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4 minutes ago, Forcefield said:

This better be translated poorly or I'm going to knock whoever asked this question stating it AS IF it was a fact, as if it was the truth. Posture, sure maybe, but it's almost as if they implied it's about the forever subjective "artistry" and PUH-LEAZE as if Yuzu is inferior to either of them on that. Once again ballet does not equal artistry no matter what ubers and the US PR machine thinks, and I'm so tired of the thinking that Nathan's programs being much more appealing this year and new suddenly makes him the epitome of the gold-medal deserving skater who is pushing the envelope with artistry and quads.



personally, yuzuru has a lot more artistry than nathan does...his skating connects emotionally to the music, which is why he is able to pull off so many different genres. nathan is admittedly very good at quads, but he shoves so many in his programs that there's so little space left to project and charm his audience and hence, the music honestly just seems like an accessory to his skating. yuzu on the other hand dances to his music; a lot of his choreography peaks at the climax of the music as well, which makes his performances draw so much more. 

yuzu definitely does not need ballet lessons; he's got the artistry covered.

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55 minutes ago, Forcefield said:

Posture, sure maybe

Can someone explain to me why Yuzu's posture is inferior to anyone's, including Nathan's, because I just don't see it? Because when I think of good posture I think of Yuzu, and nothing about Nathan's free skate screams great posture or lines to me, just stiffness and lack of back arch or any creative upper body choreography. When I stretch and try to hit (dream) positions I see in my head Chopin, Seimei, Notte Stellata, and H&L, and when I watch one of those young jumping beans skating I think about how much more core and upper body strength they need to keep Yuzu's lines and posture. So given that he's such an inspiration to me for his immense core and back strength and his beautiful lines and full-body involvement with the music, I really don't get why he's considered actually inferior in those aspects??

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When Yuzuru is capable of positions like the pic below, I don't see why he needs to waste his time on ballet.  He's got great posture and lines and expressiveness even through his fingertips. And since when is ballet a PCS requirement? You know what is? Skating skills, and you know who excels at it? He does.  You know who doesn't as well? Nate. 



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1 minute ago, Danibellerika said:

He also has born musicality. He didn't need to grow up playing an instrument to achieve that either. 


Well you can't dance without it! I'm not sure how anyone can separate the two. Dance is just a series of posing, otherwise. 



As for his posture, I don't understand unless "good posture" is code for "balletic posture" which is nonsense. Certain "balletic" figure skaters have a terrible posture themselves. 

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32 minutes ago, yuzuangel said:

Can someone explain to me why Yuzu's posture is inferior to anyone's, including Nathan's, because I just don't see it? Because when I think of good posture I think of Yuzu, and nothing about Nathan's free skate screams great posture or lines to me, just stiffness and lack of back arch or any creative upper body choreography. When I stretch and try to hit (dream) positions I see in my head Chopin, Seimei, Notte Stellata, and H&L, and when I watch one of those young jumping beans skating I think about how much more core and upper body strength they need to keep Yuzu's lines and posture. So given that he's such an inspiration to me for his immense core and back strength and his beautiful lines and full-body involvement with the music, I really don't get why he's considered actually inferior in those aspects??


It's not, so I can't answer your question! :P

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8 hours ago, SparkleSalad said:


Hanyu pinup...


ETA can’t find it on Amazon. :( (Oh, it’s an old issue.)

It's a new one but I don't know if it's worth ordering from overseas. It's two B3 sized close-up shots taken during Notte Stellata and an older performance (I think it was from 2013-2014 season but my memory is vague,) but I've seen better shots in other magazines. I would save the money and buy other books or magazines that would be released later.


1 hour ago, Forcefield said:


Asked whether #YuzuruHanyu should take ballet lessons as he is somewhat inferior to #NathanChen and #TatsukiMachida who took ballet lessons




Didn't read the article but,

This better be translated poorly or I'm going to knock whoever asked this question stating it AS IF it was a fact, as if it was the truth. Posture, sure maybe, but it's almost as if they implied it's about the forever subjective "artistry" and PUH-LEAZE as if Yuzu is inferior to either of them on that. Once again ballet does not equal artistry no matter what ubers and the US PR machine thinks, and I'm so tired of the thinking that Nathan's programs being much more appealing this year and new suddenly makes him the epitome of the gold-medal deserving skater who is pushing the envelope with artistry and quads.



Okay, okay, calming down - damn, Yuzu being absent and the hits are coming everywhere. Imagine if he was actually uninjured and roaring going into Olys.


Edit: I feel so bad for Machida. He only was noticed after Sochi and he retired soon after anyway. Now people are bringing him up (to crap on the "artistry" of current amateur skaters) but where was the love when he was competing!? 

It's a question from someone who follows her on twitter. The original question doesn't say that he is inferior to anyone.


The question: 
羽生選手はバレエを習っておりませんが、ネイサン選手や町田さんなど、バレエをしている(た)方と比べて、物足りない部分はあると思いますか? 習われた方がいいと思いますか?

(Hanyu senshu has never taken a ballet lesson. (t/n: IIRC he has taken a short-term lesson at TCC in the past) Compared with those who have learned ballet (e.g. Nathan Chen and Tatsuki Machida), do you feel there's anything you miss in him? Do you think he should start taking ballet lessons?)


And Midori said no.

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2 minutes ago, sweetwater said:

It's a new one but I don't know if it's worth ordering from overseas. It's two B3 sized close-up shots taken during Notte Stellata and an older performance (I think it was from 2013-2014 season but my memory is vague,) but I've seen better shots in other magazines. I would save the money and buy other books or magazines that would be released later.


It's a question from someone who follows her on twitter. The original question doesn't say that he is inferior to anyone.


The question: 
羽生選手はバレエを習っておりませんが、ネイサン選手や町田さんなど、バレエをしている(た)方と比べて、物足りない部分はあると思いますか? 習われた方がいいと思いますか?

(Hanyu senshu has never taken a ballet lesson. (t/n: IIRC he has taken a short-term lesson at TCC in the past) Compared with those who have learned ballet (e.g. Nathan Chen and Tatsuki Machida), do you feel there's anything you miss in him? Do you think he should start taking ballet lessons?)


And Midori said no.


Thanks for clearing that up!


(I'm getting quite annoyed by these incorrect translations from some people. :/ That's quite a simple sentence to translate, too, even for me.)

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5 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


Thanks for clearing that up!


(I'm getting quite annoyed by these incorrect translations from some people. :/ That's quite a simple sentence to translate, too, even for me.)


This and other stuff is kind of why I go back and forth on muting a certain translator on twitter... 

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2 minutes ago, xeyra said:


This and other stuff is kind of why I go back and forth on muting a certain translator on twitter... 



They seem to be in a very defensive mindset and I think either it clouds their perception or perhaps they just enjoy making things seem more dramatic than they are. It's a shame.


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7 minutes ago, sweetwater said:

It's a question from someone who follows her on twitter. The original question doesn't say that he is inferior to anyone.


The question: 
羽生選手はバレエを習っておりませんが、ネイサン選手や町田さんなど、バレエをしている(た)方と比べて、物足りない部分はあると思いますか? 習われた方がいいと思いますか?

(Hanyu senshu has never taken a ballet lesson. (t/n: IIRC he has taken a short-term lesson at TCC in the past) Compared with those who have learned ballet (e.g. Nathan Chen and Tatsuki Machida), do you feel there's anything you miss in him? Do you think he should start taking ballet lessons?)


And Midori said no.


Thank you! Clarification was definitely necessary.


Though that outburst came because of a mix of different stuff. Just not good.


2 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


Thanks for clearing that up!


(I'm getting quite annoyed by these incorrect translations from some people. :/ That's quite a simple sentence to translate, too, even for me.)


It's so important because a lot of people not only native speakers use English to pass information and wrong translations can go far and cause damage. 

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10 minutes ago, yuzuangel said:

Can someone explain to me why Yuzu's posture is inferior to anyone's, including Nathan's, because I just don't see it? Because when I think of good posture I think of Yuzu, and nothing about Nathan's free skate screams great posture or lines to me, just stiffness and lack of back arch or any creative upper body choreography. When I stretch and try to hit (dream) positions I see in my head Chopin, Seimei, Notte Stellata, and H&L, and when I watch one of those young jumping beans skating I think about how much more core and upper body strength they need to keep Yuzu's lines and posture. So given that he's such an inspiration to me for his immense core and back strength and his beautiful lines and full-body involvement with the music, I really don't get why he's considered actually inferior in those aspects??



I would understand if this was about, idk a 15-16 yo Yuzu, bc let's be honest, because of how dramatical R&J was, there was no time to show lines, and flailing noodle didn't have your usual qualities like say Patrick Chan, who stepped, then heeeeeld the edge making me wonder how geometry works for him cuz those angles I did not see possible then show off the next one and so on. Noodle on the other hand was dramatic, throwing himself all over the ice, creating something more flaily, but also more fitting for a 16yo trying to fight the world? Oh and his back sometimes in second half looked hunched ngl. It was pencil-straight during jumps and after them tho.


Or, if they were putting it against Notre Dame or R&J2, as much as I love the toppings Yuzu added to them with the flail. Because he couldn't pose, a la others, because music forced him to movemovemove (that's subjective opinion, tough, I always tend to see the 'more' skater/dancer could do to this particular passage, and Yuzu often seems to see the same), and because of that, to people used to precision of Daisuke's steps or Patrick's edges (if you look at both of them, their backs are almost never hunched, unless they're doing something requiring it), he could have seem, erm, unrefined?

But, then comes the Phantom, then Seimei, then H&L, and I'm just ??? as it's obvious Yuzu holds his core, more, controls it even better than those mentioned by me before.

You know this movement in Javi's SP where he pretends to almost fall? It requires insane core control but also confidence in one's balance (ESPECIALLY on ice), and I think out of top six, I see only Javi and Yuzu manage things like that? Not even Patrick, because while his edges are great, his posture is great only to a certain degree and I don't think he could adapt to the imbalance acting (or more likely, flailing) with upper half of his body-or maybe I'm putting too little trust in him. Anyway, why I think Yuzuru can do Javi-like flailing? Because he does similiar things during most of his Step Sequences, but he does so in such a rapid continuity it might seem uncontrolled (which, actually, convey his program feel, say, in Chopin's case, where he's supposed to be romanticist, as attuned to feelings and as dramatic as possible), while in Javier's case you almost see the control. This element of wilderness/inability to see acting below seemingly uncontrolled motion is what makes people think Yuzu do not have good posture (excuse to rewatch Chopin yay!just before ina bauer in Chopin StSq here, material of his costume makes it look like he is hunching his back, which helps the Drama, but people not knowing it would cause loss of too much control might take it as actual hunching. Plus, since he's preparing to use his arms in upward motion, if you pause just at the right moment, it looks like he's putting his shoulders up and forward, though I can't believe anybody would spend so much time just trying to catch that frame)



And if that wall of text isn't really convincing, it's just that people didn't see Yuzu's Swan, because three-fourth of it's movements are a perfect example of what a piece of art a good cognitive ability along with musicality can make of human body.

As a bonus, I'm dropping the Bam!Lines post of x-monster here!


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