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I decided to update Yuzuru's profile on Wikipedia in my language, because it's a bit empty now, and I want to make sure that it will be up-to-date in this season.  I'm still writing his bio and translating some informations, but soon I have to figure out how to edit some things (does anyone maybe have any experience in editing on Wiki?)  I hope I can finish it soon and that I'm not too late doing this. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw: I wanted to do it earlier but I didn't really have time for that...Anyway. It's the only time that I use the translated version of his name, which is unusal because otherwise I use his English name (but I admit that when I talk to myself I usually say Hanyu Yuzuru  :happy: Probably because it feels more natural because the name order in my language is the same as in Japanese). 

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38 minutes ago, xeyra said:


If he still has crutches, then that's bad and it'd be very unlikely he'd go back to Toronto since he can't really walk on his own, let alone train. After 10 days, I sure hope he's out of his crutches! 

hmm, well if he is not sprinting yet....probably on a plane this tuesday or wednesday then, since it would be ten days give aday or two buffer for extra safety?


12 minutes ago, AsteroidB-612 said:

Seeing this makes me want to shove a Queen piece at him and beg him to do it for competiton or exhibition sooooo bad. 

He clearly dig their tune, and after LGC, I have so doubt he can do Queen justice... Lets rock n' roll , baby! :PurpleBanana::dancingpooh::acceptable:

we are the champions?

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Hace 1 hora, MrPudding said:



hace 31 minutos , xeyra said:


If he still has crutches, then that's bad and it'd be very unlikely he'd go back to Toronto since he can't really walk on his own, let alone train. After 10 days, I sure hope he's out of his crutches! 


Brian sounds optimistic in the latest video. I believe Yuzu doesn't need crutched already, but I definitely need some more reassuring news for the sake of my sanity :laughing:

IIrc  in the WD message he asked to let him focus on his goals, so I guess any pressure from media now is not welcome. For me it would be enough just to know that he is in Toronto already as this will mean that he is ready to step on the ice again. 

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I very much hope Yuzuru is ignoring all outside opinions. If he does what many are saying and loses Olys due to another skater having a  BV advantage it will be 'ohhhh he should have had a harder layout' and if he loses due to a fall on the lz it'll be 'ohhh he should've reduced the difficultly'. 

Either way if he skates clean he wins. With the lutz he had a better chance of a more comfortable margin so him being relatively underscored/ other skaters' scores being inflated won;t be so great of a threat. He's got to do what he wants to do ant what he thinks is right. Anyone who isn't directly part of his team or one of his doctors/physiotherapists/whatever helping with his recovery doesn't have any business throwing in their 2 cents tbh.


I'm sure his team has a plan, and back-up plans, for the recovery and re-strengthening of his ankle. We're probably going to go nuts from there being no updates on his progress until nationals but i'm confident he will be okay so long as Yuzu follows his rehab program, does all his physio and doesn't over-do anything, eats his proteins and looks after himself.

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3 hours ago, Xen said:

Imagine he still has some checkups he needs to do in Japan before he goes back to training in Canada. Also, I lowkey don't want any film or media reports of him arriving in Toronto-that's a bit too much pressure while he is recovering, and if he still has crutches I doubt he wants.to be caught alive with them.


I don't want any media either, I will be perfectly satisfied with a casual sighting from afar seeing him walk without crutches... I think I am mostly worried to not have news because I'm leaving Italy precisely when Nationals happen and I don't know how I'll be able to see anything. I guess I'll have to pray for Hotel wifi and bring my laptop with me. 

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2 hours ago, SparkleSalad said:


Lol nappies! (For the media saturation, I suppose!)

You mean they're not going to make him interact with a baby for 30 mins?? USELESS, you had one job P&G, ONE JOB :tumblr_inline_mzx90enaUF1r8msi5:


jk, the world is thankful for all casual Hanyu content, thanks P&G

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3 hours ago, Xen said:

hmm, well if he is not sprinting yet....probably on a plane this tuesday or wednesday then, since it would be ten days give aday or two buffer for extra safety?


we are the champions?

That's nice!

But if to avoid jinx ..."We Will Rock You"  is nice and another  piece I like," I was born to love you" is pretty upbeat too.


"Bohemian Rapsody "is super cool but I think it will be too hard to make a skate program out of it... But maybe they can make a nice cut of it for FS?


But I got to say "Don't stop me now" is the best and can be very Yuzu ahah (cuz we know nothing stops him ever haha), sadly Machida recently did it... 

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