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To me Yuzu is most beautiful in motion. It's the quality of his movement across the ice. You don't really get the effect of his skating from freeze-framing his positions, unlike ice dance, for example, where every moment should be picture perfect. Although Papadakis and Cizeron are a bit like him in terms of effortless flow. Of course, his posture and extension have improved so much. The flexibility that allows him to do Biellmanns, Ina Bauers, unique spin positions and that signature hydroblade has some drawbacks. And you'll notice that as his strength has increased, he's not quite as bendy as before.


I wish Nathan had some more special moves in the field besides a spread eagle. He hits some nice positions, but they're not really integrated into a seamless whole because of his stiff knees. He really relies on the jumps coming off, a lot like Boyang, even though they are not judged in the same way.

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I wonder what the plans are for him during the holidays too. He has always spent the New Year in Japan(from what we know, anyway),  and during a normal year with Worlds in March if he had this injury I would expect him to go there as well.... but with the Olympics so close, and his status being so up in the air,  will he think he can afford a trip back? I imagine he would really want to be there, so what wins? 

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3 minutes ago, liv said:

I wonder what the plans are for him during the holidays too. He has always spent the New Year in Japan(from what we know, anyway),  and during a normal year with Worlds in March if he had this injury I would expect him to go there as well.... but with the Olympics so close, and his status being so up in the air,  will he think he can afford a trip back? I imagine he would really want to be there, so what wins? 

I think he will be on TCC like white on rice until he leaves for Korea.  Unless he opts for 4CC. 

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39 minutes ago, Danibellerika said:

It would be so much easier for me as a fan if Yuzu simply expressed wanting to just aim for the podium.  But knowing it would mean the world to him to win and  anything but gold would be crushing, especially considering these circumstances, it's why I can't truly be satisfied with anything else but gold.  I'm going to these games and they were on the plan for me since 2011 before I really even knew about Yuzu. I wish I could go in like I will for the team event, essentially not caring and just trying to enjoy the skating.  But my empathy is just too great. I want it for him so bad because he wants it so bad and the quality of his skating when he's able to put it all together shows he deserves it so much. Realistically, I know it's better to temper my expectations, but Yuzu doesn't always make me rational.  


  this is me too. I want it for him so bad because he wants it so bad. 

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Just now, MrPudding said:

But whats with Team Japan going to Korea together? Will Yuzu join or he'll go straight to PC

We can't really know that now , but personally whenever someone is talking about an ENTIRE figure skating team going somewhere ,  it's a big NO for me ( I don't really want a 'Sabena Flight 548' n°2 please ....)

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2 minutes ago, MrPudding said:

But whats with Team Japan going to Korea together? Will Yuzu join or he'll go straight to PC

I...actually don't want to know? Because if we don't know, maybe the amount of people waiting for him at the airport will be smaller, since nobody will be sure when and where should they wait... (oh who I want to joke, our dedication isn't that weak to be diffused by such deception :D)

@SidneyH thanks for bringing that up I was doing so well with battling my anxiety before tomorrow's flight -,-'' I sincerly hope that since it's Japan with their planes being basically the cheapest means of transportation, they will also have like, bazillion counterplans in case of any problems with the machine, none of them including 'just pray'.

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1 minute ago, Aotoshiro said:

@SidneyH thanks for bringing that up I was doing so well with battling my anxiety before tomorrow's flight -,-'' I sincerly hope that since it's Japan with their planes being basically the cheapest means of transportation, they will also have like, bazillion counterplans in case of any problems with the machine, none of them including 'just pray'.

OMG...oops I'm so sorry  :slinkaway:

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7 minutes ago, Aotoshiro said:

@SidneyH thanks for bringing that up I was doing so well with battling my anxiety before tomorrow's flight -,-'' I sincerly hope that since it's Japan with their planes being basically the cheapest means of transportation, they will also have like, bazillion counterplans in case of any problems with the machine, none of them including 'just pray'.

Planes are equipped with a lot of redundancy mechanisms. Catastrophic failures are very rare nowadays, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.

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18 minutes ago, SydneyH said:

We can't really know that now , but personally whenever someone is talking about an ENTIRE figure skating team going somewhere ,  it's a big NO for me ( I don't really want a 'Sabena Flight 548' n°2 please ....)

OMG I JUST GOOGLED THIS. :tumblr_inline_ncmiffG34Z1rpglid:

shouldn't have looked this up...

How do I un-worry now :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw:

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15 minutes ago, SydneyH said:

OMG...oops I'm so sorry  :slinkaway:

It's okay! I fought the anxiety once, I will fight it again :hachimaki:

8 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

Planes are equipped with a lot of redundancy mechanisms. Catastrophic failures are very rare nowadays, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.

I know but you know, you always have it just at the back of your head... like, the Aleksandrow's Choir's plane also had it, and look at us, it will be the anniversary soon T.T 

But! No good worrying in advance! If I fall at worst I will be able to ascend and punch skating gods in the face for not taking proper care of Yuzu! HEAR MY WARNING, SKATING GODS!


2 minutes ago, Floria said:

Sorry for OT but since it is Brian's birthday I hope it is ok to post it here


Definitely okay! Still great takeoff

 Check. STILL Completed two rotations? Check. Getting ALS Challenged by former co-competitors and his own skater? CHECK. <-A summary: Yuzu learns the Extra from the best. <3

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I'm scared. Like really really scared. I have been able to maintain my composure since the NHK  WD but not any more. There is so little time left till PC... He was off ice for the  whole  freaking month. He has to bring back all his jumps,which I'm sure he is capabale of doing, but that's not enough. He has to regain he stamina , and to be strong enough mentally to make a  comeback right before  the OG madness. Without competitive experience for 4   months it won't be a walk in the park.  My optimism is slowly abandoning me.

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5 минут назад, Gaby сказал:

I'm scared. Like really really scared. I have been able to maintain my composure since the NHK  WD but not any more. There is so little time left till PC... He was off ice for the freaking months. He has to bring back all his jumps,which I'm sure he is capabale of doing, but that's not enough. He has to regain he stamina , and to be strong enough mentally to make a  comeback right before  the OG madness. Without competitive experience for 4   months it won't be a walk in the park.  My optimism is slowly abandoning me.

Hold on! :10742289: It's difficult, but Yuzu is capable to do everything in this list  to pick in the Olympics. He has his team, family and fans! Olympics are unpredictable, so we can only believe in him. 

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