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5 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:


Oh okay I see 'em now. Lotsa huffy ice dance fans..tho I can't say I don't see where they're coming from. Some of  them seem to think they are bigger news than the quad revo but I'm guessing that's mainly salt for not having V&M be included in the list at all. It is very odd tho because some of the items listed are really quite negligible by comparison...


@ralucutzagy: He's mentioned in the #1 entry along with all the other quadmeisters, about the same amount of spotlight as Chen and Uno got. Really, as far as the focus on men's go, they really didn't do too badly this time around. To me, anyway.

I know but I mean, in that photo! He deserves to be there, too! IMO

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17 分, ralucutzagyさんが言いました:

I know but I mean, in that photo! He deserves to be there, too! IMO


Oh. Haha. Dang, I'm so used to his erasure that I didn't even notice or found it odd that he was missing. But if they only had enough room to feature 3, it stands to reason that Jin's the one that gets dropped (even tho imo it should really have been Uno since his quads don't really compare well to the quads of the other two and Jin...but Uno got further with his than Jin did with his incredible Lz regardless so...)


Let's hope his experience at TCC will help him move up front and center into everyone's faces this next quad.

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51 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:


#1 is up. It's not anti-climactic. I'm good with it being where it is because it is the biggest thing that led to other big things. :)


It's weird that they have W&D in the main pic but no mention of them anywhere, tho...or maybe there was and I just didn't read closely enough. I admit I only skimmed through a lot of the entries...

Yep, works for me.  Sorry ice dance just isn't what gets me going whether we're good at it or not. 

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2 minutes ago, vanadiezz said:

The fairy!




At least! One HD(?) celestial maiden pic!:10742290:


Did he wear reddish eyeshadow there? Oh this beautiful boi :10636614: C'mon Japan, release moar!!


Still moping in dark corner btw after found out yuzu wont be in NHK, now my chance to see him live is Worlds in Saitama, plz be there, Celestial Maiden!Zu ( def need someone to lift him up at gala tho :tongueyuzu:)

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6 hours ago, LadyLou said:

the idea of Yuzuru training without coach supervision for more than a few days is always going to scare me, no matter how much more wise he is now :dpooh:


3 hours ago, micaelis said:

The issue is can he train without Brian or Tracy?  He did it once before (though I can't remember when) where he trained in Japan rather than going back to Toronto.  Brian had given him a training regimen which he followed.  We have to remember Yuzu is so self-motivated and self-critical that he can carry off something like that. 


Just wanted to point out that there was an interview with Orser previously that pointed out there have been periods of time whereby Orser doesn't see Hanyu for ages (as in Orser being in Canada and Hanyu being in Japan) - but Orser remains involved in training and feedback via videoed sessions of Hanyu's training etc. There was another interview as well that commented that even at TCC, I believe Hanyu's mother videos his practices so that Hanyu himself could review and critique it afterwards.

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5 分, Tsubakindyさんが言いました:

At least! One HD(?) celestial maiden pic!:10742290:


Did he wear reddish eyeshadow there? Oh this beautiful boi :10636614: C'mon Japan, release moar!!


Still moping in dark corner btw after found out yuzu wont be in NHK, now my chance to see him live is Worlds in Saitama, plz be there, Celestial Maiden!Zu ( def need someone to lift him up at gala tho :tongueyuzu:)


Nah. Or at least, I don't think that's what it is. I think that's just those two deeper spots that he has on the corners of his eyes (some people are born with em) popping due to the filters used on the image.

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1 hour ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:


Nah. Or at least, I don't think that's what it is. I think that's just those two deeper spots that he has on the corners of his eyes (some people are born with em) popping due to the filters used on the image.

Didn’t he have an irritated eye or something? Probably that + photoshop magic lol

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1 hour ago, Coquelicot said:

The comment section is worth a read!  :68468287:


I knew it was going to be on the quad era :xD:

(my other bet was the rise of Asian skaters to dominate the sport...one can't deny that from 2007 to now Asian or Asian-descent people have become a routine presence on podium, and often on top of that, with some podium sweeps too. Tho of course there were some illustrious precedents).

It's an elegant way to celebrate US skaters while still talking about something that changed the landscape of FS. Can't deny they are smart:laughing:



(sorry for the long reply. For others: probably lots of  controversial things. Also, I’m aware there’s a lot of assumptions and speculation in what I wrote, but tbh anyone trying to ‘read’ other people’s personality is necessarily going to assume and speculate a lot and I’m not really sure where acceptable speculation ends. I think my post is still respectful and I'm using all the necessary may, might, I think and IMO, but if someone else feels uncomfortable or offended by any of the content, please admins go on and modify. Or if someone wants to debate, please do so)


re: this post (link instead of quote otherwise the wall-text would be way too long)


I'm... not sure if I've understood you, sorry.:tumblr_inline_mg16f1RxCn1qdlkyg:

I remember that you were talking about a gut reaction, but I assumed that even gut reactions are based on "observation" (though at a subconscius level maybe), so for example how people carry themselves, how they speak and so on. So, basically, on what we see from the outside. I didn't meant that you were speaking based on superficial observation, but still, they are observations, aren't they? At least that's what I thought. Sorry for assuming, and sorry if you view things in a different way


Of course I agree that you don't need to know him personally to have this gut reaction of yours, but I was talking more about you stating as a fact that Yuzuru behaves like a typical dude. I’ve read your words as ‘from my observations, he behaves like a dude’, so I’ve considered the whole gut feeling part as ‘it started with that first instinctive judgment and my following observations confirmed it’. You’re right that I’ve made A LOT of assumptions, so to clarify I’m gonna quote and explain exactly how I've interpreted your words:


On 6/27/2018 at 5:05 PM, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:

Hmmm...because I don't deny that those who were debating had some interesting points, I'm going to actually start one:


Cultural differences aside,  I'm in fact very puzzled as to why some people here are so resistant and uncomfortable about the idea of Hanyu being conformed as male because that's very clearly what he is, *despite* all the softness he has that coexists with the steel that is his core. It's making me think that these people are the ones trapped in the very box they are trying so hard to not be in. What's wrong with calling a spade a spade? Why does him identifying as a masculine male and him having a soft side have to be mutually exclusive?Just because he has a soft side to him doesn't have to mean he is somewhere in between. Femininity doesn't belong only to females, just as masculinity doesn't belong solely to males. I get that you're trying not to label the guy but don't you see that that's just another way of labeling someone? *scratches head*


Thing is, if you're merely talking about his more delicate programs and feathery skating style, then I get it, but if you're talking about his overall personality, that's where I'm stumped. I mean you've seen the way the guy carries himself most of the time. The guy is physically male and carries himself like one. Just because he turns soft and cutesy sometimes, why is he suddenly neither the way Weir seems to be neither?* He walks and talks like a pretty typical dude most of the time. And I'm stating this as fact. Even his cutesiness doesn't necessarily have to be a feminine trait. It simply comes across as child-like to me, and doesn't necessarily conform to one gender. 


And why do people automatically jump to the conclusion that I'm discounting dominant females when I was simply talking about Hanyu coming across as an unmistakably dominant male to me? What has one got to do with another? I am genuinely curious. 


Yes, this time, I'm actually asking for it so for those who wish to discuss the issue, have at it. =D

*(I didn't ask for clarification about the sentence where you mention Weir before, as I thought I’d got the meaning. But maybe I hadn't got the meaning, after all, so for the sake of clarity, could you tell me which word is missing there?)



Now, that’s how I read this, tell me if I’ve got this wrong:



Facts: how Yuzuru behaves, speaks and so on.


More facts: how the 'pretty typical dude behaves' (I assume this would be the ‘average behaviour of dudes’, or maybe more specifically ‘Japanese dudes of Yuzuru’s age’. Or ‘how I think the average dude of Yuzuru’s age behaves)


Yuzuru’s behaviour seems to fall in the ‘average behaviour of dudes’


Ergo, Yuzuru could be ‘conformed as male’, or as you said ‘the guy is physically male and carries himself like one’, hence ‘masculine male'.



That’s where I came in, adding that the ‘facts’ we have (behaviour and so on) are partials. So the conclusion might be partial too. The current data could allow for a ‘masculine male’ categorization, if we want to classify(1) , but there could be more data out there that could change said categorization.

I did assume you were using the reasoning above, and in that case IMO the conclusion was up for debate.

When you say you’re "standing firm on this", do you mean your gut reaction about Yuzuru being typical dude to you? Or that ‘his behaviour objectively resembles that of other dudes’?

As for me, I don't think observation of behaviour, even if 'superficial' and from the outside, is less ‘valid’ than instinctual reaction, when it's about saying that ‘his overall personality is like this and this’ and not about ‘I perceive him like this or that’.



And no, I didn't want to imply Yuzuru is acting(2) or anything.:tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid: I wanted to say that we don't know all of him, and this is a fact, and 'all of him' may or may not reinforce what we already know (and it may or may not prove your gut reaction wrong), and to me there still wouldn't be anything wrong or double-faced if some side of him doesn't come out in public.

Probably I shouldn't have used the world 'genuine', as the opposite could imply a negative connotation (that I didn’t mean), but the essence was that IMO chances are high that the missing data wouldn't substantially modify the image I have, image based on his behaviour and his words etc etc (as I said, his behaviour etc are the data, the image I have is how I put those data together. But there are missing data, and tbh there can be a certain degree of bias in how I or anyone else put data together. In this case, for example, some behaviours could be considered more relevant than others towards 'defining' his personality, but why those are more relevant and how much could be open to bias).


Of course I do not claim to be inside Yuzuru's mind. There wouldn’t be missing data otherwise:laughing: (so my image, while it looks 'reasonable' to me, might as well be wrong. Also, that's why people closer to him have better chances at inferring his personality from his behaviour correctly, they have more data)


Finally, any speculation I've done about how to classify Yuzuru's personality has nothing to do with how much or why I appreciate it, him. I don't really care if he behaves like the usual guy, like the unusul guy or like a total alien.



@¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm not even sure where I was going with all of this and I've probalby missed your point again, I'm sorry :embSwan:



(1) (general reflection, can be skipped. Also, controversial topic, but I wanted to explain my view on this)

personally, I have no problem with such kind of categorization and I fail to see how to ‘sort Yuzuru into a category’ could be considered as a denial of Yuzuru’s other facets, though I’ve seen some people claim that. It’s more of a way of weighting all the different facets of an individual against the ‘average’ behaviour of  a certain group of people. Think of that like the sorting into Hogwarts House system, if you want: for some people it's hard to tell which house would fit better, because there are many different and conflicting facets to them, but somehow some facets end being stronger than others.

Some people are opposed to any kind of categorization in this regard,  because of the huge cultural substratum some terms (like masculine/feminine) have. I understand this point of view, but I hope it could also be understood my view on this: if no positive nor negative connotation to any category is intended, to me such classification is pretty neutral, and merely meant as reference to an ‘average behaviour’ of certain subgroups of a certain population. One of those subgroups can be, for example, the ‘male subgroup’, and if there is some kind of ‘average behaviour’ to be observed in that subgroup, than it’s pretty neutral, IMO, to dub that average behaviour as, idk, ‘masculine’ or whatever. Just like it would be pretty neutral if someone dubbed the average behaviour observed among the subgroup "figure skating fans" as ‘FS fans way of life’. 

It’s essential to remember that there is still a lot of fluidity within every category and every subgroup, and that by necessity a degree of generalization is implied, but it doesn't mean that the individuality of each and every person dumped in a category stops existing, nor it's disrespected.



(2) missing data doesn’t necessary mean that someone is purposefully hiding them from us. It can be a pure and simple lack of material.

And I don’t think anyone in their sane mind would condemn Yuzuru if he behaved in a different way when he’s with his parents and close friends rather than when he’s being interviewed or training or in front of the camera. Everyone adapts their behaviour to the context, and it isn't always conscious (I'd say most times it's actually NOT conscious).


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4 hours ago, vanadiezz said:


What an... interesting way to make a choice that will please everyone yet still bring Nathan on the spotlight. 


4 hours ago, Coquelicot said:

The comment section is worth a read!  :68468287:



what a surprise :laughing: they really tried


hopefully they knew they would get hate regardless :rofl3:

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remember this proof of life when we were in limbo not knowing anything about Yuzu ! I’m still getting emotional seeing this pic . He looked skinnier and more tired in this pic ! Imagine all those efforts to recover from the injury and still didn’t get the expected result and lots of despairs and doubts going through his mind ! :sadPooh:

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10 minutes ago, ruruzest said:

remember this proof of life when we were in limbo not knowing anything about Yuzu ! I’m still getting emotional seeing this pic . He looked skinnier and more tired in this pic ! Imagine all those efforts to recover from the injury and still didn’t get the expected result and lots of despairs and doubts going through his mind ! :sadPooh:

The only thing I pray is he will stay healthy and be happy 4ever.

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14 minutes ago, ruruzest said:

remember this proof of life when we were in limbo not knowing anything about Yuzu ! I’m still getting emotional seeing this pic . He looked skinnier and more tired in this pic ! Imagine all those efforts to recover from the injury and still didn’t get the expected result and lots of despairs and doubts going through his mind ! :sadPooh:

Oh God... This proof of life kept us watered during a very harsh drought...

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