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2 時間前, sweetwaterさんが言いました:


Sorry it's very long:bow:


I can agree with you on how to interpret the original question and how Iron Klaus translated it in his/her tweet. However, the reason why I posted my own translation of the original question was to make it clear that no one actually stated that Yuzu was inferior to Nathan or Tatsuki in that question as a fact. My stress was on the bolded part. 


I don’t know if the person who asked the question was Iron Klaus himself/herself, but I don’t think the person is thinking Yuzu is inferior to Nathan or Tatsuki. Midori Terada is known for liking Yuzu (she often praises Yuzu in her tweets and was very sympathetic toward him when he injured himself at NHK. Her tweet after NHK was shared and liked by many fans), so I think the person asked the question knew that she would not criticize Yuzu just because he hasn’t learned ballet. So if I would revise my translation listening to your opinion as a native English speaker, I would alter “do you feel there's anything you miss in him” into “do you feel anything is lacking in him”, but I wouldn’t rephrase it into something like “do you think he is inferior to Nathan and Tatsuki” because if the person wanted to be direct and use the negative word, he/she could have done it. Also, the person is using Nathan and Tatsuki just as examples. He/She is not asking for a direct comparison.


What I meant in my second post was that when sharing information which includes something negative (like bad news regarding injury, harsh criticism from someone, etc.), it's better to be careful, because otherwise, the information could cause unneeded trouble. This is what I'm saying to myself too.


About balletic Nathan vs. Yuzu, I probably feel quite different from some fans in the US, because, in Japan, Nathan is being introduced mainly as a strong contender equipped with various types of quads. For me, that Nathan has learned ballet is just a fact. It doesn’t affect how I see his performance. Yuzu’s lack of experience in ballet doesn’t affect how I see his performance either.


By the way, Tetsuya Kumakawa also made a favorable comment on Yuzu in the past.
Translation of Yuzu-related part by yuzusorbet
I don’t quite understand what he means in the part he talks about “plié”, but I always find it’s intriguing (especially the part about the awareness).


Agree on the whole post!


Actually, my personal impression was that the person asked the question was a Yuzuru's fan, who was interested (or questioning) in the importance of learning the ballet in figure skating and wanted to ask a pure question to a professional dancer like Midori, and just picked up two skaters as examples. (I won't use the word "inferior" in this case, either.)


Translation is very difficult, My English is still far from perfect so if I have any worry or doubt in my work, I tend not to post it because it is very scary to spread the wrong information...

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28 minutes ago, Sammie said:

**ugly crying**


I miss him so much! Is it me or he look even slimmer??  :tumblr_inline_mqt4gi2T9v1qz4rgp:

Omg , what was the message about ? Did he write “ I’m soooo ready for Olympic, my foot healed well, my quads behave, my costumes sparkling ,color unchanged  :laughing:  ....” I join you on “ugly crying “ :tumblr_inline_n2pjcykAXc1qdlkyg::tumblr_inline_n2pjcykAXc1qdlkyg::tumblr_inline_n2pjcykAXc1qdlkyg:

this is his first pic of 23 years old, haven’t seen him since last year , :sadPooh:

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19 minutes ago, Sammie said:

**ugly crying**


I miss him so much! Is it me or he look even slimmer??  :tumblr_inline_mqt4gi2T9v1qz4rgp:

Might be the angle. He just looks like they caught him straight after practice, or super early in the morning. He just looks deer in headlights, slightly tired. But guess ninja mode gone.

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28 minutes ago, Sammie said:

**ugly crying**


I miss him so much! Is it me or he look even slimmer??  :tumblr_inline_mqt4gi2T9v1qz4rgp:

Thank you for sharing!!!!!
AAAAAAA Hi Yuzu! How are you doing!!!???
Seems like this is the source of photo:
Along with the autograph, seems like a Yuzu-shaped object (something like this?)
is coming to Kumamoto.

18 minutes ago, yude said:

Translation is very difficult, My English is still far from perfect so if I have any worry or doubt in my work, I tend not to post it because it is very scary to spread the wrong information...

I often wait for someone better especially when the content of the text is important.:laughing: It's also difficult to correct a mistake in English once I made it...

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