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@gladi: That banner is beautiful! Thank you and everyone involved for organizing such a massive project of support. Hope Yuzu likes the banner-and each time he feels down, he can go wrap himself in those 7 meters and roll around until he feels better. =) @Yatagarasu: you got mentioned, so  thank you too for keeping everyone sane!

(And cats as QA managers are totally appropriate :kitty:)

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4 hours ago, xeyra said:

The Banner @gladi and co created from our messages! The Making of (check the full post)




Edit: This is so amazing. I'm in awe. Thank you for all the work you all did on this banner. 

Omg the banner is absolutely breath taking! :bow::tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw: thanks for all your hard work @gladi and team! Yuzu will definitely be happy to receive such a beautiful banner filled with love and support!


1 hour ago, kamotejojo said:

:13877886: Has this been posted before? :13877886:


that head-tilting laugh moment I'm just :13877886::sadPooh: hope to see him happy like that soon...


And at last some new content! the cacti has been watered a little :tumblr_inline_mp4i2vHXDy1qz4rgp:

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THANKS @gladi  and all (e.g. @Yatagarasu) who involved in making the banner. :grouphug:

Thank you for your work and effort.

It involves wishes and love of fans from different parts of the world. It’s so moving. :sadPooh:


As it was sent to TCC, it is a tangible stuff Yuzu can see, read and touch…<3



May Gods and Skating Gods (PLEASE :smiley-angelic001:) protect Yuzu who has brought many wonderful and beautiful things to our world and keep Yuzu healthy and happy. <3:SunFace:






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38 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

So... i got my Christmas/Birthday present from my mom...

  Reveal hidden contents


:10742290: right in front of my bed, how am i supposed to sleep now...

OMG, your mom is awesome! She just wants you to have sweet dreams when you sleep. Or maybe guardian Yuzu can now chase off all the nightmares with his quad army! (okay, another concept, Sengoku quads...T_T)

And Happy Birthday too!

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1 minute ago, Xen said:

OMG, your mom is awesome! She just wants you to have sweet dreams when you sleep. Or maybe guardian Yuzu can now chase off all the nightmares with his quad army! (okay, another concept, Sengoku quads...T_T)

And Happy Birthday too!

That is if i can fall asleep. She was laughing when i saw it hanging on the wall and i had to look away because those eyes....

(omg do it)

Also my birthday is next week haha january baby, i get presents either on christmas or my birthday lol

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