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For some reason, I really like the Yuzu-Daisuke fanservice lol I think in ice shows they only did this once? I wonder why... (then again, given the apparent bad blood between their fans, maybe it was better not to, especially give their positions in this...)


Source: http://harpersbazaar.jp/celebrity/hanyu-yuzuru-evolution-180124-hns#node_48945

(and they mention Yuzu and Javi, too, and fans calling them ハビゆづ :xD: Good thing they don't know what else they call them ^_^; )

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32 minutes ago, KatjaThera said:

For some reason, I really like the Yuzu-Daisuke fanservice lol I think in ice shows they only did this once? I wonder why... (then again, given the apparent bad blood between their fans, maybe it was better not to, especially give their positions in this...)


Source: http://harpersbazaar.jp/celebrity/hanyu-yuzuru-evolution-180124-hns#node_48945

(and they mention Yuzu and Javi, too, and fans calling them ハビゆづ :xD: Good thing they don't know what else they call them ^_^; )


Well... correct me if I'm wrong but I think they haven't been in the same ice shows since FaOI 2014 .

There was this pic from Miki's instagram as well with the caption “Me and Daisuke kiss to Yuzuru.” :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:





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1 minute ago, kaeryth said:


Well... correct me if I'm wrong but I think they haven't been in the same ice shows since FaOI 2014 .

There was this pic from Miki's instagram as well with the caption “Me and Daisuke kiss to Yuzuru.” :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:





I think that was the one, FaOI 2014, since I think it was post Olympics. But I meant that out of the whole series of shows, they only did that entrance with Yuzu holding Daisuke once, then switched to more 'normal' ones. Or at least I remember reading that once... I could be wrong.


In a way I think it'll be fun/interesting with Daisuke as corespondent at Pyeongchang. Despite the fan wars and Daisuke's hardships, I think they actually get along pretty well and I kind of like their interactions, few as they are. And yes, I remember that picture LOL Yuzu's expression is priceless :LOL: (and his long neck seems to come in handy here lol) (I also like it that despite the expression, he's actually holding onto Daisuke rather gently :P)

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45 minutes ago, KatjaThera said:

I think that was the one, FaOI 2014, since I think it was post Olympics. But I meant that out of the whole series of shows, they only did that entrance with Yuzu holding Daisuke once, then switched to more 'normal' ones. Or at least I remember reading that once... I could be wrong.


In a way I think it'll be fun/interesting with Daisuke as corespondent at Pyeongchang. Despite the fan wars and Daisuke's hardships, I think they actually get along pretty well and I kind of like their interactions, few as they are. And yes, I remember that picture LOL Yuzu's expression is priceless :LOL: (and his long neck seems to come in handy here lol) (I also like it that despite the expression, he's actually holding onto Daisuke rather gently :P)


You can thank Kenji Miyamoto for the poses.. that picture/pose was done in Makuhari...




There's also this one..



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16 minutes ago, kaeryth said:


You can thank Kenji Miyamoto for the poses.. that picture/pose was done in Makuhari...

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There's also this one..



Thank you, Kenji! (He is to thank/blame for so many things... lol)


The heart I hadn't seen before, though! Thank you!

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7 hours ago, WinForPooh said:

Been wondering for a while, how long did Nathan do ballet? Because if he did it for long enough, what excuse does he have for not doing even one spiral?

Not everybody doing ballet like everything about it. A friend who finished nine years of ballet school HATES with al of her heart classical, even though you wouldn't say that from her performances (she always said it's too stiffy for her, lol). The compulsory dance/modern ballet on the other hand... It seems to be Nathan's horse as well.

I know it was just salt speaking, but just wanted to drop in this piece of how 'balletic' people can hate actual classical, so Yuzu is even better off without any training than this friend of mine-who, by the way, still hate extended arabesques, which I guess are base of at least some spirals xD

2 hours ago, kaeryth said:


You can thank Kenji Miyamoto for the poses.. that picture/pose was done in Makuhari...

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There's also this one..



I'm forever salty at how fans of those two have a bad blood between themselves...I mean, can you imagine The Power those fandoms would have when fused? No show, competition or exhibition would go without the fancam/fan report! Also, isn't Kenji responsible for the kabedon accident with Nobu as well?


1 hour ago, Murieleirum said:


Background! xD


As in: one of the two doesn't have balletic background!!! A r t i s t r y endangered!!!

That's why he actually have straighter back? xD

Okay, let's just let it go, at this point I'm more salty than the most famous Polish saltmines...

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2 hours ago, Floria said:

Find 10 differences...:laughing:





I've always wondered why I find Nathan awkward looking even when I like his costumes and he has good enough proportions. Finally, I understand why. Sometimes his costumes makes his torso look boxy because he doesn't have such a slim waist or broad shoulders to offset it like what I'm used to in Yuzu and Javi. It definitely makes such a difference in their costumes and what I personally find aesthetically pleasing. I never thought I would prefer curves on a guy but wow I do. But this may also just mean I don't like the cut of some of Nathan's costumes.

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16 時間前, MrPuddingさんが言いました:

thats the tea :war:



15 時間前, Forcefieldさんが言いました:


Asked whether #YuzuruHanyu should take ballet lessons as he is somewhat inferior to #NathanChen and #TatsukiMachida who took ballet lessons




Didn't read the article but,

This better be translated poorly or I'm going to knock whoever asked this question stating it AS IF it was a fact, as if it was the truth. Posture, sure maybe, but it's almost as if they implied it's about the forever subjective "artistry" and PUH-LEAZE as if Yuzu is inferior to either of them on that. Once again ballet does not equal artistry no matter what ubers and the US PR machine thinks, and I'm so tired of the thinking that Nathan's programs being much more appealing this year and new suddenly makes him the epitome of the gold-medal deserving skater who is pushing the envelope with artistry and quads.



Okay, okay, calming down - damn, Yuzu being absent and the hits are coming everywhere. Imagine if he was actually uninjured and roaring going into Olys.


Edit: I feel so bad for Machida. He only was noticed after Sochi and he retired soon after anyway. Now people are bringing him up (to crap on the "artistry" of current amateur skaters) but where was the love when he was competing!? 


14 時間前, sweetwaterさんが言いました:

It's a new one but I don't know if it's worth ordering from overseas. It's two B3 sized close-up shots taken during Notte Stellata and an older performance (I think it was from 2013-2014 season but my memory is vague,) but I've seen better shots in other magazines. I would save the money and buy other books or magazines that would be released later.


It's a question from someone who follows her on twitter. The original question doesn't say that he is inferior to anyone.


The question: 
羽生選手はバレエを習っておりませんが、ネイサン選手や町田さんなど、バレエをしている(た)方と比べて、物足りない部分はあると思いますか? 習われた方がいいと思いますか?

(Hanyu senshu has never taken a ballet lesson. (t/n: IIRC he has taken a short-term lesson at TCC in the past) Compared with those who have learned ballet (e.g. Nathan Chen and Tatsuki Machida), do you feel there's anything you miss in him? Do you think he should start taking ballet lessons?)


And Midori said no.


14 時間前, SparkleSaladさんが言いました:


Thanks for clearing that up!


(I'm getting quite annoyed by these incorrect translations from some people. :/ That's quite a simple sentence to translate, too, even for me.)


14 時間前, xeyraさんが言いました:


This and other stuff is kind of why I go back and forth on muting a certain translator on twitter... 


14 時間前, SparkleSaladさんが言いました:


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They seem to be in a very defensive mindset and I think either it clouds their perception or perhaps they just enjoy making things seem more dramatic than they are. It's a shame.



14 時間前, Forcefieldさんが言いました:


Thank you! Clarification was definitely necessary.


Though that outburst came because of a mix of different stuff. Just not good.



It's so important because a lot of people not only native speakers use English to pass information and wrong translations can go far and cause damage. 


13 時間前, sweetwaterさんが言いました:

I’m a bit annoyed too, especially when the content of the text includes something negative. But the translator is always fast and not always wrong. When the tweet is a translation of someone else’s tweet, we need to check the source to see the context.


11 時間前, kichesさんが言いました:

While I think the phrasing of the text in the tweet is a bit confusing, I took it to be the tweeter injecting a bit of their own POV and not a straight translation of the question that Midori was asked. 


I think the part about “inferior” comes from the fact that some skating fans think Yuzuru doesn’t have classic ballet training and thus has poor posture or lines. It’s just that they didn’t make a good distinction between what was asked and why they chose to translate this tweet in the first place. 


In all fairness to Iron Klaus, whose interpretation is indeed sometimes questionable, and with all due respect to @sweetwater, of whom Japanese is a native language, I don't find the choice of word "inferior" wrong per se, contextually. I'd say it's pretty accurate and even natural when translated into English. "Monotarinai" does indeed indicate inferiority in this particular context.


I think the whole problem, though, is that part was phrased as a question originally, and Iron Klaus' mistake was overlooking that and making it come out as more a statement. So I would say @sweetwater's phrasing with IK's  choice of words would be pretty accurate. I myself would probably have used the word "lacking" which holds the connotation of inferior in this context, which is why I think IK's choice in words isn't fundamentally wrong  at all.


So, "(as a ballet dancer yourself) do you find him inferior to those two/lacking when compared to those two?" would be a pretty accurate translation, I'd think. And the question itself is a fair one, seeing as how people always like to talk about ballet in fs like it's the only artistic requirement, and specifically comparing one skater with another*, so I'd say it couldn't be directed at a more appropriate person. 


*Taking Hanyu out of the equation altogether, I think the more they put the word "ballet" and "Nathan Chen" in the same sentence, the less favors they are doing him. Because even if US media keeps hammering it into our heads and the scoring reflects their words, Chen's  performances don't. Like it's one thing if he actually successfully translates what he's learned into his competition skates, which signs aren't there no matter how much the US media and the judges try to put it into our heads that they are so we'd be able to imagine them into reality the way they seem to be doing, but it's quite another if we only really get to see it in galas, where he no longer has to focus on successfully landing his quads and 3A. Like if they didn't do that, we'd try to focus on his positives instead. This is virtually forcing us the focus on his negatives.

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Hey come on, let's not be too mean to Nathan. I actually really like his SP choreography this season. But the less balletic is used in the same sentence as him the best for my peace of mind. As someone once said, the more you try to hammer in that someone is artistic the less they probably are. And Nathan is no slouch, he just unfortunately can't quite make his EX potential co-exist in harmony with 5 quad programs quite yet.

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hace 3 minutos , xeyra said:

Hey come on, let's not be too mean to Nathan. I actually really like his SP choreography this season. But the less balletic is used in the same sentence as him the best for my peace of mind. As someone once said, the more you try to hammer in that someone is artistic the less they probably are. And Nathan is no slouch, he just unfortunately can't quite make his EX potential co-exist in harmony with 5 quad programs quite yet.

I think nobody wants to be mean to him, we are just annoyed about the scores and tired of balletic nonsense, that's all. 

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