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  On 11/17/2017 at 10:46 PM, Joey said:


I'd have my money on him keeping it. I understand the reasoning as to why he should take it out, but... it's Yuzu. He doesn't just want to win, it's not just about the medals. He wants to win absolutely. He wants to win showing his absolute best. He wants to win having no regrets and going for everything he's capable of. CoR shows he's capable of a 4Lz. To be honest I think even if he won in PC, if it was without the 4Lz, maybe he would always have that nagging feeling of "but I could have been better"? He won in Sochi but still regrets his LP there. It's how he is. And the only thing that counts is that Yuzu needs to do what he thinks is right for him - that will be the right decision, no matter how it turns out.

Don't get me wrong, IMO if he really struggles that much in practices with it, I'm sure he'll be mature enough now to take it out - but if there is a chance, and I think there will be because it's Yuzu and he's good like that, I think he'll include it.


Yeah as a fan I of course respect his decision. Knowing him all these years... oh well I’d say I am not worried yet cause we’re still a month before Nationals. My sanity is still here with me at least. 

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There is no telling how well other skaters will perform or how the judges will give out points, so it is smart for him to up tech content as much as possible, while he still can, to increase chances of victory. He continues to be a gold medal contender because he  constantly pushes. Realistically, within Yuzuru's career, even if 4A and quints are landed, it is doubtful many skaters will land them consistently. I am going on how the sport has progressed, especially in the ladies. A full set of quads is plenty to remain competitive in the foreseeable future.




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GUYSSSS! I totally forgot to tell you something. 


In this wednesday's podcast, Max and Angelo were talking about Yuzuru at NHK practice and... Max said that Yuzu was practicing 4Lz for the SHORT program. Because he has been doing the runthroughs with the 4Lz. 


So, before it was half runthroughs with 4Loop and half with 4Lz. Now, he only mentioned 4Lz and said it like he was sure Yuzuru was going to put it in the Short...


So I don't want to alarm you but... I think 4Lz is here to stay, and the fact that Yuzuru injured himself while jumping that, will only motivate him to practice it more. Besides, I can already hear Yuzuru's words from an interview in two or three weeks (or right before Nats):
"The reason I injured myself had nothing to do with 4Lz. My success percentage with 4Lz is good and I have practiced more so that I can put it in my programs."

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  On 11/18/2017 at 12:22 AM, Murieleirum said:

GUYSSSS! I totally forgot to tell you something. 


In this wednesday's podcast, Max and Angelo were talking about Yuzuru at NHK practice and... Max said that Yuzu was practicing 4Lz for the SHORT program. Because he has been doing the runthroughs with the 4Lz. 


So, before it was half runthroughs with 4Loop and half with 4Lz. Now, he only mentioned 4Lz and said it like he was sure Yuzuru was going to put it in the Short...


So I don't want to alarm you but... I think 4Lz is here to stay, and the fact that Yuzuru injured himself while jumping that, will only motivate him to practice it more. Besides, I can already hear Yuzuru's words from an interview in two or three weeks (or right before Nats):
"The reason I injured myself had nothing to do with 4Lz. My success percentage with 4Lz is good and I have practiced more so that I can put it in my programs."


4lz for sp........ :13877886:

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  On 11/18/2017 at 12:22 AM, Murieleirum said:

GUYSSSS! I totally forgot to tell you something. 


In this wednesday's podcast, Max and Angelo were talking about Yuzuru at NHK practice and... Max said that Yuzu was practicing 4Lz for the SHORT program. Because he has been doing the runthroughs with the 4Lz. 


So, before it was half runthroughs with 4Loop and half with 4Lz. Now, he only mentioned 4Lz and said it like he was sure Yuzuru was going to put it in the Short...


So I don't want to alarm you but... I think 4Lz is here to stay, and the fact that Yuzuru injured himself while jumping that, will only motivate him to practice it more. Besides, I can already hear Yuzuru's words from an interview in two or three weeks (or right before Nats):
"The reason I injured myself had nothing to do with 4Lz. My success percentage with 4Lz is good and I have practiced more so that I can put it in my programs."


Max......please let your ninja insiders be wrong..........

(I....wouldn't put it past Yuzu............ :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw:)

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Yes, I confirm that Max stated clearly that Yuzu was doing so in practice. Anyway it will be 4Lz if health will consent, or the "old" 4Lo; I don't think the 4S, like ad ACI.

I think that Yuzu made a good choice in training the Loop and now the Lutz and I am sure that he and his team will do the best in the current and future situation.

In fact, he has to maximize points also in the SP because the others (escpecially Patrick and Shoma, and for SP also Chan) are too close in GOE and PCS.


I made this chart with the SP PCS from the beginnig of the last season until now: http://i64.tinypic.com/21dn1pi.jpg

(there isn't a way to show an image directly into the post? I didn't find it...).


You can see that while until 4CC/EU of last season Chan, Fernandez and Yuzuru were in the same range and distant from 2 to 4 points from the others, now Shoma is in the same their range too.

Chen is rising but is still a little bit under, like Kolyada. Jin is improving but not enough (in term of scores, naturally).

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  On 11/18/2017 at 1:05 AM, fireovertheice said:

Yes, I confirm that Max stated clearly that Yuzu was doing so in practice. Anyway it will be 4Lz if health will consent, or the "old" 4Lo; I don't think the 4S, like ad ACI.

I think that Yuzu made a good choice in training the Loop and now the Lutz and I am sure that he and his team will do the best in the current and future situation.

In fact, he has to maximize points also in the SP because the others (escpecially Patrick and Shoma, and for SP also Chan) are too close in GOE and PCS.


I made this chart with the SP PCS from the beginnig of the last season until now: http://i64.tinypic.com/21dn1pi.jpg

(there isn't a way to show an image directly into the post? I didn't find...).


You can see that while until 4CC/EU of last season Chan, Fernandez and Yuzuru were in the same range and distant from 2 to 4 points from the others, now Shoma is in the same their range too.

Chen is rising but is still a little bit under, like Kolyada. Jin is improving but not enough (in term of scores, naturally).


Does that mean...4Lz from spread eagle............ :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw::tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw::tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw::tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw::tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw::tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw: I've always kind of had this feeling of 4Lz as a 'hard'/explosive jump so it'll be interesting to see how he makes it fit with the delicacy of Chopin....if he does it. This boy has no regard for our heart health does he??? :13877886:


Yeah, I feel like Shoma's cemented himself in the 'top' PCS corridor given how he was scored in PCS with a fall... If Nathan pulls out clean skates from here on out, he may get there too. GPF will be very interesting between the two of them for sure because it'll be Nathan's best bid to get himself in that top contender range. 

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  On 11/18/2017 at 12:22 AM, Murieleirum said:

GUYSSSS! I totally forgot to tell you something. 


In this wednesday's podcast, Max and Angelo were talking about Yuzuru at NHK practice and... Max said that Yuzu was practicing 4Lz for the SHORT program. Because he has been doing the runthroughs with the 4Lz. 


So, before it was half runthroughs with 4Loop and half with 4Lz. Now, he only mentioned 4Lz and said it like he was sure Yuzuru was going to put it in the Short...


So I don't want to alarm you but... I think 4Lz is here to stay, and the fact that Yuzuru injured himself while jumping that, will only motivate him to practice it more. Besides, I can already hear Yuzuru's words from an interview in two or three weeks (or right before Nats):
"The reason I injured myself had nothing to do with 4Lz. My success percentage with 4Lz is good and I have practiced more so that I can put it in my programs."



I'm like.... not surprised. At all :laughing:


For now, I have no idea what to think about the SP 4Lz though. If he'd stick to that idea or not, given the injury set back. If he's in 100% form for nats, I wouldn't put it past him, but it's veeeery difficult to imagine right now. And honestly, 'our' hearts & health shouldn't be a main consideration point for him though. (Well, tbh, at this point, 4Lz doesn't make me more nervous then 4Lo anyway :laughing: )

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I’m not surprised either. I was honestly expecting the lutz in the SP at the start of the season. 


Although I wasn’t sure if he’d do it as a combo or solo. I wished we could’ve seen him do it in the SP at NHK :sadPooh:  


Curiouser and curiouser. 

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  On 11/18/2017 at 1:15 AM, Joey said:


I'm like.... not surprised. At all :laughing:


For now, I have no idea what to think about the SP 4Lz though. If he'd stick to that idea or not, given the injury set back. If he's in 100% form for nats, I wouldn't put it past him, but it's veeeery difficult to imagine right now :omg:



I don't think at Nationals ...but later i.e. at OGM... who knows. It depends also what his main competitors wil be doing in the next month (because Yuzuru love to compete with himself, but he is fired up by the competition with the others :biggrin:)

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  On 11/18/2017 at 1:20 AM, fireovertheice said:


I don't think at Nationals ...but later i.e. at OGM... who knows. It depends also what his main competitors wil be doing in the next month (because Yuzuru love to compete with himself, but he is fired by the competition with the others :biggrin:)



He definitely is! And he would have the team event to test it out, if he does the SP there, so...


@kiches, I bet it would be the solo jump. In the 2nd half would be crazy, and they can't switch stuff around so much given his rich choreo. So lutz spread eagle sandwich <3

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