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7 minutes ago, WSYZ said:

Ok, too many people provided me the reason for Kitty Yuzu, I don't even know who to tag and quote for thanks :10636614: So thank you all for those pictures. I see the love for cat now. He's so cute and amazing in that sparkling blue t-shirt. He was actually glowing there for me. That shirt looks quite thin though, showing off his figures a lot. I love that, haha. It's not as nose-bleeding as his LGC costume :10742290:, just the right level for me, haha. I still can't look straight at many of his LGC pics, especially the purple costume from hell. I love the white version though, very fresh and dreamy.


Come to hell :pouty: Hydro started it.

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28 minutes ago, katonice said:


Omg yes that presscon! I didn't believe it when people started tweeting about it. But then came the photos and I was like whyyy?? :rofl:



That white shirt haha! I remember when 3 magazines all had essentially the same photos of Yuzu in that shirt on their cover. But then I guess they didn't think they'd have to use photos from the same stock in their next issues again. It was both sad and funny. Now I'm glad we can look back on it in amusement. 


Next season might be different, BUT I wonder if Yuzu and TCC will try to pull the same stunt again with one media day and multiple photoshoots in one area in the same clothes, and if those magazines will go along again or try something else to prevent the same situation, kekekeke. They reeeeally dug deep for photos during that time.

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30 minutes ago, WSYZ said:

Ok, too many people provided me the reason for Kitty Yuzu, I don't even know who to tag and quote for thanks :10636614: So thank you all for those pictures. I see the love for cat now. He's so cute and amazing in that sparkling blue t-shirt. He was actually glowing there for me. That shirt looks quite thin though, showing off his figures a lot. I love that, haha. It's not as nose-bleeding as his LGC costume :10742290:, just the right level for me, haha. I still can't look straight at many of his LGC pics, especially the purple costume from hell. I love the white version though, very fresh and dreamy.


White version was pretty good too ~ 



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49 minutes ago, Bilge said:

lol so he did that pose while thinking someone will make a composite picture of him touching his own hand through the ice.. and someone did...

:darklordyuzu: this guy is writing and we all playing it, such mastermind

He is hilarious.

"Excuse me, I am passionate about research".

I also died everytime the interviewer apologise for being the one Yuzu is touching. I bet she can feel the jealous eyes burning a hole in the back of her head:rofl:

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5 minutes ago, VyVy99 said:


Come to hell :pouty: Hydro started it.


I'm not ready to enter that hell yet, though I bookmarked it for some crazy time later, :laughing:


3 minutes ago, Victoria said:


White version was pretty good too ~ 




White LGC with his fluffy hair still not gelled up like in that costume fitting video is my perfect prince! Sweet dreamy prince!

With his hair done though, sweet dreamy prince turns into this dangerous sexy gentleman threatening to steal my soul.

When he has this intense look on, I can only stare at his face. But the music started and he made all these expressions that I couldn't handle staring at for long, I dropped my gaze... and that mistake cost me so much, I'm still crying a river over it now. I'm traumatized and scared :13877886:

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3 minutes ago, yuzupon said:

He is hilarious.

"Excuse me, I am passionate about research".

I also died everytime the interviewer apologise for being the one Yuzu is touching. I bet she can feel the jealous eyes burning a hole in the back of her head:rofl:


I scrolled through this post of yours, and I suddenly can't stop laughing, not because of what you wrote, but the images. Your avatar on the side, that Yuzu evil laugh icon in the quote, and the beautiful swan in your signature... All 3 pics on my screen at the same time, it's just too hilarious. Perhaps I need to screencap this screen for entertainment :laughing:

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35 minutes ago, WSYZ said:

Ok, too many people provided me the reason for Kitty Yuzu, I don't even know who to tag and quote for thanks :10636614: So thank you all for those pictures. I see the love for cat now. He's so cute and amazing in that sparkling blue t-shirt. He was actually glowing there for me. That shirt looks quite thin though, showing off his figures a lot. I love that, haha. It's not as nose-bleeding as his LGC costume :10742290:, just the right level for me, haha. I still can't look straight at many of his LGC pics, especially the purple costume from hell. I love the white version though, very fresh and dreamy.

Purple Pants of Sin please (PPoS, if you want to shorten it)

27 minutes ago, VyVy99 said:


Come to hell :pouty: Hydro started it.

Sure, blame me for your sins:3:

27 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:

And if we are still on memory lane, look at this, guys! This is the Yuzu I adore the most!! :tumblr_inline_mzx8xsVPrg1r8msi5:Happy, smiling, funny Yuzu, moving his ears and looking dashing, all in the same time!!! 



Me: tumblr_nmny0tcro61qfh70bo1_500.gif

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25 minutes ago, WSYZ said:


I scrolled through this post of yours, and I suddenly can't stop laughing, not because of what you wrote, but the images. Your avatar on the side, that Yuzu evil laugh icon in the quote, and the beautiful swan in your signature... All 3 pics on my screen at the same time, it's just too hilarious. Perhaps I need to screencap this screen for entertainment :laughing:

:laughing: I feel you. It's the multi-dimensions of the man that is Yuzuru Hanyu.

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3 hours ago, Hydroblade said:

I'm still rejoicing on CiONTU, for my mental and emotional health, i am ignoring everything else:bliss-smiley:


3 hours ago, yuzuuu said:

haha same. I've been rewatching so many times but each time feels as exciting and new as the first XD and I'm currently rewatching again too XD


Once I start rewatching CiONTU, if something reminds me of something else, that usually sends me off to another journey into finding that little treasure. For example, at the skating tech corner with Yuzu, Mura and Sano-san, I had to go back to YT and start rewatching the series of videos with Yuzu's 3A - spread eagle entry. And after watching Yuzu's skating part (1st,2nd and 3rd day), I went to rewatch the whole of his old programs from junior years. I don't know how many more times I'm going to rewatch CWW but it is literally so exhausting every night. I have been a walking dead in the office since Monday... This is a terrible disease that I've contracted and only known cure is to watch more Yuzu stuff...or have I got it wrong??


As for the various people's posts with more serious note, I appreciate all so thank you for sharing.   I am still reading them and I am determined to read through. I can relate to so many of the things that have been posted - worries, fear and the things that you cannot let go. I am one of the new fans but because of my language advantage, I have been through with Japanese online media news about Yuzu a lot before finally falling for him   As a result, I have become aware of a part of Daisuke and Yuzu fan troubles as well as the issues caused by some gossip/tabloids magazines. 



TBH, I was quite shocked when I heard what Yuzu said at the closing of CWW TV broadcast. I went searching for the things afterwards and read various articles about it. After rewatching the part few times again, I can now accept that those things made him think the worst did actually happen. And by seeing him opened up in front of everyone who loves him, I am 100% sure, that he's putting them all behind. The one who's born with wings/feather will continue his journey with his head held high. I feel so fortunate to witness Yuzu and his journey with ups and downs as it happens. I trust his strength and cherish his sensitivity.

He said it before himself - 弱さは強さ so he is fine. :snonegai:


When I go through with non-fs forums and people's blogs, I see some people just don't like Yuzu for whatever the reason that is valid for them. I think it is partially because there are so much stuff including every little things about Yuzu on media all the time. Some people in Japan are just fed up of him being the centre of attention. It could be the same reason other skaters' fans cannot tolerate Yuzu fans go crazy over him.  So we just go to a designated area naming here to enjoy it. Let's just go kya kya wa wa over what we love the most.


The reason I don't actively look for the things to make myself sad is because I just don't have time for it. All of my waking hours are either doing the life's essential stuff or doing something relating to Yuzu. Sometimes I have to catch myself on watching another YT video at 3:30 am on a weeknight (I get up at 7am).


I can understand people being passionate about things they love but I can never understand the people who are so dedicated to make fuss over something they hate. I'd say why bother? And then I realise, it's because it bothers them! Love and hate come from the same place just going opposite direction. When I see someone going a wrong direction, I'd just say good luck to them 'cos there's nothing good awaits at the end of that road.


It's already a wall of text so I'll shut up and go back to enjoy another round of CiONTU

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