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24 minutes ago, Floria said:

Why  don't they mention that he hasn't  won any free skate this season yet.  Sorry, I am also bitter about this kind of unnecessary mentions.


And they repeat the knee injury rumour...:facepalm:

I’m bitter too. They just have to sneak that one sentence. NA media just .....  :animated-smileys-angry-035:

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I said some of this in an earlier post but I'll repeat it.  He's officially out of the nationals now but if tickets went on sale before there was doubt he would make the competition or even before the fall 'heard round the world', I think a significant part of the tickets are in the hands of the Yuzu fans.  He's out, but will they still go?  I think it quite possible and I think they'll sport their Pooh paraphernalia there, ears and cloaks and all.  No Pooh toys, though.  Yuzu will be able to see very visibly his fans are still with him when he watches the proceedings.  As for the Pooh toys, well, he's missed two competitions so far and at the end of this week we'll add another.  There's quite a logjam forming.  Will it be sprung at 4CC?  I hope he does go there.  He needs a competition to put him back into competition mode mentally.  Right now he's operating in recuperation mode and then he'll be in practice mode once he's back on the ice and doing serious training.  It's good that both programs he's doing this year are revivals, even though they do have some changes but these primarily concern the jumping passes, so he can do much of the programs in his sleep.  I do hope he'll take seriously what happened at ACI.  He dumbed down his short program a little but still managed to set a world record score.  He should think of doing the same now because he can win with a competitive TES and the bulk of his effort in earning as many 10s from the various judges on his PCS.  That's where he can find the gold.  Sure, Patrick is in the same league as Yuzu is when PCS is concerned, but Patrick does not have the jumps.  Yuzu is THE total skater and he should remember that he wins the competitions and sets the records not necessarily when his TES is the highest but when his TES is competitive and his PCS leaves every other skater in the dust.  Looking at the skates of his likely rivals at PC, only Shoma approaches Yuzu in terms of PCS.  Boyang is improving as also Nathan, but I think it would be better for Yuzu to dial back on the number of quads and instead concentrate on doing his jumps as perfectly as possible.  Base values have their value, but the real advantage in TES comes when you rack up the GOE points.  Yuzu gets high GOEs because his jump entrances and transitions simply outshine everyone else around and his spins have a complexity that no other skater approaches.  Years ago, in his junior days, he had trouble with the triple axel.   Now he's the master of the jump, primarily because of his very difficult entry and his frequent landing straight into a spread-eagle.  It's touches like that (and there are many others) that rack up his GOE score.  With all that in mind, I hope that Yuzu trains safely and that he does go to 4CC to get him back to competing mode.  Also, remember everyone, 4CC is the only major competition (not counting the GP legs) he has never won.  Could this year finally be the year for that.  And what a morale booster that would be, going to PC with that gold medal in hand.  He wouldn't take to the ice there in competing mood.  He'd take to the ice in WINNING mode.

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The WD was expected and it was a relief, but I still feel a bit bummed, thinking about how hard these days (weeks) are for Yuzuru.:tumblr_inline_n2pje3s3EO1qdlkyg: Hopefully it's true he's back on the ice. To have official confirmationthat he can at least skate, even if just doing a bit of stroking, would be a huge relief.

I hope he won't let gloominess and frustration get the better of him, that he can stay mentally strong and that he can keep recovering steadily.


We still have no official statement about Yuzu being back on ice, right? Only those tweets and some rumour about "can't jump at high quality" that kinda implies he's at least doing something on the ice...:tumblr_inline_ncmifiE3IT1rpglid:

And still JSF hasn't confirmed Yuzuru will be in the Oly team, right? I expect him to be chosen, of course, but an official statement would be nice:tumblr_inline_mzx95p7TPv1r8msi5:


tbh that Nathan has hardly won any fs, despite having by far the highes BV, is mind boggling, And it's not as if his competitors have been flawless :slinkaway:  (and this despite the PCS and GOE candies)

And well, the cherrypicking is to be expected, as well as media using every chance to prop their fave...I'm sure some people would love to have a less than top condition Yuzu in PyeongChang, but I'm sure he'll do his best to dash their hopes :biggrin:


Also, apparently NBC still hasn't learned that too much hype for their current golden boy can have unpleasant drawbacks in competition.:facepalm:


ETA: happy birthday to Brian, may he have many more days of happiness and satisfaction ahead :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid::10815002: and may he need to update soon Yuzu's Oly (and World, why not:P) plaque on that TCC wall :tumblr_m9gct8HYvv1qzckow:


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19 minutes ago, Elaine said:
25 minutes ago, xeyra said:


Can I respectfully ask for any and all tweets with that photo to be posted as a link instead? I hate it with a passion. 


You are absolutely right, I hate that picture too, but I do not know how to 3dit my post

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8 minutes ago, IULIANA said:

You are absolutely right, I hate that picture too, but I do not know how to 3dit my post


Don't worry about it, all done. 

If you want to edit your posts, see on the bottom of it? There's an Edit option. Click on it, and then once you put in a link, it'll embed it but below it, it offers an option to display as link only - you click on that, and it'll go back to a link, instead of an embed. But no worries, I took care of it now :smiley-happy085:

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1 時間前, Fayさんが言いました:

Argh, did they have to insert the info about Chen the undefeated skater this season into this? 


1 時間前, Floriaさんが言いました:

Why  don't they mention that he hasn't  won any free skate this season yet.  Sorry, I am also bitter about this kind of unnecessary mentions.


And they repeat the knee injury rumour...:facepalm:


54 分, Sammieさんが言いました:

I’m bitter too. They just have to sneak that one sentence. NA media just .....  :animated-smileys-angry-035:


Lol. If this was the other way around, if Hanyu were the one having a winning season (let's not worry about the details of whether he won by virtue of only one strong program because that was exactly how it went for him back in his last year as a junior) and the article was talking about Chen having a not-so-great one while sneaking in a mention of Hanyu being undefeated, I'm willing to bet that none of us would be complaining. xD I know I wouldn't be. I'd be glad for any mention of Hanyu that's spun in a positive light.


Let's just hope Chen's streak will serve as motivation for Hanyu. And that he'll have better skates as the season wears on.

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3 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:




Lol. If this was the other way around, if Hanyu were the one having a winning season (let's not worry about the details of whether he won by virtue of only one strong program because that was exactly how it went for him back in his last year as a junior) and the article was talking about Chen having a not-so-great one while sneaking in a mention of Hanyu being undefeated, I'm willing to bet that none of us would be complaining. xD I know I wouldn't be. I'd be glad for any mention of Hanyu that's spun in a positive light.


Let's just hope Chen's streak will serve as motivation for Hanyu. And that he'll have better skates as the season wears on.


Tbh this is true, but I'm just spilling :salty: because Hanyu has been injured and out most of the season, and its like irrelevant since he's been out and a "can you not gloat?" kind of deal, even if that may or may not have been the intention, but really maybe this also proves that Hanyu is still relevant and a threat despite being MIA.

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Let them gloat now :biggrin:


I'm glad we finally have confirmation of what we all knew and overall, nicely done, the whole thing, by Kobayashi-san. I'm sure he's frustrated, especially as it's second season in a row and then on top of that, an Olympic season but it's going to be fine.


The only niggle of worry that I have is the no competitions before Olympics thing. It's just not ideal, far from it. I guess 4CC still remains as an option, we'll know after the J Nats when they make an announcement about it but I'm still quite skeptical about this. 


I do have to say that it'd be a hoot if he by some miracle chooses to go there. Why?


Tickets are free :biggrin:

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Hey everyone! I just want to disturb the ongoing discussion for a second and post here that the PH prediction game is going over to the Nationals round - starting with Russian & Japanese Nationals! (1. https://www.flexiquiz.com/SC/N/5d2e9955-ab76-4154-842f-9f3a2336b725  & 2. https://www.flexiquiz.com/SC/N/c2cd3959-f537-4dba-96b4-2e6d83916336 - as usual also posted in the specific thread in Knicknkacks: General Skating Chat :) ).

Good luck to anyone who wants to try their hand - if there are any questions, go ahead and ask :smiley-happy085:

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10 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:




Lol. If this was the other way around, if Hanyu were the one having a winning season (let's not worry about the details of whether he won by virtue of only one strong program because that was exactly how it went for him back in his last year as a junior) and the article was talking about Chen having a not-so-great one while sneaking in a mention of Hanyu being undefeated, I'm willing to bet that none of us would be complaining. xD I know I wouldn't be. I'd be glad for any mention of Hanyu that's spun in a positive light.


Not me :noshake:  

I love Yuzu, but I won't give him a pass if he underperforms, which is exactly what Nathan did this season.


Nothing against Nathan, I was really looking forward to him stepping up his game this year but so far he didn't and I am disappointed. 

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Haha. Yeah I get it. That's why I found it funny. It's all part and parcel of being sports fans, I guess, which, admittedly, I'm rather new to.



Good on ya for being impartial. I can't claim I'll be able to do the same. Especially if he wins despite bad skates. It just means others did worse, or just didn't have the technical firepower to best him, and definitely doesn't mean he isn't deserving of his win. I mean, if we're only strictly looking at the results. I'd be sad that he underperformed but I wouldn't be any less happy about his win.

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