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  On 10/16/2017 at 3:48 PM, Pamigena said:


Well there's still the idea of you sitting on him while I glue rhinestones to his UA. I suggest we revisit that plan (assuming we survive the vodka binge this weekend. I'm like 90% sure I should put a second bottle in the freezer)



I'll join. I have a bedazzler. 

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Let's also not pretend that we were all expecting him to at least make some changes this season even with repeat programs. This just looks lazy.

I get, he had a concept when the programmes were debuted.  But that was two years ago. There were so many suggestions and fan drawn images.. he would have known about it. I mean, he practically had whole off season to do nothing. He didn't do many ice shows or travelled, or did new programmes.. all for oly season. I get it. But at least get someone to do a variable costume. 


I'm sorry Yuzu and the planet. I had to get that off my chest. 

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I have no problem speaking my mind and saying I'm disappointed. Once again. Repeat Chopin, repeat SEIMEI, basically repeat the two costumes... *le sigh*.

But, the man wants his Gold medal, and if this how he feels most comfortable about trying to get that, hey, go for it. I'll go watch the Ladies for the pretty costumes instead, and I'll just suffer through the gorgeous Chopin and Japanese music. :tumblr_inline_n18qraikFP1qid2nw:

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  On 10/16/2017 at 3:51 PM, Neenah said:

Come on people you are not being fair to Yuzu  :noshake: 


 These are completely new costumes, they just have the same design :smiley-laughing021:


Absolutely - and there are the photos with the old alongside the new one with the pins and a veery slight change of graduation in the blue - don't know what the fuss is about :smiley-cool14:

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  On 10/16/2017 at 3:48 PM, Pamigena said:


Well there's still the idea of you sitting on him while I glue rhinestones to his UA. I suggest we revisit that plan (assuming we survive the vodka binge this weekend. I'm like 90% sure I should put a second bottle in the freezer)



  On 10/16/2017 at 3:49 PM, xeyra said:


I'll join. I have a bedazzler. 



I'm in. 

And since I'll be super hung over if I sit on him, good luck on moving me. Then you can bedazzle to your heart's content. 

(yes on the 2nd bottle)

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  On 10/16/2017 at 3:56 PM, Sombreuil said:

Absolutely - and there are the photos with the old alongside the new one with the pins and a veery slight change of graduation in the blue - don't know what the fuss is about :smiley-cool14:



It's not like he just added some bling to his old costumes. He had them made all from scratch again! Only bluer or whiter! 

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About both chopin and seimei costumes being a redesign (sort of) of his old costumes- tbh I don't mind. The old costumes fit the theme and programs perfectly.


Plus this is Yuzu whose costumes can go from RJ1.0 romeo to RJ2.0 romeo-juliette-the-heck-is-that so yea I'm surprisingly okay, sort of. While poto 2.0 was fine, poto 1.0 costumewise was also sorely missed.


It's the small changes that I care about - like reeeaallly hope those gold slits from chopin 2.0 is gone in the new costume. Chopin 1.0 was a better costume in everything imo, much like how I preferred seimei ice show version too.

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