  figure skater before with such talent us his. When he dance he becomes the music and takes you in another dimention with his passion and feelling that gives to his programes. I love seeing his skate even when he is not in good shape because even then he is just an amazing figure skater.

Except of an amazing figure skater, Mr. Hanyu is a human being and deserves respect and privesy. I see the madness that surrouds him and I wonna screem "Let the man breath an live!". Every creature on this planet has the right of PRIVESY. I can not understand why some people want to learn about personal lives of athletes and celebrity they like an follow. I really don't!!! I became a member here to learn the news about the entries of Mr. Hanyu so that I can see and admire his performances and the love and passion for figure skate that he has and shares with all of us. 

It's really hard not to have privesy and can't go anywhere alone. I saw the "star security" that Mr. Hanyu had at ACI, even inside the arena and felt sad. I wish the best for Mr. Hanyu and to all athletes of this sport but also generally to all athletes known and unknown.

hey welcome welcome!:tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid::tumblr_inline_n2pje2YFXq1qdlkyg: :smiley-happy093:

I can relate to everything you've said, about Yuzuru and how special he is and how he deserves respect and privacy. :tumblr_inline_mqt4graWWO1qz4rgp:

I've always thought fans should never become a burden for the people they cheer on. Not if they really care for them. Isn't it natural, to want the people who make you happy be happy? Or at least try not to make them feel bad...

We, as fans, can only spread this awareness and do our best to be respectful of their boundaries and wishes :tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:


4 hours ago, kaeryth said:



so sweet... he can't have Javi there on the same rink every day so he's doing something that reminds him (and us) of that important person everyday :cri:

I hope Javi knows and feels proud :tumblr_inline_mi7tcqZmot1qdlkyg: Yuzuru is out there fighting the Javier-erasure!:hachimaki:

but also, beware, you skaters, 'cause  dragonZu is coming to steal all of your tricks, no one is safe :darklordyuzu:

his ability to take techniques and strenghts from other skaters and make them his own is one of the reasons he's so amazing:tumblr_inline_n2pje2TPZt1qdlkyg:



anyway, I think we haven't celebrated his 3F properly :tumblr_inline_n0o1ff0hmf1qid2nw: It means he felt good enough to pick with his right food :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

I know he had already jumped one in ice show, but during practices he jumped it with his usual quality, and in combo:jaw: how long has it been since we've last seen a 3Fcombo from him? since his junior days?:tumblr_inline_ncmifiE3IT1rpglid:

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2 hours ago, OonsieHui said:


My personal opinion is that if it's at the person's "job" e.g. during competition time for athletes, at open movie premieres for actors, during concerts / fan meets for singers, it's fine to try to interact (within the obvious and should be common sense boundaries of respect and politeness).

My only problem with this is that for an athlete, when they're on the 'job' h i.e. at the venue about to compete - is the time when they most need to concentrate and be free of distractions, so to me it's the worst possible time to approach them. Cheering from the stands though, is not only fine, but expected. Since it is a sport.


It's different for other celebrities in the sense that their 'work' can include events that are specifically set up for interaction with fans. But you still wouldn't go up to, say, an actor you admire while he's being filmed and ask for his autograph right then.


I'm pretty much in the 'watch from afar' camp - I didn't even have the courage to say hi to Roman Sadovsky when I passed him in the hall, and he was giving me a big smile (not sure why - maybe my silly hat) - but I would always give a smile and eye contact to someone I admire,  if it felt natural to do so. Approaching someone specifically to ask for a photograph...no. I'd be too embarrassed to do it. That being said, there was once an actor from a TV show I was a fan of, who freely offered to take a photo with me after I had been chatting with him a bit at a fan-organized event. I didn't even have to ask. 

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TBH, if everyone was all calm and didn't try to approach Yuzu or his coaches (or his mom), I wouldn't think one bit about not doing it either. But then I see all these people lining up overnight because only the best seat is satisfactory, standing on their toes taking extremely close up pictures of Yuzu at every single moment, posting private conversations with Yuzu's coaches and getting a million retweets for it, and I think "what am I missing out on if I don't try too?" I think that mob mentality is certainly extremely mind-altering...it makes everyone more crazy and competitive for the sake of Fear Of Missing Out. 

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To give you an example, I saw Ghislain Briand and said hi to him and wanted to take a picture with him and our Planet Hanyu Banner:tumblr_inline_mfy936EPNF1qid2nw: As soon as I got next to him with him holding our banner and @Danibellerika was about to take a picture, some older Japanese fans got in between us so that THEY could take a picture with him. And then they all took pictures with him holding our banner, I guess. I didn't feel THAT STRONGLY about taking a picture with Ghislain but the way the other ladies pushed just made me feel like "I NEED TO TAKE A PICTURE WITH BRIAND!!! GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!" Lol but I ended up giving up anyway and just went to hang up the PH banner, but I did wonder what might have been :P 

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1 hour ago, yuzuangel said:

soon as I got next to him with him holding our banner and @Danibellerika was about to take a picture, some older Japanese fans got in between us so that THEY could take a picture with him. And

Wow, seriously? They just jumped right in? It's hard to picture any mature, normal person doing that and thinking it's in any way acceptable...maybe they wanted to ask politely but didn't know enough English so they got opportunistic? Either way, it's still rude, but if it's that they're not able to ask then at least it's an understandable reason...more or less.


Srsly, tho, just...*facepalm*

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Some funny thing: I might be totally Zen if encounter someone I really admire, in this case, Yuzu. Cuz dam...my poor vision dosen't allow me to recognize or identify any one I know. I don't wear glasses when I leave my loptop or not in classroom. And I will just past acquitence without saying hi, acting out as I never know this people, which is embarrassing and also hilarious. 

So Yuzu won't be worried of fans like me....

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I am also a stand back type of fan. I don't feel the need to scream anyone's name or get close to them. It's enough to be watching that person do what they do, live. I think the only way I'd willingly speak to any skater/coach would be if I was stuck in an elevator with them, and I mean stuck as in the doors won't open, lol!! It was enough for me to see myself in the stands when replaying Yuzu's sp on YT. I look at that as a sort of selfie because I"m in the same frame as he is, even if he has no idea, lol!!


One thing that disturbed me a bit was as soon as the men's sp was done, some people were running out of the arena. I couldn't understand why until I realized they were running to get to the front of the line outside to get back the next morning. I was thinking, but the pairs and ladies haven't skated yet!!


And regarding the empty seats: So many people were also standing up top and watching the skating. The view was good and you didn't have to look through the glass to see the program if you were taking pictures or recording it.  They had railings you could lean on comfortably or lay your food or cameras on... I know I did that for Yuzu's free program and there wasn't much space left because so many people were doing the same thing. If all those people standing had sat down, the arena would have looked far more full.

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24 minutes ago, MeowZu said:

OT but this is so cute hahahaha Brian is a saint



OMG my heart is melted.


I don't know if it's just me but I have been watching Otoñol at every possible moment <3 I watched it on the plane back from Toronto, I watched it while in line for customs...I watch it before I go to sleep and when I wake up. Sighs* every moment was perfection (besides the botched spins/jumps but that's just a sidenote :D )

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8 minutes ago, yuzuangel said:

OMG my heart is melted.


I don't know if it's just me but I have been watching Otoñol at every possible moment <3 I watched it on the plane back from Toronto, I watched it while in line for customs...I watch it before I go to sleep and when I wake up. Sighs* every moment was perfection (besides the botched spins/jumps but that's just a sidenote :D )

Me too...me too. I love Otonol, and Origin, but currently Otonol just a bit more.

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