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2 hours ago, tafattsbarn said:

the comeback of the century

What could be more better comeback of the century than the OGM I wonder.:tumblr_inline_mm2wbaeqQM1qz4rgp: I am still shook thinking that he was off ice for months and trained too late and still had pain but managed an Olympic victory so dominant, that no one questioned if he won by judges candies or bad technical validation. 


But I agree, the full package would be mind-blowing. 

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2 hours ago, WinForPooh said:

I know, but that landed 4Lo that looked gorgeous - he attempted two, popped one and looked unconcerned, landed one - was what fooled me. Everything else, I knew he could do even if he wasn't healed but the 4Lo? :13877886: I'm glad he fooled me though, I would not have survived that if I'd known how bad it really was. I barely survived as it is.

I honestly think he could have - and would have, if not for Nathan's SP - done 4Lo. And landed it, even with good GOE. But he himself said he analyzed the situation and concluded he doesn't need it, so decided to spare his ankle further torture. But I think if Nathan had done a good SP and was a danger, he would have done it.


As for back on the ice, I doubt any edge work or so is in plan, because that would strain his ankle and I think it might be too early for that - and too risky, because ice is slippery; I think it's one thing to test flexibility in a controlled environment with a physiotherapist and something else to do it on the ice. But it makes sense to let him glide around a bit. Keeps the edge off on his eagerness to get back, too, and does help him get a feel for the ice. Personally, I'd rather he was back in Toronto until he has to be in Japan for the ice shows, especially since his previous rehab was there, and maybe he could start discussing next season plans. Though I don't think that's very likely. And I guess Brian is in Milan? (I admit I haven't been following  Worlds, it's still too raw not being there ^_^; )



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12 minutes ago, KatjaThera said:

I honestly think he could have - and would have, if not for Nathan's SP - done 4Lo. And landed it, even with good GOE. But he himself said he analyzed the situation and concluded he doesn't need it, so decided to spare his ankle further torture. But I think if Nathan had done a good SP and was a danger, he would have done it.


As for back on the ice, I doubt any edge work or so is in plan, because that would strain his ankle and I think it might be too early for that - and too risky, because ice is slippery; I think it's one thing to test flexibility in a controlled environment with a physiotherapist and something else to do it on the ice. But it makes sense to let him glide around a bit. Keeps the edge off on his eagerness to get back, too, and does help him get a feel for the ice. Personally, I'd rather he was back in Toronto until he has to be in Japan for the ice shows, especially since his previous rehab was there, and maybe he could start discussing next season plans. Though I don't think that's very likely. And I guess Brian is in Milan? (I admit I haven't been following  Worlds, it's still too raw not being there ^_^; )



Borser was with Lilbet in K&C, he's there, and so is Mama Tracy, she was with Gabby and Lilbet. 


I agree about the 4Lo. He would have added it and landed it if he'd had to, and I'm incredibly thankful he didn't have to. His takeoff is incredibly beautiful and looks incredibly taxing on the ankle. I would have :13877886:.


I say surround the rink with lots of little holes for him to stick his head through and let him play. :laughing: Keep Poohs in a few. 

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31 minutes ago, KatjaThera said:

I honestly think he could have - and would have, if not for Nathan's SP - done 4Lo. And landed it, even with good GOE. But he himself said he analyzed the situation and concluded he doesn't need it, so decided to spare his ankle further torture. But I think if Nathan had done a good SP and was a danger, he would have done it.


16 minutes ago, WinForPooh said:

I agree about the 4Lo. He would have added it and landed it if he'd had to, and I'm incredibly thankful he didn't have to. His takeoff is incredibly beautiful and looks incredibly taxing on the ankle. I would have :13877886:.


Didn't Zu practically say that himself, when asked in an interview with the Japanese National Press Club? *still patiently waiting for a translation*

He didn't exactly mention 4Lo, but he did say that if Chen's SP was not as poor as it was, he would have changed his FS layout. The changed layout would presumably include 4Lo for the sake of making his BV more competitive.

I am sure I didn't deliriously imagine that answer *nervous laughter*

20 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:



Oh no! The bbys are trying to imitate our Bby's Seimei's opening pose:13877886: I can't.

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Just now, yuzupon said:



Didn't Zu practically say that himself, when asked in an interview with the Japanese National Press Club? *still patiently waiting for a translation*

He didn't exactly mention 4Lo, but he did say that if Chen's SP was not as poor as it was, he would have changed his FS layout. The changed layout would presumably include 4Lo for the sake of making his BV more competitive.

I am sure I didn't deliriously imagine that answer *nervous laughter*

He did say he would've changed the layout, I remember that bit. If it was delirious imagining, we both did it. He didn't specifically mention 4Lo I think, but I suppose that's the only way he could've increased BV of his free skate. Because even he wouldn't think of going for the 4Lz, that leaves the 4Lo, and he did give it a go during a practice. 

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