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49 minutes ago, wpisces said:


I rewatched some old interviews of Yuzuru. They asked him about a big Angry Bird he got on the ice ( maybe after free skate) and he said it's like a good luck because Angry Bird can jump :laughing:. It seemed to be a silly answer at first but after thinking for a while, I suddenly find it so logical ( and cute ) :rofl:  Just like he sees  "Ci" as a winking smiley face, Yuzuru is always full of ideas and incredibly creative. 

Oh, I had never seen this before... I wonder if some videos of the 2012 Finlandia press conferences exist, too... lol (Though Angry Birds sort of fly and... smash into things... but I guess that's like the jumping at a wall comparison he gave for triple axels ^_^; )

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10 時間前, dotsquareさんが言いました:


They were especially in awe of the fact that he answered 'rice' after careful thought, knowing full well that the Miyagi prefecture (where Yuzu is from) is a major producer of rice.


He is so aware of the influence and weight of his words. And he makes full use of it to help his region economically. That's so incredibly noble. 


While I'm not contesting his nobility and thoughtfulness, he totally deserves that credit, and it all sounds very him still, I actually don't think he said rice with the expressed purpose of driving sales up. One, that was only something Tsurube thought of only after he heard what the mod said after, and had the mod not said what he did, I doubt he'd have come to that conclusion. Two, this isn't the first time Hanyu said rice when they asked him about what he eats before a comp. He also said it in that pre-NHK gala interview he did with Oda alongside Murakami and Mura back in 2014. So after thinking hard on what to answer, I think he just decided to fall back onto the basics when he couldn't come up with anything better. I really don't think that even with that big brain of his, he'd have calculated that far. He'd be both noble and scary if he did, and he never struck me as the calculative/manipulative sort. Unless he *is* and we're all just being played by an evil genius. >_<


(Also, when someone says Japanese rice production to me, the first place I'd think of would be Akita, not Miyagi. Though Miyagi isn't exactly shabby in the rice production department, it's not a top producer either. More like somewhere in the highish middle. But Akita's in Tohoku so I guess it's still valid if you wanna argue his intention. XD)


And if he drops off his #1 rank, well, it wouldn't be the first nor the last thing he'd have thrown away for his 2nd Oly title. Guy's got what he wants. Everything else seems a lot less important now. And oh so worth the sacrifice. After all, he never did say that being World #1 was his dream. He never even said anything about being a record holder. Not that I can remember anyway. I can only recall all he ever said he wanted were his two consecutive OGMs and being the kind of skater he's always wanted to be. Everything else were just things he somehow managed to achieve in his quest to reach these two goals. Now that his main quest is complete, and he's completed the game in hard mode, it's the 4A that's his New Game+. And if his body allows him to embark upon it, I wonder what kind of new side quests he'll find and finish as well as new things he'll accomplish in trying to complete it. It's really very exciting, if you think about it that way.  :)


...and sides, if he starts competing again, he'll just claw and clamber his way back up. Guy loves fighting his way to the top and he's great at it, too. Would be a new challenge for him to conquer in a field that's entirely different from the last time he's had to do that, after staying put in a position where he could no longer get any higher for as many years as he did.

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