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Uhm... sorry to be a party popper, but I don't think sharing that publicly is a good thing? Copyright and all... I understand wanting to share with fans who can't get it, but that can be done more privately. As it is, if it's not against forum rules, it probably should be...

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4 минуты назад, KatjaThera сказал:

Uhm... sorry to be a party popper, but I don't think sharing that publicly is a good thing? Copyright and all... I understand wanting to share with fans who can't get it, but that can be done more privately. As it is, if it's not against forum rules, it probably should be...

There're also Xylitol files and some magazines scans on the net, so I dunno. I'll let the mods to decide on the topic :smile:

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2 hours ago, sweetwater said:

No, these songs were used for all other sports too. In Olympic broadcast, they don't prepare a song specifically for a sport.

This is Fuji's theme song for PyeongChang
"Hello Kagerou" by GReeeeN (Yuzu appears at the end)



I'm not in love with the song, but that might change.


I was waiting for Yuzu to appear and was getting restless in the middle after all the ladies figure skaters even when you said he was at the end. Omg they dedicated more than a few seconds to him! And it's niiiice! :tumblr_inline_n18qraikFP1qid2nw: The attention to FS though, yep its the biggest sport at Olympics.



So many interesting talks today though. I'll have to backtrack later to read and watch more about this body fat percentage thing.

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6 minutes ago, Lunna said:

There're also Xylitol files and some magazines scans on the net, so I dunno. I'll let the mods to decide on the topic :smile:

I know. But Xylitol and magazines are like 2000yen max. Phiten content is at least 15,000yen... But I probably shouldn't have brought it up here. I PM-ed Hydro - also with a suggestion for an alternative solution - so we'll see what they decide. I know you're only being nice, so I'm sorry for pouncing! I'm just really sensitive to copyright stuff (it makes me cringe elsewhere, too, I just don't really care for those places as I do about the Planet). No hard feelings, I hope :snonegai:

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7 hours ago, micaelis said:

Yes, that seems to be the case.  But then there's what happened in Helsinki earlier this year.  Kurt Browning for CBC made the observation that what Yuzu had just done in the free skate had resulted in 'a big picture moment', when, as he continued, Yuzu had given the judges 'no excuse for not going and throwing the book at him' and loading him up with extra points everywhere.  That's essentially what happened also in 2015 in two competitions late  that year.  I think you might be overstating things a bit about unfair scoring since it's evident that when Yuzu is perfect the judges do respond.  Remember, he's set twelve world records, eight of which involved breaking records he himself set.  Also, only once has a record he set been broken by someone other than himself.  That occurred in 2013 when Patrick broke his short program record.  Yuzu responded shortly thereafter by reclaiming the record and then improving on it at Sochi.  Any time a skater has topped one of his records it's always been after Yuzu has himself set a higher record.  I really don't think the judges are too biased against him, since they obviously recognize quality when it's there, witness all those record scores.  If the judges were ALWAYS working against him I really don't see how he could have set all those records.  I think the judges set a higher standard for Yuzu for many of the same reasons Yuzu sets a higher standard for himself.  He and they see him in the context of GOAT, the Absolute Champion.  As Johnny Weir said one time when observing how Yuzu motivates himself.  'He's skating against himself.  What's harder than that?'  A thought just occurs to me that the judges might not be judging Yuzu on the basis of how he compares to his competitors but rather how he compares to what he has done and accomplished.  It is actually rather a compliment that the judges have that higher standard when judging Yuzu and it is testimony to Yuzu that that seeming bias he encounters just prompts him to work harder.  As far as I'm concerned, I prefer the situation this way, since it means that Yuzu has truly earned every point he has received, and that means that what we are seeing point-wise is a reflection of not how Yuzu has fared against the others but how he has fared against the Absolute Champion.

I agree that the bolded is happening. I’ve seen even journalists and media state outright that they hold him to a higher standard ‘as Olympic Champion’. And he’s risen magnificently to the occasion, hence all his records. I don’t believe they’re in some massive conspiracy out to get him from the judges. People are human, they will naturally expect more from their champions but I wouldn’t say that holding him to a higher standard or against his past records is fair though, in a judged comp based on largely objective criteria.


I actually think the judges score him mostly fairly when he does go and deliver a WR performance, it’s that the standards are unevenly applied across the board that rankles. It makes little sense eg. that being an ‘absolute champion’ means you can do significantly higher number of transitions or have a ChSq twice as long as others, or have steps into jumps but have differences across PCS be eg. 0.25 or the same GOE or less, but it happens. It all comes and goes with the territory - sometimes he benefits too - but like. I can’t pretend I’m not ??? at the judging a lot. 

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2 hours ago, ralucutzagy said:




YAYYYY THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY! I can feel a little bit of his happiness when he will unwrap the banner and enjoy all the love <3 


48 minutes ago, kaerb said:

I actually think the judges score him mostly fairly when he does go and deliver a WR performance, it’s that the standards are unevenly applied across the board that rankles. It makes little sense eg. that being an ‘absolute champion’ means you can do significantly higher number of transitions or have a ChSq twice as long as others, or have steps into jumps but have differences across PCS be eg. 0.25 or the same GOE or less, but it happens. It all comes and goes with the territory - sometimes he benefits too - but like. I can’t pretend I’m not ??? at the judging a lot. 


Yeah, I think this comes back to the way PCS are badly judged. Skating skills and transitions are like the little bricks that make up the big house that is figure skating. If you're not paying attention to that, if you're not distinguishing those who work on it and those who don't, then it's like you have a 5/10 of vision, you should wear glasses and not call yourself a figure skating expert.

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Wow, thank you for researching this!

Helps to answer some of the questions we're curious about. There's a lot to discuss when it comes to our Overlord's swimming prowess ^^

5 hours ago, getsurenka said:

Considering we are on the topic, here are some information about body fat of swimmers, swimming education in Japan and how swimming can affect asthmatic people. I hope it is not too off-topic for this thread. I want to make the disclaimer that the articles provided below, while can shed some lights on the topic discussed, are not the absolute truth. As we all know, the triggers and effects of asthma are very individualistic, so what are mentioned in the articles may or may not be what is affecting Yuzuru. He might just not invest a lot of time in swimming as a child, perhaps due to his severe asthma when he was really young or his investment in figure skating instead. But I thought the information below may be considered interesting to fellow satellites here on the Planet.


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One interesting tidbit I thought may contribute to the discussion of body fat is from an article in American Journal of Sports Medicine, in 1983:



For those who are wondering about swimming education in Japan, this article may be interesting to read about.

(http://spbio.naruto-u.ac.jp/matsui/Materials_files/Matsui-IAHSFF 2012_Book.pdf)


These tidbit may be interesting to note: @katonice


And for the satellites who are interested in how swimming affect asthmatic, here is an article that can contribute to your knowledge, 

(https://s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.documents/40047049/557745a908aeacff20004996.pdf20151115-68247-5hv7h7.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIWOWYYGZ2Y53UL3A&Expires=1511980195&Signature=cKwR2%2B%2BKVdGuNwzYuL%2BrMkMEsuc%3D&response-content-disposition=inline%3B filename%3DSwimming_and_asthma._Benefits_and_delete.pdf)


Here is a summary for the article:


Another article is on the chlorination in pool and the potential effects it has on swimmers: (I remembered some users were discussing about chlorination before)


The biggest takeaway from this article is the wealth of references in it that can be used for further investigation, as well as how contradictory findings have been on the extent of the effects chlorine has. The quotes below are just 1/100 of the information in the article.






Once again, please note that what conclusions one research article can reached, other articles may disprove them under another circumstances. Please read them with a grain of salt. Because this post is in Yuzuru thread, I only compiled some information that may be relevant to Yuzuru, but not the whole picture, so I apologize in advanced if the information is skewed. 


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