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Guest Mary_kyo

This will be translated by others but apparently the Japanese media speculate that he can return to the competitions in 5-6 weeks and he might be able to make it to nationals.



I will go to hiatus till Yuzu’s comeback. Take care everyone and I’m sorry if my opinions were different from anyone here <3 Praying for a safe and speedy recovery for the miracle boy~~~

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1 hour ago, Mary_kyo said:

This will be translated by others but apparently the Japanese media speculate that he can return to the competitions in 5-6 weeks and he might be able to make it to nationals.



I will go to hiatus till Yuzu’s comeback. Take care everyone and I’m sorry if my opinions were different from anyone here <3 Praying for a safe and speedy recovery for the miracle boy~~~

They always say so. NHK and GPF are already doomed, so they will try at least to keep interest for JNats. Don't take them too seriously.

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1 hour ago, Mary_kyo said:

This will be translated by others but apparently the Japanese media speculate that he can return to the competitions in 5-6 weeks and he might be able to make it to nationals.



I will go to hiatus till Yuzu’s comeback. Take care everyone and I’m sorry if my opinions were different from anyone here <3 Praying for a safe and speedy recovery for the miracle boy~~~

It's an orthopedic surgeon providing his opinion based on his experiences with foot joint ligament injuries in general. He says it usually takes 5-6 weeks to come back from the grade three (the most serious) ligament injury. But mind you, he isn't treating Yuzu. You will see many of these in the coming weeks, but I recommend you to focus on announcements from himself, JSF, his team, etc.


If any of you who wasn't here in 2017 and wants to know how things went on the media, here is an archive of news clips and their transcriptions during the 2017-2018 season. It is not a user-friendly archive because I tried too hard to hide the videos from rights holders, and it is probably full of dead links now as I haven't maintained it for a long time, but from the summaries and transcriptions/translations, you may see how we got updates via media until Yuzu came back.

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Some of the people who worked with Yuzu in the past have tweeted messages of support, so let me share them.

(I just wanted to translate something cheerful for a change :8430721:)


Nobuhide Abe, the director of NHK documentary "Another Stories"

"When you see a silver lining while you are trying to figure out the best way

A staircase will appear in front of you

A staircase only you can see but is certainly there


When you miss a step, it is just a coincidence

It is not the fault of the staircase

It is not the fault of the one who tried to go up

It is, of course, not the fault of the destiny

If you have to find a cause, it is because of the height of your aim


You will gain You will come back You can evolve

The staircase is still in your sight"



Toru Yaguchi, the photographer of Yuzuru Hanyu 2019-2020

"Thinking that he must have been training like him, I got even more excited to see him next time.

I just do what I have to do to be ready for the next time, train myself and study.

I will also re-watch Ten to Chi to every day! (I failed to watch it yesterday as I fell asleep, so I watched it this morning!)"



Satoshi Takebe, the music director of Fantasy on Ice

(Quoting Yuzu's message) "To make this comment after getting injured. His mental strength always amazes me. I have been missing his skating as we could not hold Fantasy on Ice for two years in a row. I am praying for his speedy recovery! and am hoping to see you again..."


Now, I am going to go back to my daily routine and try to do what I have to do and what I can do while Yuzu is doing his best!


This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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One take from me on the current situation:


The truth is, we know nothing about Yuzu's injury really. Neither the circumstances nor the severity. We only have his word that he fell on a jump and injured his right ankle again. We don't even know which jump it was. Sure, it's likely that it was the 4A, but it could have been literally anything, another unlucky fall on a 4Lo or whatever.

Yes, it might have been recklessness or jump drill or something similar, but it just could have been a short moment of distraction as well. You're setting up for a jump and in the moment of the take-off your phone rings, you hear a loud noise outside or feel a small earthquake - and flupp. Concentration gone. Damage done. This can happen anywhere at any time.


So, it makes 0 sense to do any speculations at this point and heaven forbid pretending to know what's best for him to do now.

It doesn't help him, it doesn't help us. All we achieve is to create unnecessary tension.

The best thing we can do is to send him positive vibes, trust him and hope that his recovery will go smoothly :grouphug:

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59 minutes ago, Henni147 said:

One take from me on the current situation:


The truth is, we know nothing about Yuzu's injury really. Neither the circumstances nor the severity. We only have his word that he fell on a jump and injured his right ankle again. We don't even know which jump it was. Sure, it's likely that it was the 4A, but it could have been literally anything, another unlucky fall on a 4Lo or whatever.

Yes, it might have been recklessness or jump drill or something similar, but it just could have been a short moment of distraction as well. You're setting up for a jump and in the moment of the take-off your phone rings, you hear a loud noise outside or feel a small earthquake - and flupp. Concentration gone. Damage done. This can happen anywhere at any time.


So, it makes 0 sense to do any speculations at this point and heaven forbid pretending to know what's best for him to do now.

It doesn't help him, it doesn't help us. All we achieve is to create unnecessary tension.

The best thing we can do is to send him positive vibes, trust him and hope that his recovery will go smoothly :grouphug:

I, ZuCritter, do voluntarily, humbly and with immeasurable relief take the Fanyu Pledge: 


I do hereby swear and solemnly affirm, on pain of dishonoring our Exalted Overlord, that I will, henceforth and forever, refrain from holding, voicing or promulgating any opinion whatsoever about what our Most Miraculous Space Kitty thinks or does not think, wants or does not want, needs or does not need, should or should not do, etcetera and so forth, world without end, Amen. 



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Very upsetting news and extremely disheartening for him.  I don’t see any point in speculating about the degree of injury or the best way for him to act because we don’t know anything about it except for the bare fact that it has happened, and if past experience tells us anything we aren’t going to find out unless and until he’s ready to tell us, possibly letting it slip in an interview long after the event.  I wish him a speedy recovery and the eventual accomplishment of his dream.  I wish media would stop talking about him going to the Olympics - he has always, even when talking about wanting to win at PC, tempered his comments with references to the selection process.  It isn’t actually his choice in the first instance.  I don’t think JSF would leave him out if he was fit but he may be less inclined to risk all if his ankle is dodgy and there is a danger that aggravating it will stop him from eventually achieving his ultimate goal.  That would be a choice for him to make, and with Yuma and Shoma up there in the mix he may feel less pressure to take the painkillers and do it for Japan.


Bottom line is we wait and see - deja vu again ……. just do what’s best for you wonder boy.  I never thought I’d be looking back nostalgically to 2014/15 season.  It really is a rollercoaster.

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Something to cheer people up, Ekaterina Bobrova, former Russian dancer said loads of complimentary stuff about Yuzu. That he can yet come back, and she supports his plan to go on with 4A, because he’s got nothing to prove to anyone, he’s proven his worth over and over. His name is hammered with gold letters in the history of figure skating already, so if he and his team wants to carry on with it, she can only wish him good luck. 

This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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23 hours ago, Henni147 said:

Well, at least they managed to stay factual and write something kind this time. 


Hanyu Yuzuru pulls out of this month's NHK Trophy after injuring ligaments in right ankle (olympics.com)





Interesting news: There was an update on the Olympics article about Yuzu's withdrawal today and Shintaro Kano has been added as co-author.

The info that Yuzu's withdrawal was "released on the NHK website" has been changed to "in a statement released by the JSF".


So it seems that articles on the Olympics website about Yuzu are now double-checked by Japanese authors, which is a good sign.

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31 minutes ago, Fay said:

Something to cheer people up, Ekaterina Bobrova, former Russian dancer said loads of complimentary stuff about Yuzu. That he can yet come back, and she supports his plan to go on with 4A, because he’s got nothing to prove to anyone, he’s proven his worth over and over. His name is hammered with gold letters in the history of figure skating already, so if he and his team wants to carry on with it, she can only wish him good luck. 

Oh this is lovely - maybe we will hear from others in the FS community too, wishing Yuzu the best.

Still on the subject of withdrawal from NHK, Rika has had to withdraw too, poor Rika. Hope she is in shape for JNats.

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