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5 minutes ago, kaerb said:

lowkey though, Pooh's absence is probably my second anxiety behind using OG as his comeback


I think we just need to convey how much he loves Pooh and how much he's brought Pooh to the skating world (and how much juicy, juicy publicity Disney might get from authorising the Pooh rain >_>). The people who would mock him because of his Pooh would have found some other reason to mock him, best to just leave them to their narrowminded bitterness :dry:

The fact that Disney noticed pooh-hanyu is a very good thing already. And if we manage to gain at least the attention with the higher ups is incredibly good for us. They might not have enough time to actually sponsor him considering the 1 month span but with the Olympics being near, the attention would surely be good and maybe they can compromise some things.

And just ignore those trolls. They're just sad they don't have a Pooh :P

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Beautiful people I can't believe it's only one month left for Olympics. 4 years ago I saw this incredible young man in my tv and since that day my life changed forever. No matter what happens, Yuzuru always will be a very loved person and a blessig to this sport. Let's get crazy!!!!

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