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General Yuzuru Chat

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Well I will say, even though they have the Nathan propaganda, Johnny and Tara were very good about Yuzu too pointing out how he doesn't need 5 quads, and that it's impressive that he continues to push himself doing things like trying the lutz. They preferred his program today too and noted he is clearly ahead artistically. Johnny also liked that Yuzu brought back Seimei. 

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  On 10/22/2017 at 8:24 AM, kaerb said:

I definitely haven't been sold on the spiral esp because it looks like it's tricky if the timing isn't precisely right and well...he's not Sasha Cohen lol. I guess the main thing I'm waiting for is that sense of energy and the sharp 'snap' that he had with his movements in NHK and GPF and that's the double edged sword of repeating 'perfect' programs because anything less is both immediately obvious and kind of distracts from the good elements. I suppose it only really becomes glaring for Yuzu/skating fans who've watched the 'perfect' performances so much they've basically memorised every move (ahem, me). I do think, however, that if he can nail this new program, it will be absolutely incredible - there are these small details where you can see the budding potential and a much more complete program but it's just not happened yet. Early in the season though, so it's okay. I'll just hang onto this 'draft' spliced from his practices lol. 


He mentioned somewhere in an interview he needs to do more runthroughs and I agree - individually, he can make everything look incredible but the stamina toll of all spins + 5 quads landed at once is something he needs to get used to. 


Resident Sasha fanatic here.  I tend to agree with you. I won't miss it if he removes it as it doesn't add or detract anything for me.  


  On 10/22/2017 at 12:35 PM, ralucutzagy said:

Yuzu, looking at his banners!!! :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:




I love that the high kick banner from ACI made it to Russia as well. That was one of my fave banners from the event. So clever. :laughing:

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