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  On 4/26/2018 at 5:31 PM, OonsieHui said:


I honestly really dislike the whole concept of oh we have to change things to "level the playing field". All that does is penalize those that do exceptionally well and reverse penalize (by giving favours so they don't actually improve) everyone else. It's just ridiculous. Everyone should just be judged based in their merit and hey guess what, if that means some people are far ahead of the crowd, just what's the problem with that? What's wrong with there being a huge gap if said gap is reflective of ability? Why the overwhelming urge to act like it's kindergarten again and everyone has to be equal and everyone has to be a winner? (I'm exaggerating for sarcasm but you get what I mean)


(The discussion on what is merit in fs aka quads vs everything else is a tiresome, well worn argument at this point)



I also thinks its bogus, like corridor judging in that there should be but isn't any big gaps in what the judges give in each mark; just doesn't make sense. We're measuring the overall best at any given time and at a competition. It's barely a competition between the skaters but between skaters and the judges.


So when you look at scores, we must be living in a great era where there's an abundance of legendary complete skaters at the top of most disciplines, complete with beautiful jumps, artistry, transitions and skating.


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  On 4/26/2018 at 1:31 AM, cinemacoconut said:



I Won't name which specific group but I saw a swarm of playing down Hanyu from xxxxxxx when Hanyu wasn't nominated for 2018 Time's Most Influential 100 while Adam Rippon was nominated. My twitter feed were full of disappointed skating fans that a 2 straight title Olympic Champion in 66 years wasn't recognized. Adam rippon may be more influential than Hanyu celebrity wise due to LGBT rights, but Hanyu was more influential skating career wise and athletic wise. He influenced a whole generation of male skaters and to not be included in 2018 Times Top influential 100 with all he has achieved before PC Olympics and After 2 peat OGM, was... Downplayed on my part.  



That TIME list isn't about achievement, it's about influence, and it has always been controversial because it's very PC (Politically Correct.) Adam is this year's token gay activist. There's also always a token black activist, a token Muslim, etc.  And Yuzu won't appear on the list until he's had more influence outside of skating. His recovery efforts in Myagi Prefecture are a good start. He may eventually become their token Asian. Very sad -- just ignore it.

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Can we stop the future talk or media talk for now?? :13877886: I'd love to talk about Nessie since Yuzu is very clear about that, but anything other than 4A is tiresome and brings down the atmosphere. I'll support his every decision on jumps, career and all of that but doesn't mean it's easy to deal with those thoughts. It's unavoidable for the topic to arise now and then but let's not keep it more than a couple of pages.

Here, have a cute fail Hydroblade with snowy tummy Yuzu :tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:



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  On 4/26/2018 at 3:46 AM, Bonesfan said:


I’m American and have been watching figure skating off and on for more than 40 years. In my opinion, American media is very focused on American skaters. It’s rather limiting I think. Did you read Dani’s report about the Olympics Men’s SP and the American journalists who had never heard of Yuzuru? There has been more coverage of Yuzuru’s fans and Pooh than about Yuzuru’s skating.  Quite a few North Americans seem uncomfortable with Yuzu’s androgynous look and love of ”feminine” costumes.  Kurt Browning (who does appreciate Yuzu’s skating) said his R&J 2 Boobskirt was not befitting an Olympic champion. I think partly what forum members are reacting to is the contrast between Japanese media coverage of skating and American. Japanese commentators spend time educating the audience about skating and scoring. They try to provide overall positive, informative commentary about ALL skaters, while acknowledging when someone is-having a tough skate.  I don’t wish there was less coverage of Nathan, only that the coverage is broader and more inclusive. Ironically, I think if American coverage was more balanced with a diversity of skaters, interest in skating would increase.



Hmm... good point. American media comes off shallow -- but even more so when they're talking about Americans. I think that's why I love Max so dearly, he educates the public.

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  On 4/26/2018 at 5:12 PM, Mastyaeva said:

Oh, jump talks. :peekapooh:


Of course, Yuzu knows what is the best for him, but as a fan, I really don't want him to leave aside 4 lz. I saw an ideal 4 lz in training in Moscow and it got me. Such a predatory and sharp jump (with a delayed rotation, of course). Diamond drill. I miss it a little bit. But 4 loop by Yuzu is a pure poetry on the ice and in the air. No one can jump it like he. And Nessie :tumblr_inline_mp4i2vHXDy1qz4rgp:

Can't choose, I want them all. :headdesk2:



As much as I love his 4lutz ( when being landed cleanly), I think he should leave it behind especially if he can land 4A in the future ( well, it's not as easy as many people mistakenly believe and this surely WON'T happen any time soon). Lutz is not his weak jump but it's undoubtedly his most problematic jump. 3lutz has brought enough trouble to him. This time when 4lutz was the reason for a nearly career ending injury, I desperately want him not to try it again, it's too dangerous. It's difficult for anyone at his age to learn a new difficult jump. ( Weirly, I have a sense that he won't try it again). 4A is a different story. Even though it's incredibly dangerous jump and I'm terrified everytime I think about it, landing 4A is his dream, so if he sees it as a worthy goal to pursue, I won't complain. 

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  On 4/26/2018 at 6:49 PM, wpisces said:

As much as I love his 4lutz ( when being landed cleanly), I think he should leave it behind especially if he can land 4A in the future ( well, it's not as easy as many people mistakenly believe and this surely WON'T happen any time soon). Lutz is not his weak jump but it's undoubtedly his most problematic jump. 3lutz has brought enough trouble to him. This time when 4lutz was the reason for a nearly career ending injury, I desperately want him not to try it again, it's too dangerous. It's difficult for anyone at his age to learn a new difficult jump. ( Weirly, I have a sense that he won't try it again). 4A is a different story. Even though it's incredibly dangerous jump and I'm terrified everytime I think about it, landing 4A is his dream, so if he sees it as a worthy goal to pursue, I won't complain. 



I feel like it was just bad chance that it was that jump that he was doing when he was injured. I don't see a reason to never try it again. 

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  On 4/26/2018 at 5:14 PM, icecreamy said:


Even if he had been practicing 4A for quite some time and is really close to landing in competitions, I don't think it's at a matured/ready-to-ship state as of now. Especially after the injury sustained on landing foot. Yuzu and his team does conceal/hint/re-phrase things strategically when it comes to competitions and winning, however I feel that he is quite open and honest when expressing his goals. Even at very young age he talked about winning OG in front of reporters (and many just ignored him at the time), to him it's a way for formalizing his goal so that he would start pursuing it with full speed. IMO the mentioning of 4A or even 5A is more on the materializing things-to-work on side.


I also feel that Yuzu himself is going through some mental work after olympic winning. As Orser put it one needs some time to digest OG and figure out the next step of plan. I personally feel that his tone of continuing becomes stronger and more determined as his foot heals and also as more praises and nods received from many sources including his hero and fans. Anyway that's just my feeling. As someone who has never seen him compete live I do wish him a speedy and steady recovery, and also competes not just a little longer but much longer, as long as he's contended; however as a fanyu his personal health and happiness weighs the most in my heart. 


This is very much my view & feeling! Since Yuzuru has been so careful with his answers, it seems best to take them with as little interpretation or speculation as possible. Even if he wasn't still recovering from injury, he is at a major crossroads. Learning how to live with his forever-dream goal finally behind him, I really can't imagine what that's like.


I was rewatching CiONTU and got teary all over again at how perfectly complete it is, from beginning to end, and he is still so young. It's like a beautiful gesture of laying down his original dream, and the self that was sustained by it, to rest before starting on a new path. And of course not forgetting any of the gifts or hardships that he earned along the way.


But he is also so very mercurial & changeable that really anything could happen! Which is just a natural part of the excitement/terror of being a fanyu... another good reason not to speculate too much (heart palpitations) 

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  On 4/26/2018 at 6:54 PM, Ajora said:


I feel like it was just bad chance that it was that jump that he was doing when he was injured. I don't see a reason to never try it again. 


Even if you don't see it a reason, lutz has never been an easy jump for him. He has struggled with landing triple lutz. If you don't have a stable triple, you can't land a strong stable quad. He really tried his best to perform quad lutz because judges favor skaters who can land many quads. He has injuried himself many times by aiming for many hard techniques. I hope he is not that crazy because of his ambitition and injuring himself again. 

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  On 4/26/2018 at 7:05 PM, wpisces said:

Even if you don't see it a reason, lutz has never been an easy jump for him. He has struggled with landing triple lutz. If you don't have a stable triple, you can't land a strong stable quad. He really has tried his best recently to perform quad lutz. He has injuried himself many times by aiming for many hard techniques. 



Ah but the reason he had trouble with the triple lutz in recent years is because he was working on the quad lutz which messed his rhythm for the triple up and because it’s been the last/second to last jump in his programs. Especially in H&L he jumped it in the last few seconds, after his tiring choreo sequence and directly after the layback ina bauer which understandably brought the success rate of his 3Lz down. 

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  On 4/26/2018 at 7:05 PM, wpisces said:

Even if you don't see it a reason, lutz has never been an easy jump for him. He has struggled with landing triple lutz. If you don't have a stable triple, you can't land a strong stable quad. He really tried his best to perform quad lutz because scoring system favors skaters who can land many quads. He has injuried himself many times by aiming for many hard techniques. I hope he is not that crazy because of his ambitition and injuring himself again. 



He's landed it just fine before, though. Plus, as best as I can remember (with my terrible memory...), he had been sick and wasn't fully over a fever by NHK time, and probably shouldn't have been attempting it at that time. But he did fine at Rostelecom. I don't want to start saying that if something is difficult, he shouldn't do it. It's possible to fall badly on anything, really. You can snap your leg in two stumbling over a rock. It doesn't mean you should never walk down the street again.

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  On 4/26/2018 at 7:10 PM, robin said:


Ah but the reason he had trouble with the triple lutz in recent years is because he was working on the quad lutz which messed his rhythm for the triple up and 



This is what worries me.  Yuzuru has probably the most difficult while reliable triple axel in history.  What is the quad going to do to his triple?

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  On 4/26/2018 at 7:10 PM, robin said:


Ah but the reason he had trouble with the triple lutz in recent years is because he was working on the quad lutz which messed his rhythm for the triple up and because it’s been the last/second to last jump in his programs. Especially in H&L he jumped it in the last few seconds, after his tiring choreo sequence and directly after the layback ina bauer which understandably brought the success rate of his 3Lz down. 



  On 4/26/2018 at 7:17 PM, Ajora said:


He's landed it just fine before, though. Plus, as best as I can remember (with my terrible memory...), he had been sick and wasn't fully over a fever by NHK time, and probably shouldn't have been attempting it at that time. But he did fine at Rostelecom. I don't want to start saying that if something is difficult, he shouldn't do it. It's possible to fall badly on anything, really. You can snap your leg in two stumbling over a rock. It doesn't mean you should never walk down the street again.


He has strugged with landing triple lutz since his earlier years when he wasn't traning 4lutz. I watched many his junior programs, he usually tends to lean forward too much and mess up triple lutz. Worlds Junior 2010 FS, Worlds Junior 2010 SP, NHK 2010 SP, COC 2011 FS, Sochi team event SP, Worlds 2014 FS...  just name a few. If it's just a triple he somehow can control his shaky landing to avoid injuries but if it's a quad with that height and speed into that, if he lands it in that way,  injury is inevitable. 

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