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*has first pancake flashbacks*

Hope everyone that goes gets 2 servings of nice, well-done pancakes, with good maple syrup on top. =)

And enjoy the open practices-Yuzu zipping around the rink is pretty therapeutic. 

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  On 7/20/2018 at 6:29 PM, Xen said:

*has first pancake flashbacks*

Hope everyone that goes gets 2 servings of nice, well-done pancakes, with good maple syrup on top. =)

And enjoy the open practices-Yuzu zipping around the rink is pretty therapeutic. 



Its odd because there is every reason to expect Yuzu to have a difficult season. Post-injury, still recovering, probably doesn't have his full arsenal back, new system, three completely new programmes with who knows what difficulty level (LGC.....). BUT for some reason I'm still feeling this odd mixture of certainty that he's going to pull off a crazy amazing season, and trepidation at whats to come. And I keep swinging back and forth between the two extremes. :13877886: I'm already dying just thinking about the season to come and its not even here yet!!

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  On 7/20/2018 at 5:12 PM, Sammie said:




  On 7/20/2018 at 6:47 PM, OonsieHui said:


Its odd because there is every reason to expect Yuzu to have a difficult season. Post-injury, still recovering, probably doesn't have his full arsenal back, new system, three completely new programmes with who knows what difficulty level (LGC.....). BUT for some reason I'm still feeling this odd mixture of certainty that he's going to pull off a crazy amazing season, and trepidation at whats to come. And I keep swinging back and forth between the two extremes. :13877886: I'm already dying just thinking about the season to come and its not even here yet!!



After 2 OGM, I really think this is a bonus stage for Yuzu so whatever comes my way, I'll just grab it. Before PC, I expected him to announce his retirement right after it's finished. I think this season will have the usual ups and downs but I am just so happy that Yuzu has decided to continue his journey for a bit longer. Mind you, whatever the ups or downs would still affect me in every way but I'm saying that's a part of the deal. During the darkest months before PC, I could never imagined Yuzu would be giving us brand new programs let alone continue skating so by all means, just bring it on :hachimaki: 


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  On 7/20/2018 at 5:12 PM, Sammie said:



some good news! :7938863:

I envy all the satellites who're going to enjoy Yuzu's skating live, first pancake or not:10742289:  we're lucky to have him :grouphug:


Also, adding to this

  On 7/19/2018 at 8:25 AM, MrPudding said:

he’s first in something again




this tweet with further details:tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:




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