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11 minutes ago, Xen said:

Well, our lord Yuzuru did not release any divine inspirations today, so the ladies are quiet. Empress 3A is working on embroidery, Lady 4T is instructing a crew on knitting gold scarves, Lady 4S is fixing the bonsai gardens, Lady 4Lo is working on her koto skills, and Lady 4Lz was told to help with recent court layout details so she's working on that with the chancellors...


Um, though to amuse us, since a lot of us cook, bake etc, if you could cook Yuzu a meal, what would you make for him?


IF Yuzuru got three days to visit your city, and you got to be his tour guide, where would you take him and why?


I'd take him to the theme park just to see his reaction to roller coasters

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7 minutes ago, WinForPooh said:

Strawberry shortcake! He apparently likes it? And rice and a richly flavoured stew of some sort, without too many spices, he'd like that. I wonder how he feels about coconut milk...


I'd keep him in a hotel room with an air purifier until I could book him a flight out, because I'm not letting him out to breathe all of that pollution in this heat - yes, it's very hot here - and get an asthma attack. He'd want the first flight out anyway, I'd think. The weather is usually awful, pollution is awful, and people stare at anybody with E. Asian features. Unless he's particularly interested in beautiful old architecture, enough to brave heat and crowds, nothing for him here.


lol @ gold scarves and layout details.

Can i ask you where are you from?

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On the plane back to my country, I sat beside an auntie who came back from Sweeden and transited in Moscow. I told her I came to Moscow to watch skating competition. We were bored on the long flight, thus I showed  her Yuzuru’s best performances. She was just reacting like: “OMG he’s sooooo amazing. Omg such a great jump. Oh he is such a great athlete.” 


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Just now, meoima said:

On the plane back to my country, I sat beside an auntie who came back from Sweeden and transited in Moscow. I told her I came to Moscow to watch skating competition. We were bored on the long flight, thus I showed  her Yuzuru’s best performances. She was just reacting like: “OMG he’s sooooo amazing. Omg such a great jump. Oh he is such a great athlete.” 


I will go to heaven to if I'm in your situation hahaha

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14 minutes ago, Xen said:

Well, our lord Yuzuru did not release any divine inspirations today, so the ladies are quiet. Empress 3A is working on embroidery, Lady 4T is instructing a crew on knitting gold scarves, Lady 4S is fixing the bonsai gardens, Lady 4Lo is working on her koto skills, and Lady 4Lz was told to help with recent court layout details so she's working on that with the chancellors...


Um, though to amuse us, since a lot of us cook, bake etc, if you could cook Yuzu a meal, what would you make for him?


IF Yuzuru got three days to visit your city, and you got to be his tour guide, where would you take him and why?


I'm not a great cook but I'll keep practicing until I can serve him the most delicious croquette. After he has eaten it, I'll reveal that it contains mashed paprika. :darklordyuzu:


If Yuzu comes to the city I'm in right now, I'll want him to come in winter where he can skate on frozen ice in outdoor rinks. =P  And since I'm in the hometown of Prince, I'll just bring him to visit places and walk around?  I'm not a good tour guide. XD

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28 minutes ago, Xen said:

Well, our lord Yuzuru did not release any divine inspirations today, so the ladies are quiet. Empress 3A is working on embroidery, Lady 4T is instructing a crew on knitting gold scarves, Lady 4S is fixing the bonsai gardens, Lady 4Lo is working on her koto skills, and Lady 4Lz was told to help with recent court layout details so she's working on that with the chancellors...


Um, though to amuse us, since a lot of us cook, bake etc, if you could cook Yuzu a meal, what would you make for him?


IF Yuzuru got three days to visit your city, and you got to be his tour guide, where would you take him and why?


Prime Minister Pooh would like a word with you. It sent a crate of paprika, i don't know what that means...


What would i make for him? Hm... Depends. If he's feeling adventurous i could make tacos :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid: He wouldn't have to worry about the spiciness because i don't like spicy food. If not, i could always let him pig out for a day and make gyoza, or if he likes it, oyakodon....

If he visited my city... I would take him to Tijuana because this city is boring as fuck. There's nothing interesting to see here, unless he wants to know a real desert. Or i could take him to the place where the desert meets the sea. But i there's no way i can stretch a visit to my city for three days.

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All this talk about his looks  ☺. I was grinning like an idiot on my way to work. I will say just one thing: he taught me to appreciate the beauty of the Asian men. In a country where  western  type of male  beauty is predominantly valued and where we barely see any asian on the streets ( though there are more recently) I had never even gave a thought on  some other types. But it's actually him who taught me otherwise.  There are plenty of asian men who are crazy attractive.

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12 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

Prime Minister Pooh would like a word with you. It sent a crate of paprika, i don't know what that means...


So nice of him! I just ran out of the paprika I need to make twice braised pork tonight, this fresh crate was desparately needed. However did our prime minister guess it?

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1 hour ago, kaeryth said:


Yay! He'll be happy with this result (this is the closest one we have to being correct right?) :biggrin: On the other hand, Poor Nathan :smiley-laughing021:

the closest one is the 23 years old male Yuzu with watch CM poster

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1 hour ago, Xen said:

Well, our lord Yuzuru did not release any divine inspirations today, so the ladies are quiet. Empress 3A is working on embroidery, Lady 4T is instructing a crew on knitting gold scarves, Lady 4S is fixing the bonsai gardens, Lady 4Lo is working on her koto skills, and Lady 4Lz was told to help with recent court layout details so she's working on that with the chancellors...


Um, though to amuse us, since a lot of us cook, bake etc, if you could cook Yuzu a meal, what would you make for him?


IF Yuzuru got three days to visit your city, and you got to be his tour guide, where would you take him and why?



hmmmm if I could cook for him it would depend if I had oven access XD I like baking so I'd probably do some cakes for him, maybe go all out and make a little afternoon tea set-up with scones, fairy cakes, a little fruit cake...

If it was an opportunity in my Korean apartment though I would cook for him, I'd just buy him some food :laughing:


If I had to be Yuzu's tour guide around Seoul I'd maybe take him to Haneul Park because it's pretty and you have a nice view of the city, then I'd maybe take him to Apgujeong/Garosugil to get him some nice clothes and pop into a good cafe and then go to the river for the view across the water of Namsan. Wouldn't actually go to Namsan though because it's right next to Myeongdong and always full of Japanese tourists. I love Seoul so much but I honestly don't really go out and do anything much here.


If he came to my area of England though...I'd probably take him out of the city. There's a nice park near by hometown where you can go up a hill and get a nice view or leisurely walk down the canal. He likes squirrels so I could take him to Formby point which is a red squirrel reserve, or Delamere Forest, or some Peak District spots that are near me because a quiet romp around in nature is nice and usually when people visit England they go to London and miss all the pretty green places up North. My actual town is kinda crappy so other than nature places I'd just take him to Manchester or Liverpool. Or if we stick to my actual home town I'd take him to a rugby match since the team is all we have going for us and I grew up in a rugby household so I can explain the rules to him :laughing:


I thought about this too much LOL

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1 hour ago, Xen said:

Um, though to amuse us, since a lot of us cook, bake etc, if you could cook Yuzu a meal, what would you make for him?


IF Yuzuru got three days to visit your city, and you got to be his tour guide, where would you take him and why?



Hmmmm.... I would bring him out for some delicious seafood! (Do we know if he likes seafood???) Haha butter crab, grilled cuttlefish, rice wine clam soup Yummy~~!! Or if he's feeling more like a dessert or sweet food, I'll bring him out for a delicious dish of "Ice Kacang" (Shaved ice with sweet drippings and other toppings) which is my countries equivalent of Japan's Kakigori so shouldn't be too far out his comfort zone!


Where I would bring him..... my home city.... lol I would bring him to Sunway Pyramid! Mostly because it contains the one and only ice skating rink in my country! And then I would SET HIM LOOSE and convert the entire mall population to Yuzu fans muahahahahaha~~!!


Also..... to whoever it was many pages back for said they didn't even need heels to be taller than Yuzu..... high five me too! :10742289: 

If the beautifully vertically challenged satellites (:P<3) can form a club, we should too! 

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