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I hadn't noticed (and possibly only happened then) but while browsing saved recordings of the 17th, I came across Eurosport's sort of Olympic commercial break where they have photos/clips of small moments of the Games (camaraderie, tears, happiness, the works) in a montage; I found they featured in this montage the Yuzu, Javi and Shoma hug as well as Yuzu alone, in profile, looking very emotional in the podium, from the victory ceremony. It was was a nice surprise while I was catching up on a backload of recorded stuff. 

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1 hour ago, Neenah said:

If Yuzuru decided to try for the 4A or skate on an injured ankle, then that is his decision and we shall accept it. Yuzuru is not a child and he is the one who suffered (and still) is from hose severe injuries. He experienced the pain, stress, and frustrations and he knows more than anyone else what the real cost of pushing for his dreams and ambitions is.


I know everyone is worried and only care for his well being but we are sometimes going too far with it and treat him like a child that needs to be protected or told what to do, but he is not. He is a man who is fully capable of making his own decisions and if he thinks something is worth the sacrifice then who are we or anyone else to tell him no. Yuzuru in not the first nor the last person to suffers for his dreams or pay a high price for them but as long as he get satisfaction from achieving them then it is all good, and it is better than living with the regret of not trying at all. I am sure we have all been in a situation similar to this before and can relate to his feelings :)


Also, do not take anything he says now too seriously since he was in an emotional high and now deflated so don't expect him to give any real thought to questions about the future when he is still currently processing the past and present

I feel like I've butted heads with a couple of people over this issue and while I can't speak for all, I can say that to me, I take laments about his recklessness or like 'WHY IS HE LIKE THIS' it in the spirit of someone who is reacting to, for example, a week of nonstop rain to a bunch of strangers at a bus stop. We don't actually expect the weather gods to be listening to us, nor are we actually really addressing them, it's just kind of reacting to the situation, knowing you can't change it but kind of just letting your emotions out. 


Of course we don't expect we can tell him what to do, he's a grown man whose every decision is likely carefully thought out. But we are not privy to that thinking, we just see patterns of eg. Yuzu smiling brightly and then later revealing he was actually severely injured and it's happened MANY times so we react because we recognise it. It's mostly fond exasperation, like a parent towards a naughty child, but it's not actually like we're seriously thinking of Yuzu/any skater like a child or unable to make rational decisions, it's more just sort of shorthand for the affectionate/protective feelings that are like those of a parent's. It's more to share our own reactions/speculations/opinions with everyone in the fan community than actually feeling like it'd matter to Yuzu/his team (of course this doesn't apply to the genuine anxiety we've had over this Olys season but I think many people here are great at calming true anxiety). I don't think anyone is egotistical enough to believe what a couple of people say on fansites will affect whatever Yuzu decides to do and I think once he truly makes any decision, everyone stands behind him anyway. 


Anyway sorry for the ramble, I've just noticed this is kind of a gap between how fans in predominantly English-speaking countries (specifically America/Australia?) act vs perhaps elsewhere in the world and I find sometimes it doesn't quite translate over and people (not you specifically but just generally) sometimes end up misunderstanding ;; 

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1 hour ago, Neenah said:

Believe me, there is nothing I wish more than for him to find a way around that sacrifice and I pray he stays safe. I am just saying that if he ever visited this place, wouldn't he feel better knowing that his fans respect his choices and don't think of him as a child who can't decide what is best for him (not saying that is what happened here, just that sometimes we do go too far and I am as guilty as anyone else).



I think he's a bullheaded boy who shouldn't be skating on an injured ankle, but I'm also not a competitive sportsperson and I don't have an ambitious bone in my body, so I can't relate to the drive to do so. :laughing: But I respect it anyway, whatever that leads to. 

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2 minutes ago, xeyra said:


I think he's a bullheaded boy who shouldn't be skating on an injured ankle, but I'm also not a competitive sportsperson and I don't have an ambitious bone in my body, so I can't relate to the drive to do so. :laughing: But I respect it anyway, whatever that leads to. 

Believe me, when you're passionate about something, no matter how many times your teachers tell you that you should rest, that you shouldn't practice so much, that you might injure yourself... You keep doing it, because you want to get to your goal.

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16 minutes ago, xeyra said:


I think he's a bullheaded boy who shouldn't be skating on an injured ankle, but I'm also not a competitive sportsperson and I don't have an ambitious bone in my body, so I can't relate to the drive to do so. :laughing: But I respect it anyway, whatever that leads to. 

You don't need to a competitive sport person to do something like that, it happens naturally when you have a dream and you know you can make it come true with hard work and sacrifice. I know for I left my home and country, ruined my eyesight and recently my back pursuing my PhD and I don't regret any of it. It was my dream since high school which I worked so hard for and I will not let back pain or migraines stop me now when I am almost at the finish line.  

So, I do very much understand Yuzuru's feelings and why he did what he did because I am in a similar situation and have made the same choice he did

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10 minutes ago, kaerb said:

I feel like I've butted heads with a couple of people over this issue and while I can't speak for all, I can say that to me, I take laments about his recklessness or like 'WHY IS HE LIKE THIS' it in the spirit of someone who is reacting to, for example, a week of nonstop rain to a bunch of strangers at a bus stop. We don't actually expect the weather gods to be listening to us, nor are we actually really addressing them, it's just kind of reacting to the situation, knowing you can't change it but kind of just letting your emotions out. 


Of course we don't expect we can tell him what to do, he's a grown man whose every decision is likely carefully thought out. But we are not privy to that thinking, we just see patterns of eg. Yuzu smiling brightly and then later revealing he was actually severely injured and it's happened MANY times so we react because we recognise it. It's mostly fond exasperation, like a parent towards a naughty child, but it's not actually like we're seriously thinking of Yuzu/any skater like a child or unable to make rational decisions, it's more just sort of shorthand for the affectionate/protective feelings that are like those of a parent's. It's more to share our own reactions/speculations/opinions with everyone in the fan community than actually feeling like it'd matter to Yuzu/his team (of course this doesn't apply to the genuine anxiety we've had over this Olys season but I think many people here are great at calming true anxiety). I don't think anyone is egotistical enough to believe what a couple of people say on fansites will affect whatever Yuzu decides to do and I think once he truly makes any decision, everyone stands behind him anyway. 


Anyway sorry for the ramble, I've just noticed this is kind of a gap between how fans in predominantly English-speaking countries (specifically America/Australia?) act vs perhaps elsewhere in the world and I find sometimes it doesn't quite translate over and people (not you specifically but just generally) sometimes end up misunderstanding ;; 

I totally understand this, and in some ways, the exasperation is half joking and half genuine concern.


On the other hand, fans seeing so much of this reaction can also become exasperated by it lol. It becomes a bit of a vicious circle. I was also part of a fandom where complaining and bemoaning the artist's decisions became the default mode and I grew to hate the fandom because of that, so there is such a thing as too much. Although I think we are still very far from that.


However, Yuzu is an athlete and athletes, generally, put their health and bodies on the line in order to achieve their goals. So, while I also hate to see him hurt, I'm also sometimes surprised by the "want to wrap him up in cotton wool" comments. I generally have a different attitude towards injuries, though, so maybe that's why. But everyone is free to react however they feel. As long as we keep it reasonable :) And I think that's very much the case here.

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10 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

Believe me, when you're passionate about something, no matter how many times your teachers tell you that you should rest, that you shouldn't practice so much, that you might injure yourself... You keep doing it, because you want to get to your goal.


Exactly. Mostly I just want him to do what he wants, the way he wants, however he wants, in order to fulfill his goals and dreams, even if I'm wincing at his poor ankle. And his head. And stomach. And whatever body parts he has injured through the years. :laughing:

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