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Speaking of training. Some of us were thinking of methods to train and maintain stamina while he was recuperating and one of my thoughts was he could swim laps. 


Unfortunately he pretty much said he didn’t know how to swim, but I was thinking he would learn if it helped him keep in shape. Anyone with a background in physiology or sports training want to weigh in on whether I’m totally off my rocker?

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10 minutes ago, kiches said:

Speaking of training. Some of us were thinking of methods to train and maintain stamina while he was recuperating and one of my thoughts was he could swim laps. 


Unfortunately he pretty much said he didn’t know how to swim, but I was thinking he would learn if it helped him keep in shape. Anyone with a background in physiology or sports training want to weigh in on whether I’m totally off my rocker?

wasn{t his percentage of body fat a problem when it came to swimming?

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25 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

wasn{t his percentage of body fat a problem when it came to swimming?

Although I'm thinking, from the memories of all the high school anime I've watched:

They have swimming lessons in gym class, right? Did Yuzu get exempted from those in high school or did he have to suck it up and swim (albeit in shallow water) anyways?

(Also, if my memory serves me correctly, the TCC has a pool.)

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42 minutes ago, kiches said:

Speaking of training. Some of us were thinking of methods to train and maintain stamina while he was recuperating and one of my thoughts was he could swim laps. 


Unfortunately he pretty much said he didn’t know how to swim, but I was thinking he would learn if it helped him keep in shape. Anyone with a background in physiology or sports training want to weigh in on whether I’m totally off my rocker?


I imagine he did some training to maintain his muscle, particularly in his legs and probably his core, at least. Things like weight machines that he could use without engaging his ankle in the process. IDK about cardio. Depends on what his off-ice training is like and what would be useful to him, if swimming isn't possible because he can't float (lol) then honestly I'm not totally sure what he could do cardio wise while he needed to totally rest his ankle. But while he was in rehab and could put weight on it, just had to go easy on it.....I imagine some stationary bike or something could work. 


I am kinda imagining him not necessarily swimming but doing water aerobics...Like old ladies do....But its also a good/common way of doing sports rehab because its easy on joints but it good resistance training

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18 minutes ago, souyouki said:

Although I'm thinking, from the memories of all the high school anime I've watched:

They have swimming lessons in gym class, right? Did Yuzu get exempted from those in high school or did he have to suck it up and swim (albeit in shallow water) anyways?

(Also, if my memory serves me correctly, the TCC has a pool.)

i can't float either but i can "swim"

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21 minutes ago, souyouki said:

Although I'm thinking, from the memories of all the high school anime I've watched:

They have swimming lessons in gym class, right? Did Yuzu get exempted from those in high school or did he have to suck it up and swim (albeit in shallow water) anyways?

(Also, if my memory serves me correctly, the TCC has a pool.)

I wouldn't be surprised if Yuzu was exempted from gym class as he was a world-class athlete engaged in intensive physical training.  Considering his training regimen the school's administration was probably doing everything it could to facilitate Yuzu's taking the courses he really needed.  As for TCC, it has a short-course (25 meters) swimming pool with a retractable roof so things can be opened up during summer.  Had Yuzu wanted he could easily have taken instruction there.  Also, I think he would still be able to float even with a very low body-fat ratio.  But somebody who is fully accredited in sports physiology would be able to provide a definitive answer there.  I think an element that might account for his lack of swim training is quite simply fear of the water.  I know that was what I had to deal with when I was in high school and it was only by sheer will-power that in my senior year I was able to swim (dog-paddle, which means your head doesn't go under the water) the length of the pool.  My classmates there, who were aware of the many years I had been dealing with the problem, actually applauded me, recognizing how I had at last been able to cope with my fear.  The fear wasn't gone.  It was simply answered by a lifelong avoidance of swimming pools and other bodies of water.  Whether that's the situation I do not know and I doubt there will be any official word concerning the issue.  The world has more important things to worry about where Yuzu is concerned.


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1 hour ago, Hydroblade said:

wasn{t his percentage of body fat a problem when it came to swimming?

ohh i hadn't considered this, but you're right. there were always a couple of guys who had a lot of trouble staying afloat in swim class because guys have wayy lower body fat percentage than girls. it's funny bc my university requires you to know how to swim to graduate..... :P

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1 hour ago, Forcefield said:


Even if he doesn't skate the team event he'll probably have to sit in the Japan team area anyway, I think. Although maybe not for all the events? Daisuke didn't do the team in Sochi and I think he sat for the men's FS.


Well, idk.

I don't think he has to be there if he doesn't compete? I mean I could be mistaken n they do actually force all the TJ athletes to sit there and watch, but I highly doubt that

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