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3 minutes ago, MrPudding said:

So much people thinking he won't go to Olympic. 

Are you good? Is your brain fine? Do you want me to help fix it for you? Perhaps a lecture with common sense would be good?





I don't even care if I have to see a single frustrating comments about the 'unfairness' as long as I get to see his name in black and white for Team Japan.

Sorry for the rant. Blame all the rabbits :carrot_:

The rabbits is not good for Yuzu's health. 

JUSTICE FOR RABBITS:tumblr_inline_mqt4gvxBXC1qz4rgp:this particular one is just a massive arsehole:tumblr_inline_n2pjd3rZJh1qdlkyg:

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I just hope Yuzu is healthy at the Olympics like please please God give him all the healthiness from all the universe for those 2 weeks of Pyeongchang  :sadPooh:

idc about Nationals, 4CC, even Worlds. Pyeongchang is his ultimate goal for staying these four years after Sochi. It gave him strength even after CoC and his terrible terrible injury at Wolds’16. So please please don’t take this away :sadPooh:

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12 minutes ago, MrPudding said:

So much people thinking he won't go to Olympic. 

Are you good? Is your brain fine? Do you want me to help fix it for you? Perhaps a lecture with common sense would be good?





I don't even care if I have to see a single frustrating comments about the 'unfairness' as long as I get to see his name in black and white for Team Japan.

Sorry for the rant. Blame all the rabbits :carrot_:

The rabbits is not good for Yuzu's health. 

People have so little faith in humanity it seems. Like not sending him to the Oly when he recovers is like the most inhuman thing JSF would ever do.


Especially after coughGPFcough like we all need Yuzu to safe men’s FS competition at PC okay~ 



I got accepted to med school and the school starts on early Feb. I would most probably miss PC it seems :Poohgaveup:

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26 minutes ago, Anony said:

JUSTICE FOR RABBITS:tumblr_inline_mqt4gvxBXC1qz4rgp:this particular one is just a massive arsehole:tumblr_inline_n2pjd3rZJh1qdlkyg:

Nononono, he's just sad he wasn't quicker than the racoon to get to the TCC and now out of spite for Raccoon  invents all those stories to excuse why this obviously worse animal than him got to see Yuzu before him.


Yes this rabbit is Lady 4F's pet...


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31 minutes ago, b138oo said:

I just hope Yuzu is healthy at the Olympics like please please God give him all the healthiness from all the universe for those 2 weeks of Pyeongchang  :sadPooh:

idc about Nationals, 4CC, even Worlds. Pyeongchang is his ultimate goal for staying these four years after Sochi. It gave him strength even after CoC and his terrible terrible injury at Wolds’16. So please please don’t take this away :sadPooh:


Gosh, don't make me start crying again. I'd give him all my health AND luck for those two weeks if possible.


It hurts too if he looks up at those boards in TCC and 2018 is not next to his name under gold medal Olympians. Just hearing about him doing so for Worlds is :sad-smiley-046:

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10 hours ago, MrPudding said:

he was voted for something?

google says the person people want to treat tonkatsu to next year :laughing:

LOL this was a vote for the athlete whose successes next year was the most anticipated and therefore who the voter wanted to treat to a “tonkatsu” (not sure if tonkatsu has double meaning here because it’s in quotes but ‘katsu’ can also mean win in Japanese so maybe a pun?).


Yuzu came 4th among the men and 1st with the women, 2nd overall behind Ohtani Shohei but there were only 83 votes for him in total? A bit confused because it also says n=1000 so it would suggest 1000 people participated


Anyway it’s always a nice to know Yuzu isn’t short of fanboys too :laughing:


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53 minutes ago, Fay said:

Please, could we calm down? I watch a lot of forums - apart from one exception - nowhere did I see any hint that Yuzu should be barred from the Olympics. Everyone's pretty anxious and upset about the news so far. 

I think I have to apologize for this since I was the one to bring it up.. It was really not my intention to start something or make people angry, I was just trying to explain that those sentiments do exist and that the JSF maybe trying to protect Yuzu.


Sorry if I made this thread unpleasant to anyone 

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1 minute ago, Neenah said:

I think I have to apologize for this since I was the one to bring it up.. It was really not my intention to start something or make people angry, I was just trying to explain that those sentiments do exist and that the JSF maybe trying to protect Yuzu.


Sorry if I made this thread unpleasant to anyone 

There will be haters, but they're a tiny minority, so I wouldn't say they matter that much. The world of male figure skating lacks a lot when Yuzu isn't around - something acknowledged and emphasized by our commentators, so he deserves to be there over anyone else. 

The top priority is his health now. 

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