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11 hours ago, sweetwater said:

Yes, this is Continues ~with Wings~ 愛蔵版ブック. It is more like a deluxe edition (or a collectible edition) of the CwW brochure (or guidebook.) It doesn't have ISBN because it wasn't meant to be sold at bookstores. It doesn't have page counts, but the translated part is on page no. 18, if you count from the page next to the title page. (By title page, I mean the page called 扉 and 本扉 in this figure. Sorry, I don't know how I can explain this in English :tumblr_inline_mn41rkfu9v1qz4rgp:) Although no one is credited as the publisher, since CwW was organized by Continues ~with Wngs~ Executive Committee, I guess they are the de facto publisher of this book.


Thank you very much for your detailed feedback and counting the pages! This helps a lot!

I will leave the source as it is then and if it doesn't apply to WP's citation criteria, they will let us know.



About Beijing: Yuzu actually never really went as THE undoubtable top favorite into the Games. In Sochi Patrick was the favorite and before Pyeongchang many ruled out Yuzu because of his injury and prepared the stage for NC, but the Olympics is a different beast and tells its own stories.

It's indeed rare that the chosen ones or big favorites actually make it. Michelle Kwan - 5 time world champion, never won the Olympics. Kurt Browning - 4 time world champion, not even medalled at the Olympics (in three attempts). Papadakis/Cizeron - 4 time world champions and broke all WR in the 17/18 multiple times, but it wasn't meant to be with the Olympic title yet.

Or other sports: Roger Federer and Novak Djokovic - won pretty much everything that can be won in tennis - but never the men's individual at the Olympics.


Going into the Games as defending 3 time world champion is not exactly a good omen. Mark my words.

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2 hours ago, Hydroblade said:

:heavybreathing:label this NSFW pls


how can I label a post?

sorry I'm just a little mushroom... didn't get it 😓

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3 hours ago, Anni said:

Yuzu appears in the online game "The Pegasus Dream Tour" as an avatar :67638860:




Never thought that I would see another white wall Yuzu so soon :tumblr_inline_ncmiffG34Z1rpglid:
The official site of the game

Looks like the producer directed some of the Final Fantasy series and has been working on this since 2019. Interestingly, now, he is working with ANA as well to develop a virtual travel app for them. I wonder if Yuzu would appear in this app too, if ANA would continue supporting him until its release.



The Japanese site of the game has a message from Yuzu as following:


この度、The Pegasus Dream Tourのアンバサダーに就任しました。


羽生 結弦 選手
フィギュアスケート / 日本

A rough translation:

”The Japanese site of the game has a message from Yuzu as following:
This time, I became an ambassador of The Pegasus Dream Tour. I personally enjoy playing games a lot, so I am excited to be able to experience the energy of Para-sports in a game.
By the way, I am also appearing in the game. See you in Pegasus City!”



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1 hour ago, Neenah said:

I love your optimism but I don't share it. The upcoming Olympics is NC to lose. They set it up that way and have been building the narrative for years. They even changed the rules to make it happen. As things are now, NC can make mistakes and still win comfortably. Only a complete meltdown will lose him the gold. If you don't believe me, go and check his scores for all elements and not just jumps. By scoring him the way they have been on spins, StSq and PC in the past few years, especially in competitions against better skaters like Yuzu, Jason and others, they made it look like he is actually that good. So, it doesn't matter what kind of scrutiny the judges are under in the Olympics, because they can always say "This is the quality of his elements, just check his previous scores" and over score him. The ISU have learned their lessen from the Yuna Kim controversy and they made sure a similar thing won't happen by taking control of the narrative from the beginning.

This was obviously their goal when they changed the judging system. They wanted more control to have the champion they choose. As we have seen in the past couple of years, it doesn't matter how good Yuzu is. The judges and TP can easily invent a mistake to punish him while conveniently not seeing NC errors.  

I am not saying Yuzu can't win, but this is not his competition to lose. This is going to be an uphill battle for him and any other contender. Because this gold medal has been bought and paid for years ago.


Also, this not an attack on NC. He just happens to be the chosen one this time. It could be anyone else and I will still feel the say way about it.

I also love the optimism of the original opinion, but I share the view of Neenah...


Recently I believe Martina(?) made a very in-depth spread sheet averaging PCs of top male skaters of the last 10 years and it was noted that NC's skating skills are already averaging above Patrick Chan in his total senior career which is absolutely ridiculous. It seems to me that in 2018 and the seasons afterward, there has been a weird push by the judges (probably along with federations) to bump up the scores of upcoming male skaters. Skaters who moved up to the senior level in 2017 or 2018 and beyond. It's crazy to me that anyone would be coming close to Yuzu when it comes to skating skills, transitions, and interpretation but the judges have made it seem that these young guys are in the same league.


I'm also not trying to attack Nathan or Vincent here, but they are benefiting the most off the new system and the push to get an American on the podium. I actually wouldn't mind if Nathan did win the gold in 2022 since I feel his attitude towards skating has improved so much since 2018. What I do mind is that his PCs (and others) are getting shot up because judges confuse jumping quads with skating skills that are getting left behind. I really don't know what to make of it. The ISU are crazy if they think jumping quads is going to draw an audience like they did in 90s. It's about the skaters themselves and sadly Nathan just doesn't have the pull that Yuzuru Hanyu has. They're in for a nasty awakening once Yuzu retires. 

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1 hour ago, Neenah said:

love your optimism but I don't share it. The upcoming Olympics is NC to lose. They set it up that way and have been building the narrative for years. They even changed the rules to make it happen. As things are now, NC can make mistakes and still win comfortably. Only a complete meltdown will lose him the gold. If you don't believe me, go and check his scores for all elements and not just jumps. By scoring him the way they have been on spins, StSq and PC in the past few years, especially in competitions against better skaters like Yuzu, Jason and others, they made it look like he is actually that good. So, it doesn't matter what kind of scrutiny the judges are under in the Olympics, because they can always say "This is the quality of his elements, just check his previous scores" and over score him. The ISU have learned their lessen from the Yuna Kim controversy and they made sure a similar thing won't happen by taking control of the narrative from the beginning.

This was obviously their goal when they changed the judging system. They wanted more control to have the champion they choose. As we have seen in the past couple of years, it doesn't matter how good Yuzu is. The judges and TP can easily invent a mistake to punish him while conveniently not seeing NC errors.  

I am not saying Yuzu can't win, but this is not his competition to lose. This is going to be an uphill battle for him and any other contender. Because this gold medal has been bought and paid for years ago.


Also, this not an attack on NC. He just happens to be the chosen one this time. It could be anyone else and I will still feel the say way about it.

I respect your reasoning here but I do think you are not taking into account factors which I have, being that the Nathan/Yuzu rivalry will take second place to Yuzu's pursuit of a third gold medal.  I'm looking at this from the perspective of how everything will be framed in the broadcasting of the event, a framing which will, in fact, define the event.  Nathan versus Yuzu is attractive to the American, but ONLY to the Americans.  There's a lot more to figure-skating than is found in the United State, which in reality is not all that much of a figure-skating country.  Yuzu will have on his side a huge number of the broadcasting commentariat.  They will notice when things are not being done by the book and they will say so.  The IOC and others stand to be thoroughly disgraced if it is readily apparent that the cards were stacked in Nathan's favor.  The thing we have to remember is this, the dynamics for figure-skating at the the Olympics are on a different level than figure-skating all the other times.  Figure-skating is one of two 'glamor' sports of the winter games, the other being Alpine skiing.  With the persistent undertone in the figure-skating world of how Nathan is being given a free ride while Yuzu's every small error (and they usually are only small) is resulting in points lost, the commentators will be taking note of that.  I can see some of the more Yuzu-friendly commentators making comments about how Nathan's and Yuzu's scores are often off the mark before either of them begins to perform, calling attention to the audience to see if what they've said is true.  


I'm an American and like most educated Americans I have a keen awareness of how it is often thought that money can buy anything, that all individuals have the price that allows them to throw aside all moral constraints.  The thing is that if Yuzu enters Beijing as a world-famous celebrity, something I think possible if he gets the exposure next month in the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics, Nathan will be a nobody.  Nathan's fan base is pitifully small, like the fan base of all the American skaters.  Figure-skating is not an American passion.  Yuzu will go to Beijing not only as Japan's favorite but, with it unlikely they will have any skaters in contention, also the favorite of the Chinese and Koreans (after all, he is Asian, and native Asian at that).  We should not underrate the Yuzu threepeat narrative.  Yuzu will be trying to do something that has not happened in nearly a century.  That narrative will override the Yuzu/Nathan narrative and, in fact, will be the number one story of the Beijing Olympics.  Outside of the Americans I can see that Nathan is going to be characterized as a spoiler, someone out to deny the king his rightful crown.  That is a powerful narrative to contradict and I think the skating officialdom will be forced to agree and let Yuzu get is third gold medal.  



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22 minutes ago, gaia said:


how can I label a post?

sorry I'm just a little mushroom... didn't get it 😓

Ahaha don't worry don't worry i was just commenting on how this is way too beautiful and it's Not Safe For Work (Or Life... Or Wallet...)

:mushroom7:just a little joke haha

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32 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

Ahaha don't worry don't worry i was just commenting on how this is way too beautiful and it's Not Safe For Work (Or Life... Or Wallet...)

:mushroom7:just a little joke haha

hahah NSFR. definitely


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1 hour ago, yuzuangel said:

Did you convert any new Fanyus..?

I proudly did so a couple of days ago. it was about closing time and I was getting my daily yuzutonin dose watching hana waka su on the restaurant laptop. a couple of customers saw it and made the crazy decision of asking me who was the skater. some 20 minutes later it was done. two more satellites entred the orbit 🤣

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50 minutes ago, micaelis said:

I respect your reasoning here but I do think you are not taking into account factors which I have, being that the Nathan/Yuzu rivalry will take second place to Yuzu's pursuit of a third gold medal.  I'm looking at this from the perspective of how everything will be framed in the broadcasting of the event, a framing which will, in fact, define the event.  Nathan versus Yuzu is attractive to the American, but ONLY to the Americans.  There's a lot more to figure-skating than is found in the United State, which in reality is not all that much of a figure-skating country.  Yuzu will have on his side a huge number of the broadcasting commentariat.  They will notice when things are not being done by the book and they will say so.  The IOC and others stand to be thoroughly disgraced if it is readily apparent that the cards were stacked in Nathan's favor.  The thing we have to remember is this, the dynamics for figure-skating at the the Olympics are on a different level than figure-skating all the other times.  Figure-skating is one of two 'glamor' sports of the winter games, the other being Alpine skiing.  With the persistent undertone in the figure-skating world of how Nathan is being given a free ride while Yuzu's every small error (and they usually are only small) is resulting in points lost, the commentators will be taking note of that.  I can see some of the more Yuzu-friendly commentators making comments about how Nathan's and Yuzu's scores are often off the mark before either of them begins to perform, calling attention to the audience to see if what they've said is true.  


I'm an American and like most educated Americans I have a keen awareness of how it is often thought that money can buy anything, that all individuals have the price that allows them to throw aside all moral constraints.  The thing is that if Yuzu enters Beijing as a world-famous celebrity, something I think possible if he gets the exposure next month in the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics, Nathan will be a nobody.  Nathan's fan base is pitifully small, like the fan base of all the American skaters.  Figure-skating is not an American passion.  Yuzu will go to Beijing not only as Japan's favorite but, with it unlikely they will have any skaters in contention, also the favorite of the Chinese and Koreans (after all, he is Asian, and native Asian at that).  We should not underrate the Yuzu threepeat narrative.  Yuzu will be trying to do something that has not happened in nearly a century.  That narrative will override the Yuzu/Nathan narrative and, in fact, will be the number one story of the Beijing Olympics.  Outside of the Americans I can see that Nathan is going to be characterized as a spoiler, someone out to deny the king his rightful crown.  That is a powerful narrative to contradict and I think the skating officialdom will be forced to agree and let Yuzu get is third gold medal.  



I really really really hope you are right.


as far as I know unfortunately massimiliano ambesi won't be a commentator for the 2022 olimpic games but he has already widely showed his disappointment  for the judgment system (and the way judges humiliate yuzu)

NC is a great acrobat, he says, who could win even without the pcs and goe bust he usually gets.

but turning FS into a jump competition is just outrageous.


hopfully that will be the line chosen by most commentators. both for yuzu and for the future of FS



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