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  1. Hello, I share with you this video montage I made recently. It's to thank the Japanese skaters for this 2020-2021 season, and of course to thank Yuzu^^. I love them all, but we had to make some choices to make this video. Even if they are far away, we are still behind them and think about them a lot ! The song is "Staring at the sun" sung by Mika. I hope I'm posting it in the right forum (if not, please tell me where to post it) Japanese figure skaters 2020-2021 - YouTube
  2. Ah, je ne savais pas que pour Tim et Misato on parlait de la Teams KoKo. On en apprend tous les jours. Hihi ;-)
  3. Thanks for these pictures ! It's a lively programme. And every time after I watch it, I have the music in my head for a long time hihi
  4. You are all right. It's a wonderful programme, wonderful music, wonderful costume...
  5. It's great! Javier is a good teacher, patient and friendly. Great success !
  6. Bonjour Onjong ! Bienvenue :-) . Chouette une nouvelle francophone ! Oui, le patinage c'est vraiment le plus beau des sports :-) hihi. Mes premiers patineurs préférés, quand j'ai commencé à m'intéresser au patinage, c'étaient Stéphane Lambiel, Evgeni Plushenko, Mao Asada et Caroline Kotsner. Et puis, maintenant, j'adore Yuzuru, Shoma, Mai et Wakaba. A bientôt !!
  7. Yuzu's decision is understandable and reasonable. Of course we are sad not to be able to see his sublime skating soon... But it's for his health and the health of everyone. It's the most important thing. We support your decision, Yuzu ! And also, congratulations for the submission of his thesis!
  8. ...I would never have started to learn Japanese, and with so much passion. I love everything in this language ! ... I would never have started to practice figure skating. When I was a little girl, I used to watch figure skating and dream of being able to glide gracefully on the ice and perform like all those beautiful skaters. But the ice rinks were too far away from my home... After the Pyeongchang Olympics, I thought I should try it at least once... even if I was in my twenties ;-) .I loved it and now I go there almost every week even if the ice rink is not next door. ... I would never have gone abroad to participate in figure skating camps (which allowed me to discover new countries) ! ... I would never have registered on this forum where there are great people ! Thanks Yuzu. :-)
  9. Muchas gracias SitTwizzle ! Recientemente, había visto el video de Kumamon patinando con Yuzu. Qué coincidencia. El vídeo que has publicado me ayudará a entender lo que está diciendo ^^.
  10. It's just so cute ! Yuzu is even wearing his skates! I would like to visit this planet ;-)
  11. Shoma is not forgotten, that's for sure ! :-)
  12. It's not impossible that Shoma is being advised via Zoom. In any case, the Champéry club must get used to this tool (which was used for their live sessions "Keep training", for example).
  13. Thanks for this post. Nice to hear from Mai. I hope that little by little she's getting stronger. And the most important thing is that she's smiling too!
  14. Oh, my God! She's so cute! I'm melting. She's happy to be on ice, like her mom.
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