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1 hour ago, liv said:

This is, so far, the greatest challenge Yuzu has faced in his career. An injury that did not heal as hoped, weeks before the competition he wants the most. Fate is going to make him work hard for this, physically and mentally, but if anyone can do it, he can. 

Actually, I think the greatest challenge he has faced was the earthquake where, he has said, he almost left skating.  This is, however, a case of apples and oranges.  In 2011 he was healthy but having difficulty finding a practice venue.  This time resembles somewhat what happened in 2014 as a result of the collision in Shanghai.  Through this present ordeal I keep going back and watching his FS at the GPF that year, where, except  for one fall late in the program, he skated better than perfectly.  In an earlier post I said that I think Yuzu has to recapture the mindset he had at that competition because whatever it was resulted in one of the greatest performances he has ever given.  The element this time, however, is how long he's been out of competition.  He didn't disrupt his competition schedule back in 2014-2015.  I think also the nature of the injuries is decidedly different.  The collision resulted in injury primarily to his head.  This time the problem is an ankle, which is rather more important for skating than the head (meaning that one can skate with an injured head, as long as it doesn't involve concussion or something like that).  If Yuzu is back on the ice, my guess is that he's working primarily with things like steps and the elements in his program which involve primarily arm and torso movements.  Actually (and I could be wrong here) I'm thinking that spins might be potentially more threatening than jumps as far as his ankle is concerned (if I am wrong, I'll welcome correction).  In any case I'm sure that Brian will be monitoring every second that Yuzu is on the ice (if he's there, and if not, Tracy's the baby-sitter).   As far as next week's nationals in Japan, I think everybody can consider he won't be there because if he were planning to skate there, he'd already be in Japan so he can get the jet lag behind him before the competition.  As far as those in the stands, I don't know when tickets went on sale there, but if they were available before the injury or before it became apparent Yuzu would not be there, there are almost certainly a huge number of Yuzu fans holding tickets who nevertheless will still be there in the stands.  It would not surprise me to see a large number of Pooh-ears and other Pooh paraphernalia in the audience.  Since Yuzu almost certainly will be watching the competition (primarily to see how Shoma does, I would think), the sight of all that Pooh yellow in the stands will give him a lot of psychological encouragement, giving him vivid visual evidence that his fan-base is still there and even willing to cheer him on in absentia.  We now know that the men's events at PC are sold out.  With the very real possibility that he might be going to 4CC, I imagine the tickets there are fleeing at a record pace and it won't be long before they are no longer available.  For those of us who miss him, not merely as a skater but as a person, and who hang on every bit of news that comes out about him and his condition, these weeks which have now become months have been a test of our endurance.  But we will deal with it, seeing in our situation something analogous to Yuzu's own trials and his endurance will, I think, be fueling his determination to show the world when he finally is on the ice and skating for points, that he is back and what we are getting is the new and improved version of Yuzuru Hanyu.

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4 hours ago, fireovertheice said:

I really hope for Yuzu that what Ms. Richards says is true (thank you @IULIANA to de-lurke to let us know this, but rightfully asking for a confirm).

Frankly I would tend to believe only to official statements coming from / his team, because these days we have seen a lot of articles, posts, tweets and so forth based on rumors, bad translations and whatever else @CupidsBow already mentioned.


Waiting from good news from him (but now I think we will know them only after Nationals), I needed to look again to this video, because his skating is also more beautiful without music ...



This should be sent to anyone who doubts his edge quality. Those are not the sounds a shallow edge creates. 

Unless then, the critic is one of those "silent edges only" types. 

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1 minute ago, Yatagarasu said:


Those are my fave :biggrin:

The critics who decide that "silent edges only" or the actual silent edges of Shizuka Arakawa? 

Speaking of which, I know that in ladies the silent edges type includes Shizuka, and I've heard Michelle Kwan get mentioned. But I'm not aware of any in the men's? Yuzu's probably not silent edges type, though the way he picks up speed feels pretty similar?

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24 minutes ago, Floria said:

I almost jumped when I finally saw good news on Twitter. Hopefully it is true. But knowing that Brian is in Spain right now I can imagine something like this @runrun8383  drawing :smiley-laughing021:


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Brian is currently in Spain.


*cues James Bond music*


At TCC, Yuzu can be seen walking suspiciously towards the ice rink. As he gets to the bench, he wore his skate boots.

Slowly he stepped on the ice, doing a few strokes. He looks left and right, no coaches to be seen except a few skaters still practicing. As his hands started to get clammy and his lips started to dry, he gulped and starts to speed up. With a determined look in his eyes.. just as he was about to launch for a 3A, 


*abrupt stop too the music*


"YUZURU HANYU" was yelled loud and clear.

The stern in the shout can be heard.

Yuzu abruptly stopped and turned around peeking behind him.

Mama Tracy can be seen standing with her arms crossed sternly looking at him.

After a good few minutes lecture, Yuzu was back to practicing the step sequences. Other skaters was silently wishing him well as they looked at the gloomy figure who looked like a sad puppy with his ears and tail down.


At the side of the rink, Mama Tracy is seen with a sad smile. She was also feeling down because she had to scold one of her precious student.

In her heart, she is wishing "Step by step and you'll get back to that glory we all know you can reach"




- I got too much free time lol. 


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