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2 minutes ago, ruruzest said:

That was my first thought hearing him saying “ but ..but I need 10 more points right ?” Roughly it needs 10 more points to break his old record ,that was a quick comment from him . I don’t think he ever complains that judges should give him more points , his thoughts only pertain to his own things , on him , not on others 


I guess it comes down to his English. I think he said "more 10 points" which could really only mean PCS but maybe he did mean "10 points more." Either way, I didn't think he was complaining about the judging but telling himself he needed to do more next time to earn it. (Why don't interviewers nitpick like we do? :P)

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2 時間前, Aotoshiroさんが言いました:

I actually always thought he remids himself he needs 10 points more for the overall score WR, since Tracy's lips seems to mouth 'world record' (or 'free score' -I'm not so sure anymore) few seconds earlier. It would actually seem logical, since 10 points do not mean breaking the SP WR(had he been given them there), but it WOULD push the score over 330, which was his highest total, breaking for which I'm sure he's constantly aiming (or actually, for the perfection that would break it as a fringe benefit, no sweat:facepalm:).


:iagree: So did I.  When I heard him saying that, about 10 points difference between his WR overall score and Helsinki overall score instantly came into my head .    

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51 minutes ago, kaerb said:



Please JP media give us ALL the unreleased footage angles from media day ;;

I quite litteraly gasped out loud when I saw that exit, gorgeous, exquisite, heavenly, *insert every possible synonyms* uggghhh  I miss him so much :tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid:

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11 minutes ago, Danibellerika said:


He is probably the only one that would never bore me if he only ever did jumps.  It's a treat that he is so skilled everywhere else too. Amazing.:tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:


and then this is right on time with the 23 +3s on jumps he's received:



When we're all cyborgs with bionic eyes and computer brains, I'll probably just load this compilation and zone out forever. 

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10 時間前, getsurenkaさんが言いました:

I have seen it being translated as "please don't reject me" as in asking him not to reject her request of him teaching Yuzu once she leave.

No, that's wrong translation.

Don't ruin him is better.

ダメにする(dame ni suru) means 'destroy, ruin, collapse,'.. such a like.

To fail to raise.

I don't know the proper word, sorry.

But “Don't reject me” is completely different meaning.


I don't feel that she was worried about sparta.  I guess she knew Tsuzuki and trusted him. Probably she just told him emphatically, because Yuzuru had amazing talent/potential.

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