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[emerges under a pile of swans]

I'm really happy that you all like this place ❤ I know there are things that could be better but as long as the people here like it and feel as happy and safe as possible, i will feel happy too. This place wouldn't be as good as it is without any of you, it's not just the work of us admins and mods, but also the discussions and atmosphere that you all create here. 

I hope it continues to be like this and we can survive the Olympic season together :10742289:

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Aw, I think it's nice that they used Hanyu as a clear and definite goal. Uno himself clearly does that. He's been very matter-of-fact and vocal about it, too. Nothing wrong if they want to note down the times the kid actually did it, score-wise, even if one of those times is in the combined total in a fluff comp. Still a comp and an ISU-sanctioned one, at that. Hanyu took it really seriously himself (he appeared more wound up in that comp than he did in any other ones last season) and it was in that comp the guy found he could do 3 quads (2 in combo) in the second half so it was an important and memorable one for him, too, in terms of achievement.


But overall, there's no denying Uno held it together and skated well enough to edge past Hanyu in that comp. They may have skated as a team, but had his combined total been more than 330.43, he'd have set an official new record. All of Medvedeva's current records were set there. Yes, scores were mostly grossly inflated and ongoing issues were ignored but that's still happening now and official records are official records. His combined score as it is counts towards his progressive scores. I think it's fair to want to put it in his wiki, regardless of whatever true sentiments that are behind it. I'm glad it's there because then it isn't swept under the carpet and people know Hanyu can be beaten when he isn't at his best. It's sad when that happens and we all sulk about it but as fans, we accept and acknowledge his losses. Because we all know that Hanyu's always been a one-step-backward-twenty-steps-forward kinda guy so when he's at his best, we know that no one sane can argue that he truly deserves his win.


It's because of this I feel that his losses and the records showing them serve a greater purpose. They accentuate his greatness even more when he does skate his best. This clearly proves he doesn't get propped up when he isn't at his very best and when he is, his win is completely by his own merit because then he's just on a different level altogether, even in a field as deep as the one we're seeing now. And people will just have to accept and acknowledge that. :o)


Works better than bickering back and forth, imo, even if we can't help but still do it, lol.

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  On 9/20/2017 at 3:12 AM, SuzyQ said:

@Hydroblade , are you in Canada?


Hope your family and friends are all safe.

Really, please God, no further damage to people in Mexico from this earthquake. 


Yes, I am in Canada now :) thank you for your concern.

I live up north in Mexico, it's also a seismically active zone (San Andreas fault goes through my city, yay) but our last big earthquake was in 2010 (7.1) and the city wasn't too damaged.

If a big earthquake happens I would be one or two days without communication so I wouldn't be able to tell you guys if I'm ok :/ (that's what happened last time)

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Let me thank the admins and mods, too. I'd never have plucked up the nerve to comment on a FS forum at all if PH didn't exist. Unless I was really going on adrenaline and rage, I might have if I'd been around when that whole... thing... went down.


But what you've created here is really amazing. It feels like a real community, there's no belittling of anybody no matter what as long as rules are followed. The internet could do with more corners like this, generally, too.


So really... :heart::8232307::tumblr_inline_nhkezsTB3v1qid2nw:



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  On 9/20/2017 at 4:26 AM, Anya said:

Captain Hanyu on board :smile: (Is this an ANA giveaway? Anybody who wants to further explain what this is?:biggrin:)




"Hello, this is your captain, Yuzuru. Our flight is expected to be very tontonton shuu~, with a little su-ton but nothing major. I hope you all enjoy the tomato based menu and please ask our flight attendant Poohs for anything you might need."

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  On 9/18/2017 at 9:43 AM, Pamigena said:


Yeah, he did that :) and I think after all the hints and interviews throughout the last season, it was more likely than not that he would retire (hence Yuzu pushing him out at worlds) but I don't think I've ever seen any official announcement, so I guess technically he never retired


I am always assuming one of Misha's followers on Instagram is someone....

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