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4 hours ago, Nerdincool said:

Hey, so sorry to get off topic but I just couldn't ignore this. This is my first time posting here and I was more than happy just reading rather than posting on this site but when I was in the middle of looking up "Yuzuru speaking Korean" on google I came across something that worried me http://archive.is/tx0DQ [edited by yuzuangel: don't link to haters, i've replaced it with a webpage screenshot.]. I suggest not going to it, but I'll leave the link just in case any of you are super curious. Tl;dr the post has a bunch of gifs of Yuzu out of context with captions that say he harasses and mocks others and is bossy (specifically with Shoma). Is this one of the reasons he did less than perfect at 4cc? Does he have a bad rep in Korea? If so, what does that mean for the Olympics? I'm Japanese so I'm well aware of the bad blood between us and Koreans due to history but I thought that was a problem outside of figure skating. I just found out about him, I wanted to enjoy him a little more before being forced into a pit of anxiety (Also I know everything on the post is BS but it still worries me how some people seem to believe it's all true). 

Note: The original post was apparently made by a Japanese net page, not a Korean one which is even more worrying?? Why do people hate??


Panns like this are typically made by anti-fans. Korean fans on Pann disputed this at the time and showed that stuff was taken out of context or some things posted were outright lies. Yuzuru has plenty of Korean fans and his reception at 4CC was very positive (with the organisers being very pleased with the attention and the crowds he brought with him, tickets sales to the event greatly exceeded expectations and in the media Yuzuru was cited as a large factor as to why tickets sold so well) I don't think he has a bad rep in Korea at all. 

So long as Yuzu never says anything about Dokdo/territorial disputes or anything that denies Japanese wrong-doing to Korea or is seen with the Japanese imperial flag, Korea will generally be fine with him. They will not hate him on principle because he is Japanese. A little more PR things like trying to speak Korean/talking nicely about Junhwan etc and Korea will be warm to him :P but there will always be nasty little trolls on the internet.


I do not think it will harm him in the Olympics. Korean judges tend to be quite fair and the judging panels are mixed anyway. Korea will want a good, fair Olympics with no controversies as a point of pride. 

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4 hours ago, Nerdincool said:

Hey, so sorry to get off topic but I just couldn't ignore this. This is my first time posting here and I was more than happy just reading rather than posting on this site but when I was in the middle of looking up "Yuzuru speaking Korean" on google I came across something that worried me http://archive.is/tx0DQ [edited by yuzuangel: don't link to haters, i've replaced it with a webpage screenshot.]. I suggest not going to it, but I'll leave the link just in case any of you are super curious. Tl;dr the post has a bunch of gifs of Yuzu out of context with captions that say he harasses and mocks others and is bossy (specifically with Shoma). Is this one of the reasons he did less than perfect at 4cc? Does he have a bad rep in Korea? If so, what does that mean for the Olympics? I'm Japanese so I'm well aware of the bad blood between us and Koreans due to history but I thought that was a problem outside of figure skating. I just found out about him, I wanted to enjoy him a little more before being forced into a pit of anxiety (Also I know everything on the post is BS but it still worries me how some people seem to believe it's all true). 

Note: The original post was apparently made by a Japanese net page, not a Korean one which is even more worrying?? Why do people hate??


It sure was an interesting read. But if you read the comments under the post, the ones defending him have the most support. Haters want to hate. Yuzuru is just being himself all the time, he laughs, he plays, he doesn't care about his actions being used against him by mean people because he knows he will not be loved by everyone. 

It's not a problem of country, he's got so many fans in Korea, so rest assured, it will not be a complication for Olympics. As you noticed, the post was made by Japanese people. I'd even go ahead and say that most of his haters are Japanese, because in most cases the hate is fueled by him competing against other Japanese skaters. 


Think about how miserable those people have to be; spending their time of the day searching for gifs of an athlete they hate because they decided he's a bad person and want to convince everyone else that they are right to hate. Only writing this makes me nauseous! Don't worry about miserable people, the only thing Yuzuru would say to them is: :ohno:

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@Nerdincool Welcome to the planet and please post more!


Ikr, it's so hard to fathom why anyone would hate on Yuzu. I'm still laughing at that post bc most of the "evidence" they show speaks more for Yuzu than for the point it's trying to make. (major lol @ the photo evidence for Yuzu harassing others)


Btw, Yuzu had very good and positive press coverage in Korea during 4CC :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:

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4 hours ago, Nerdincool said:

Hey, so sorry to get off topic but I just couldn't ignore this. This is my first time posting here and I was more than happy just reading rather than posting on this site but when I was in the middle of looking up "Yuzuru speaking Korean" on google I came across something that worried me http://archive.is/tx0DQ [edited by yuzuangel: don't link to haters, i've replaced it with a webpage screenshot.]. I suggest not going to it, but I'll leave the link just in case any of you are super curious. Tl;dr the post has a bunch of gifs of Yuzu out of context with captions that say he harasses and mocks others and is bossy (specifically with Shoma). Is this one of the reasons he did less than perfect at 4cc? Does he have a bad rep in Korea? If so, what does that mean for the Olympics? I'm Japanese so I'm well aware of the bad blood between us and Koreans due to history but I thought that was a problem outside of figure skating. I just found out about him, I wanted to enjoy him a little more before being forced into a pit of anxiety (Also I know everything on the post is BS but it still worries me how some people seem to believe it's all true). 

Note: The original post was apparently made by a Japanese net page, not a Korean one which is even more worrying?? Why do people hate??

Anti-fans will hate and lie to achieve what they want but there will always be fans to rebute this BS for ex http://blog.naver.com/wooe1224/220719223304.(side-track but i found out yuzu collides with skaters more often than i thought ex. han yan, murakami, takahito, that one sweden skater)  I dont think you need to worry that much about yuzuru having bad rep in korea, well that the impression from when he competed in 4cc

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25 minutes ago, Nerdincool said:

Hey, so sorry to get off topic but I just couldn't ignore this. This is my first time posting here and I was more than happy just reading rather than posting on this site but when I was in the middle of looking up "Yuzuru speaking Korean" on google I came across something that worried me....

Note: The original post was apparently made by a Japanese net page, not a Korean one which is even more worrying?? Why do people hate??

It has been there for a while. It was translated into my language as well. And most people (if not all) jumped in to defend him. Sadly yes it was originally from a Japanese site, not Korean. The truth is there are some anti Yuzuru in Japan too. But the love for him is overwhelming. You don't have to worry much about that. I have noticed from 4CC that Korean fans quite like Yuzuru. It's ok 

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7 hours ago, xeyra said:

Translations of comments on twitter and SNS after the 24h TV segment by @gladi plus the subbed video by tadakixd @ tumblr. 




It's really amazing how many people were touched by Yuzu's words of wisdom and courage. And I think everyone, not only those with a similar condition as him, can find something to encourage themselves from his words. I know I did. How can he be such a wonderful person? :tumblr_m4tqlnjhYJ1qdlkyg:

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5 hours ago, MrPudding said:


Does anyone know if how long Yuzu is staying in Japan? or is he already going back to Toronto


I read on twitter TCC is closed right now and I think it might only open again on September 1 or early September, anyway, so Yuzu is probably likely to stay in Japan a few more days.


Edit: apparently he was seen at the Airport recently so he's back in Toronto already!

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