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Awww, so glad to read all of those wonderful things. I can hardly wait to see more of what she talks about. 


And, glad he has come back to Toronto. It was not a surprise to read it. Staying safely in his bubble to concentrate and train is the best thing and it will hopefully keep him in great shape for all that lies ahead. 


And lol, confirmation from someone that he HAS grown taller!!!  The debate can rest.

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47 minutes ago, liv said:

Awww, so glad to read all of those wonderful things. I can hardly wait to see more of what she talks about. 


And, glad he has come back to Toronto. It was not a surprise to read it. Staying safely in his bubble to concentrate and train is the best thing and it will hopefully keep him in great shape for all that lies ahead. 


And lol, confirmation from someone that he HAS grown taller!!!  The debate can rest.

But how much???? We cannot rest until we get exact answer! :xD:


Can't wait for ACI. I want to see new costumes and how SEMEI 2.0 looks like :smiley-happy085:

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A million thank you's not enough for all your translations @gladi! :7938863:


My thoughts:



That’s why, it’s great that he returns to a program he dearly loves and integrates the familiar with difficult elements. If he were to choose a completely different program, there would be a lot of new things he’d have to do....


I’ve repeated show programs a year after, and because I knew the music well, I did very well. Making use of his own experience, I’m sure he can skate this program even better.

Yuzu and his team definitely knew that the first and loudest criticism he would get from the media (and haters) is repeating a program (even though a LOT of skaters repeat programs - just like what Nobu and Shae-lynn said). There really is a double standard when it comes to him but I'm glad that he's one step ahead and everyone in his team + Nobu has defended him with their own experience of repeating programs but at the same time praising his dedication in leveling up that program.



During our practice, I suggested to him––"Will you meet with the actor [of Abe no Seimei]? It would be great if you could try acting together.“

So it was Shae-lynn's suggestion! I am (again) eternally grateful to her. In meeting with Nomura Mansai Yuzu learned a lot about doing a performance, not just for Seimei but as a whole.


Reading everything... you really feel that there's a special sense of connection between Yuzu and Shae-lynn. What was wonderful to read is that he and Shae-lynn seem to get inspiration from each other. She understands his vision and his nature and she takes delight in giving him the freedom to express it in the program they construct - sometimes even giving him a challenge and making things a bit more difficult each time. 

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6 hours ago, kamotejojo said:

:tumblr_inline_n18qr7hmfk1qid2nw: If anyone wants YzRIKO's EVERY video:


:dpooh:Coach Hanyu's voice...上手 きれいなスピン お疲れ様:dpooh:I am 12 today...:13877886: "beautiful spin" sounds so.....I seriously can't wait to listen to Yuzu commenting competitions live...

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9 minutes ago, xeyra said:

So any news on what exactly the exclusive footage from Chukyo TV's Catch! was? It's supposed to end in around 20mins so might not have shown it yet. 


Oh right it was today. I totally forgot but there's no streaming party this time so it's okay. Won't we bee seeing twitter explode whenever they will eventually show something? 

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2 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:


Oh right it was today. I totally forgot but there's no streaming party this time so it's okay. Won't we bee seeing twitter explode whenever they will eventually show something? 


Probably since it's local TV, it might not be widely shown so we might not get many news anyways. But the word 'exclusive footage' makes you curious. :laughing:

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