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56 minutes ago, kaerb said:

Not recent - the serial record breaker one at the start of the season (also I realised Olympic Channel could be misleading bc isn't there an American broadcaster or something? I meant the IOC/official Olympics organisation). 


This was the article that jinxed Yuzu because it said he was going to the 2018 Olympics as reigning GPF champion... :tumblr_inline_n18qr8XewT1qid2nw: Bad article! Must exorcise.

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3 hours ago, Murieleirum said:

Good Morning Yuzuru,

I Hope you will have a great day of practice today! And be careful with your jumps!!

I can Imagine he must be doing a lot of 3A's maybe... It's 3.5 rotations, but he could do It in his sleep, so...


Imagine a sleep-kicking Yuzu, agressively rolling around on his poor bed lol  :embSwan:

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guys just wanna ask something abt yuzu's injury and rehabilitation. he went back to ice last 12/16, right? it was said that he needs 4-6 weeks rehabilitation. does he needs 4-6weeks rehab before training 100% and start jumping or he's expected to slowly start jumping in between those 4-6 weeks? i mean, if he needs to wait for 4-6 weeks more before he can start doing his normal training, then it'll be around mid towards the end of january and i think it's pretty crucial and he might not get back to his top form in time.can someone enlighten me more abt this? 😥😰

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15 minutes ago, ainjxx said:

guys just wanna ask something abt yuzu's injury and rehabilitation. he went back to ice last 12/16, right? it was said that he needs 4-6 weeks rehabilitation. does he needs 4-6weeks rehab before training 100% and start jumping or he's expected to slowly start jumping in between those 4-6 weeks? i mean, if he needs to wait for 4-6 weeks more before he can start doing his normal training, then it'll be around mid towards the end of january and i think it's pretty crucial and he might not get back to his top form in time.can someone enlighten me more abt this? 😥😰

I think what he said was he needed about 2 weeks of complete rest where he can't use his right ankle period, then about 4 weeks where he gradually starts rehab to move back on the ice. So a total of about 4-6 weeks before he gains back his full jumping form. Which calendar wise puts us at about late Dec (around JNats) when he goes back to practice on ice. Given what the injury is, he might take a bit longer, so probably back on ice in late Dec and probably test things out and recover jumps around the late Dec-early Jan/mid Jan timeline. So far it seems he withdrew from JNats because his quads were not back in full force.


He would have about a month of practice to regain peak form (though based on what Nobu and Brian has said, he might need less than that).

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12 minutes ago, Xen said:

I think what he said was he needed about 2 weeks of complete rest where he can't use his right ankle period, then about 4 weeks where he gradually starts rehab to move back on the ice. So a total of about 4-6 weeks before he gains back his full jumping form. Which calendar wise puts us at about late Dec (around JNats) when he goes back to practice on ice. Given what the injury is, he might take a bit longer, so probably back on ice in late Dec and probably test things out and recover jumps around the late Dec-early Jan/mid Jan timeline. So far it seems he withdrew from JNats because his quads were not back in full force.


He would have about a month of practice to regain peak form (though based on what Nobu and Brian has said, he might need less than that).


A week or so before nats we were told Yuzu still felt pain and wasn’t even back on ice and... was it around a week after nats or was it along with the WD announcement? (I am forgetful) we were told that Yuzu is back in the ice but only carefully working with his uninjured ankle. So he didn’t withdraw from nats bc his quads weren’t back in full force, he withdrew bc he hasn’t been on the ice, at all :13877886:

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1 minute ago, robin said:


A week or so before nats we were told Yuzu still felt pain and wasn’t even back on ice and... was it around a week after nats or was it along with the WD announcement? (I am forgetful) we were told that Yuzu is back in the ice but only carefully working with his uninjured ankle. So he didn’t withdraw from nats bc his quads weren’t back in full force, he withdrew bc he hasn’t been, at all

I think that quote came about a week after his Bday, and his withdraw notice (with jumps not back reason) was around Dec. 20th. But I would think he's back on ice now, because the way the WD was said, it seemed he was back on ice, just not doing jumps yet.

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4 minutes ago, Xen said:

I think that quote came about a week after his Bday, and his withdraw notice (with jumps not back reason) was around Dec. 20th. But I would think he's back on ice now, because the way the WD was said, it seemed he was back on ice, just not doing jumps yet.


Oh the way you said it made it sound like he was already jumping quads but just not consistently :13877886: Well true, he might have been back on ice around nats but nowhere near jumping condition 


eta: So @ainjxx, basically the 4-6 weeks were needed to recover enough to carefully step back on the ice rather than regaining his form and being able to train 100%. Sigh. 

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He had ligament damage (type 2 sprain) instead of just the type 1 sprain we originally thought he might have had, so the initial 10 days full rest with 3-4 weeks of rehab and getting back into shape for Nationals in the end turned into about 5 weeks recovery time and rehab until he got on ice on December 16. During that time (before December 16) he also had bone and tendon inflammation, which didn't help a fast recovery. Now his rehab will continue while he is doing whatever he needs to slowly get his jumps back. Hopefully no more inflammation happens and he is careful with the post-ice recovery and rehab. As for his jumps and general shape, it'll depend on exactly how much conditioning he's been able to keep doing off ice while he's recovered. 

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Because I'm a sucker for timelines, I went back through the thread:

Dec. 16th - mysterious tweet says Yuzu is back on the ice

Dec. 18th - WD announcement

Dec. 24th - Kobayashi revealed she had met with Yuzu's team on the 16th and was told he'd been back on the ice a bit, but was not doing jumps yet. (So I think this implies he'd been on the ice before the 16th, taking into consideration time differences.)


I was thinking now, that since Spanish Nationals were Dec. 15th-17th, they could have timed it so Yuzu went back on the ice to do his first few small steps while Brian was away, and hopefully be ready to get down to more serious business once Brian came back... But of course, that's just speculation on my part. But that means he's been back on the ice for a little over two weeks now, even taking into account that TCC is apparently closed on Christmas. How far he's managed to get is anyone's guess, but I think they might be on schedule...

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