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35 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:


This is me when I get good news about Yuzu




Because tardigrades rock and always revive :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:


You learn something new every day on the Planet!


I LOVE THESE TARDIGRADES! According to Wikipedia, they are also known colloquially as water bears, space bears, or moss piglets.


Tardigrades are one of the most resilient animals known. Individual species of tardigrade can survive extreme conditions that would be rapidly fatal to nearly all other known life forms, including complete global mass extinction events due to astrophysical events, such as supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, or large meteorite impacts. Some tardigrades can withstand extremely cold temperatures (close to absolute zero), while others can withstand extremely hot temperatures up to 420 K (300°F, 150°C) for several minutes, pressures about 6 times greater than those found in the deepest ocean trenches, ionizing radiation at doses hundreds of times higher than the lethal dose for a human, and the vacuum of outer space. They can go without food or water for more than 30 years, drying out to the point where they are 3% or less water, only to rehydrate, forage, and reproduce. Tardigrades that live in harsh conditions undergo an annual process of cyclomorphosis, allowing for survival in sub-zero temperatures.


I hope Yuzuru has these miraculous powers of survival and recovery!

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My internet (and christmas chores, yay for being only person specialized in making homemade pasta...) is killing me, this Planet revives me!

23 hours ago, kaerb said:

I'll be at Milan too :laughing: but I'll happily sacrifice a cleanish Seimei at Milan if it means he can hit the jackpot at Olys 

(well he landed the 4Lz, so he's got that over the 4S LOL)

But, didn't he land the 4S at its debut competition too? Only then followed the season(s) he couldn't land it to save his life...kinda like his first 3A followed by a season of 3A drought...and 4T landed on the first competition only to mess up in the next...

Holy shit, the boy has a pattern xD


15 hours ago, ralucutzagy said:

My husband came to terms with my crazy FS/Yuzu passion for some time now! He looks at my laptop sometimes and he's like: oh, you watch figure skating again! lol, he finds it kinda boring! But I find his football games kinda boring too so we are equals ... :laughing: He sees Yuzu more like a girl, saying he's too cute for a boy, and then I tell him: you know what? girls don't jump quads like Yuzu does so, no, he's not a girl, but he laugh at me saying maybe, but he looks like one ... so I try to show him SEIMEI, but he's still not sold out ... :laughing:

Pari-san didn't help? I would say Vertigo/Hello I love you, but he was so young then that I doubt nonbeliever can be convinced with them :/ Or maybe go RJ1 route? Because it's unpolished(in a good way) and in-your-face-I-fight instead of Seimei's I-murder-you-in-your-sleep-but-do-this-with-serene-elegance-fight...(Yes I'm contradicting myself on a age point from previous sentence :D)


15 hours ago, Gingers said:


I also share about yuzuru to my gf. She is very excited everytime I watch or talk about him...for a reason. She said its hillarious to see me fanboying :dry::dry:

Aww, that's actually cute! I guess I feel your girlfriend...Now you actually only need to convert her into a fan and you can go to comps together! xD


7 hours ago, Dori6886 said:

Didn't know Yuzu has a twin brother Yuduru:rofl:

It's patr of Eightuplets(or is this Octuplets? Lol, sounds scary)! Yuzuru is the oldest brother, and gathers attention so the others can infiltrate the ISU system but they sometimes slip up!


6 hours ago, MrPudding said:

lol is this mezamashi :smiley-laughing021:

Ppl: Who is this handsome politician in green?


6 hours ago, Hydroblade said:

Speaking of which, i was killing time after work at a bookstore yesterday and they had the Guinness World Record book :P I literally blushed when i read his name what is wrong with me :rofl: (I was disappointed tho, they only mentioned him as the first man to land a quad loop, AND NO PPoS PIC! Blasphemy)

I ended up looking up the FS and only Zhenya's photo in not so well made Biellmann? Why? You have so much more to show >.<


1 hour ago, Neenah said:

The mood in this thread moved to sad again :think:


Well, according to our cycle we will be moving to weird next so I am looking forward to that  :P 

Ok, who made that cycle chart, lemme have one, too :laughing:


15 minutes ago, Geo1 said:


You learn something new every day on the Planet!


I LOVE THESE TARDIGRADES! According to Wikipedia, they are also known colloquially as water bears, space bears, or moss piglets.

Prime Minister Pooh has found reliable troops for our army!


7 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:


I so hope to be blooming/watered cactus, but I'm more of a Swaying cactus-I mix burning cactus with the other types :'D


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