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2013 Skate Canada SP | Rus ESP. … Hanyu who became the Bronze medallist a couple of years ago at the age of only 17. He’s getting ready – he’s all turned inwards now. He’ll skate to Parisian Walkways by Gary Moore. He made it happen! 4T. Wow, what a 3A! Oh no! No, no, just one mistake and the program is down the drain. Yuzuru jumped only a single lutz with a triple toeloop instead of 3-3. But the way he plays with the judges and the public! What a program Yuzuru Hanyu has! Just one mistake – where did it come from? It blemished the skate! Yuzuru Hanyu was doing everything so cleanly and so powerfully! He landed 4T! He didn’t touch the ice with his hand. He managed to keep his balance. But something went wrong with the combination, so Yuzuru Hanyu won’t get less than Patrick Chan. But he’ll be in the upper echelon – there are only 10 competitors. By the way, Canada is a second home for Hanyu because he started to train with Brian Orser and moved to Canada. Brian Orser, twice a medallist in the Olympic Games of the 1980s, led Yuna Kim from Korea to the Olympic Gold and now he’s working hard with this boy who’s only 18 yet. He’ll be 19 at the Olympics in Sochi. Just as Yuna Kim became Olympic Champion while very young, he’s also putting his money on this guy. He’s explaining something now… there must have been a mistake at the take off. That’s a shame! Such a good program, but he’s clearly upset. His coach is trying to cheer him up. But let’s point out that his little details, elements, transitions are wonderful: straightening his belt or smiling or flirting with the judges – he did those little things just to emphasise his choreography. He’s one of the best skaters artistically! But now he’s sitting with his head down, very disappointed with himself. What a beautiful 3A. And here he jumped a single for some reason. One rotation instead of three. But he didn’t give up right until the end. Beautiful spins and step sequence. He gets level 4 for every element. That only mistake in the combination…
2014 Worlds (Saitama) FS | Rus ESP http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1k84t ... u-fs_sport Well, the traditional rituals before coming out on the ice of the Olympic Champion, Yuzuru Hanyu. In Sochi, in his FS which brought him a win… His costume reminds me of Johnny Weir. Why did you say that about him? Well, yes, he reminds me of him! So I remembered him. … he failed in his 4S – he fell. Then he fell in his 3F, so he had 2 points of deductions, though his 4S and 3F were counted in as rotated. And he had a mistake in his combination – he didn’t do 3S, in his combination 3Lz-1L-3S. Perhaps, he can have an ideally clean skate now? Oh, he made it – he held on to the jump! He kept on his feet! The quad was borderline, he could have fallen! Toeloop. Yes, he’s done the quad! The second one. Yes, he’s already doing better than at the Olympic Games in his jumps. 23.09 for just two jumps. That’s beautiful! 3F! Beautiful! He really jumps off steps – even his 3A! I think he finds it more convenient. Yes, his axel is… off a counter, isn’t it? 3A – hold on! -3T! There it is, that axel! Yes, one more axel with 2T. All the combinations are in the second half. 3L. In the second half the BV is multiplied by 0.1 3Lz! – oh – and 3S! Is that real! He did it! He jumped it almost from a standstill. He didn’t do it at the Olympics, but here he did – he had to show his character and fight hard for it (‘he did it by the skin of his teeth). 83.73. Keep your balance! That’s it! He’s got two spins coming. Now it’s the choreographic sequence. There are some points on the serpentine (???) This season, he and Yulia Lipnitskaya are getting very high marks. That’s dotting his i's! (literally, that was his final full stop). He’ll receive more than 100 for TES! 101! 101! 101.45 is his record for his SP, dear friends. Here, he got more for his TES – he received 101.49! It’s 0.04 points more than what he got in Sochi for the whole program! His leg… Now you can see he’s exhausted. He’s absolutely drained! I haven’t ever seen Hanyu so tired! Neither have I! To see him breathe like that… Has he got a cramp? I think so. He’s holding his leg. Perhaps it was his knee – he might have hit the knee against the ice when he was doing his final posture. That was some skate! Will he go beyond 200? I think the judges will be generous and give him a lot of 10s… The score is coming down – 100.84. I think he’ll still have over 100. There were a lot of world records this season. Volosozhar-Trankov – several records, Mao Asada… And Patrick Chan too. And Patrick Chan too, a record at a Grand Prix event. And Hanyu, and Mao Asada yesterday in the SP. So this season we’ve seen incredible figures, or rather, we’ve seen the achievement of the athletes in figures… There’s his 4S… He did everything! Great! That salchow – how did he not fall? Just like Viktor An overtaking everyone around the bend. They’ll overlook his underrotations today, I think… Oh, that’s a shame!!! There it is… They may add something… I dunno… The judges are closing up and you can see the TES going down all the time. They see underrotations, and they lower his marks. Oh, that’s a real shame! At the Olympics his TES was 89.66, so shall we do some calculating? Machida’s TES was 93.85, so the difference is 6 points. The gap was 7 points. Hanyu will get higher PCS and he should overtake Machida, he will overtake Machida though Machida got very good PCS, for instance, his transitions were 8.71, and Hanyu will get something just under 10. Thank you very much? (Laughing) Thank you, my mascot! (when Yuzuru shakes Pooh’s paw). I think the audience is being restrained towards him, don’t you think? Asada is worshipped like a deity, but Hanyu… just look… (when Yuzu hushes the audience) … in order to hear the score! I think it’s because Fernandez has to skate! He’s first, it’s clear! Well, he didn’t go beyond 200… And there he goes again – ‘Am I the first?’. I saw it with my own eyes during the Olympics – he was in the mix-zone and just then Patrick Chan had just finished his LP. I just saw him dive to the TV next to me to Chan’s score and the words…
2012 Skate America SP | СПОРТ (the video is mirrored, so you have a chance to see Yuzu jumping clockwise) The first day of men’s competition will be closed with the SP of last year’s revelation, Yuzuru Hanyu, the Bronze medallist of the World Championship in Nice. The winner of Moscow Grand Prix event last year. I remember him winning the event – he needed to win to get to the GPF. He came fourth in the GPF, then came the stunning skate at the World Championship – he won Bronze medal at his first WC. He also starts with 4T – now we’ll see this quad. You can judge by the audience’s response that the athlete has landed a fantastic quad. (in a slightly more animated manner) Well, this guy is just 17! He’ll turn 18 in December. He’s a major hope of Japanese men’s skating, with a brilliant result last season and you can feel that he’s going to surprise us quite a lot. A wonderful SP, he was so confident while performing it, he’s undoubtedly a super-talented skater. Now he lives in Canada, in Toronto. He moved there to train with Brian Orser, a brilliant coach who was once a brilliant skater himself, silver medallist in two Olympic Games, 1984 and 1988. There he is greeting his student. Indeed, it was a stunning program – let’s see: a fantastic 4T. In fact, Yuzuru (or Oozuru, as he said it) didn’t have any problems with his jumps. There you can see once a brilliant skater, now an outstanding coach applauding him. A splendid 3A impeccably executed. The program itself is very exciting, and the skater himself is both emotional and graceful (or elegant). He delivered everything in this program, so we should expect to see a high score. By the way, he received his highest score for the SP so far in Moscow – 82.78, and I’ve a feeling that this result will be surpassed now. I think two Japanese will be at the top… 95.07! Of course, I expected him to improve on his result, but to do it by so much! By more than 12 points! 95.07 – that’s a tremendous achievement!
when's the wedding, btw? I've got to get myself a nice dress...
2016 GPF (Marseille) SP | Arena (Rus) Commentators: Alexander Grishin and Tatyana Tarasova (TAT) Gr: We just have to see one more SP on this first day of GPF competitions - the SP of the Olympic Champion Yuzuru Hanyu. He turned 22 just a day before the start of the competition. TAT: Oh, he held on! Oh, what a man! 4Lo. Gr: 4S-3T combination. TAT: What a stunning glittering costume which keeps changing its colour slightly all the time - apart from everything else! Gr: Hanyu is as fantastic as Prince to whose music he's skating. TAT: That's a genius 3A which I adore! He's showing an absolute freedom of the torso and arms while executing any elements of figure skating, including spins. He's improved very much in conditioning. (when Yuzuru does his on-knee lunge) I haven't seen this yet... GR: Hanyu is capable of surprising even you? TAT: Yes, since it's new, remade. He's got no problem with putting his foot on his head! Bravo! Just bravo! The audience is on their feet, bravo, and I'll stand too, I think. What a delight! Gr: it was worthwhile waiting for this and watching all the other events, supporting (your favourites) and getting nervous. I was watching the audience - they were in an uncontrolled frenzy watching the last 30 seconds of what Hanyu was doing on the ice. There's an incredible number of toys and flowers on the ice. The Japanese fans came here just to watch this. TAT: It's fantastic! What a program! He looks stunning and free while skating it! He's very talented! Now he's filled up - he used to be very thin, he used to be just a little boy! One could see that he had an enormous talent. The Japanese always get these incredible skaters. Look, his push-off from the ice wasn't good, but he still made it! He still held on! What nerves he got that jump through with, but he didn't just give up on that jump! And here he does (the combination) in just one touch, not one redundant move, no move for getting ready for his second jump in the combination, he's just ready to jump it while he's jumping the first jump. Very flexible - well that's what he was born with. There's he's jumping off a rocker. Here, this thing stunned me - not that he put it on his head. Alexei Yagudin used to put his foot over his head in sit-spin in a similar way. But that he skated on that spread eagle, powerful, very new, all turned over - these people never stop seeking and they find something new when they have such a talented person. This is also worth a lot, the fact that he always bows to his coach. Gr: Yuzuru has shown who's running the show today (literally:who's the master in this house), he's the only skater to go over 100, his result is 106,53. It's not his record result, but it's beyond the reach for the others. There are nearly 7 points between him and his closest competitor, Patrick Chan. TAT: He didn't skate for a while, he was getting his foot treated and there were some operations, but he has such a core strength within him, such a desire to win, not just a desire to win, but to perfect himself. Winning comes second - but he strives for perfection. That's what I can wish to everyone!
2016 NHK EX | Arena (Rus) It's not hard to guess who's going to close the gala. In Japan, there's emerging a cult of Yuzuru Hanyu - now, perhaps, even Japan's darling Mao Asada might not be able to compete with him. Hanyu's fantastic, what can we say. He came up with incredible performances in Japan - they weren't faultless, but given the difficulty of men's figure skating, every single male skater can make mistakes. 11.11.11 - Moscow time when the music for Yuzuru Hanyu's Ex ended. It looks symbolic, if one looks at the row of these ones. Perhaps Hanyu will be able to win all the six competitions he wants to take part in this season? He's failed once already - Patrick Chan won SC, but the GPF and Japan Nationals and World Championship are still ahead. Perhaps, he could also want to take part in the 4CC, but I'm not sure Hanyu will want to have such a tight schedule for competitions. This Ex number with Notte Stellata by Il Volo was choreographed by David Wilson, but the music was suggested by none other than Tatiana Tarasova. It's interesting that this year Hanyu has worked with three different choreographers - Geoffrey Buttle created his SP, Shae Lynn Bourne his LP and his Ex was made by David Wilson. Now we'll see what the Olympic Champion is going to show us during his encore - Prince or something more traditional local Japanese melodies. No, it's his SP. Hanyu's brilliant! (now news about Russian skaters...)
2016 NHK FS | Arena (Rus) If there's anyone else the Japanese audience waited for with more eagerness, I don't know who that is. It's Yuzuru Hanyu, the Olympic Champion, World record holder in SP, FS and cumulative scores, who's performing in his homeland. As a matter of fact, he's from Sendai, which is not far from Sapporo, on the same island of Hokkaido (some seriously skewered geography here, I know). 4Lo, great! 4Sal, beautiful! 3F. One more 4Sal in the second half of the programme, deep into the second half of it! He didn't succeed with it, so the jump will have a lowered base value. What is Hanyu coming up with! 4T! Four quads and three done cleanly or very cleanly! 3A-3T in the second half of the programme! (after Yuzu doubles his salchow) Even Hanyu lacks strength a bit sometimes. 3Lz right at the end! Hahyu is stunning even even when he falls! He does something incredible! Not long before the beginning of NHK Yuzuru said he felt ready to reach 300 points in his score for two programmes. So if we remember how well he skated in his SP, we'll find out he got 103.89 points, which means he has to get a little over 196 to get to that phenomenal mark. Judging by his technical marks he might well do it, since this is his home GP, home stadium, home audience, home ice. The love of home audience can produce miracles with Yuzuru. Well, yes, he didn't manage to land his second 4Sal, and since it had to be in a combo - you can't repeat the same jump solo, one of them has to be in a combination, that's why its base value will be lowered, -4 and a deduction for the fall. But even without that jump Hanyu is just brilliant: 4 quads, 3Lz right at the end, wonderful spins, step sequence... Where does this delicate and outwardly frail young man take his energy from? There, he touched his talisman, the yellow Winnie the Pooh, for luck and set off to make history for the umpteenth time. It's just unbelievable! Now I'll get down to calculations to see who's going to the GPF - Javier Fernandez, Patrick Chan, Shoma Uno and now Yuzuru Hanyu - the four of them are going there. We have the only skater left - Nathan Chen, who was fourth in France, so he has to finish second here to get to the Final. Then he edges out Adam Rippon, but Rippon will go to the Final, but Boyang Jin will be left at home. If Chen comes third or lower, Boyang will go to the Final and Nathan will be left out, just like Sergey Voronov. Can you imagine that - even Voronov had a chance, albeit thin, to go to the GPF. But it was highly unlikely because for Sergey to get to the Final, Hanyu had to finish outside the six top men here, which is improbable. So far we've enjoyed the best part of Hanyu's performance (he goes over his calculations again!!!) There comes the score! Oh yes, yes! Yuzuru Hanyu gets 300 points! 197.58 and over 301! 301.47 is the score Yuzuru Hanyu gets! He said he would do it, and he kept his word!
2016 NHK SP | Arena (Rus) By this GPF Yuzuru Hanyu will turn 22 years old - just on the day of SP draw. Now Yuzuru Hanyu, Sochi Olympic Champion, 2014 World Champion, the holder of all imaginable and some unimaginable world records in single men's figure skating will show us his short programme. He was beaten by Patrick Chan in Canada. Now he's changed his costume and he's also changed the Missisauga ice arena for one in Sapporo. (after Yuzu's 4Lo stepout) Oh, he jumped the 4Lo during the warm-up, but he couldn't hold the landing a bit here! But 4Sal+3T was brilliant! And what an axel - I'll be very surprised if he doesn't get +3 from all the judges, very surprised! Well, there's no doubt who wins the SP, but you can feature me in Japanese comic books, since I have very surprised look - the 3A got a +2 from one of the judges and it shows in the preliminary protocol. But it was the only judge who did it. I'll remind you that Hanyu's SP world record is 110, or nearly 111 - 110.95, which was set not in Japan, but at the GPF which Yuzuru won. Willl he get more, that is the question? It was a great SP, a great skate, of course, the 4Lo wasn't done successful, but still quite decently, so Brian Orser can share the huge candy he got from the stands with him. The yellow Winnie the Pooh should become the best talisman in the history. So Brian says, it was fine, it was all right. Brian says it was great very calmly, he continues that it was all right. Well, it was quite impressive! The athlete reeled a little when doing his 4Lo, so he couldn't land it cleanly, but otherwise there shouldn't be any bones to pick on with the judges in other elements. All the non-jump elements are Level 4. This 3A is so clean, landed ideally on a backward stroke, no problems, no doubts about its being fully rotated... Oh, yes, now we can see that the score is getting sorted out and is becoming more adequate, since he gets +3 all around for his 3A. Probably, the judges couldn't quite decide what to give it, so one +2 could have counted in, but now it's been taken away. +3 only for his axel, which is as it should be, no doubts about that. He gave it his all. This year the competition is getting fiercer. That's a nice repeat (about Yuzuru's gesture with his right hand) Yuzuru rubs his hands in anticipation. Well, he's had greater scores, but you can't expect more with such a serious mistake on his 4Lo. Yuzuru Hanyu gets 103.89, and if I'm not mistaken, it's the season's best result overall. Which place is he holding? That's right - he's first.
2012 NHK SP | Sport Live This young boy – he’s only 17, he’ll only turn 18 on December 7th – Hanyu is getting a special attention. Look, 95.07, World Record in the SP, the result he got at Skate America. Then he was brilliant in his SP, without a single mistake. The judges couldn’t find a fault with anything, so he got such a high score. (silent during Yuzuru’s skate) What can you say, he’s just brilliant! Honestly, I wasn’t sure that the 17-year-old Hanyu would be able to cope with his SP – the general expectations, everyone came round to see him, his home audience, his home arena – all that must have been a pressure for the boy. But look at the way he performed it – he went out on the ice as if it was nothing much, absolutely relaxed, and he did everything. He has wonderful spins, and in Canada (???) all his spins got level 4, and here too… Once again, he has done as well in his SP here as he did in Seattle. In Seattle, US. Now it’s understandable why Brian Orser wasn’t along with Javier Fernandez when his score was announced – he was preoccupied with the other student. Of course it’s hard to surprise Brian Orser with anything, but here he is… let’s have a look – a splendid 4T, these spins – so fine and elegant! Difficult and elegant… every one of them will get level 4. You can such ease and lightness in his program. An excellent 3A. He’s got a very difficult program – a quad, 3A and 3Lz3T combination. Yeah, he’s got perfect nerves – I remember that in Canada, well, I mean, the US, not Canada he bombed his FS just because he seemed to have been shocked by the score he got for his SP. Let’s see what he gets today. I’ll remind you that he got 95.07 at Skate America. And all you can do now is take off your hat – 95.32! A new world record – he surpassed his brilliant result by nearly 0.3.
2012 NHK SP | RUS ESP That’s it, dear friends, it’s time we forgot about those 70 or 72 points… Ross Miner – 72.4, Kevin Reynolds – 70.2, Dornbush – 70.05, Voronov – 70.03 – all that! Now we’re hitting a completely different level on the ice… Fernandez… Oh just look at that, Hanyu has already received 95 points for his SP this season. Fernandez has received 86 today. I have a feeling that those 70 points everyone else received today happened somewhere else, at a different time, in a different life. Look, there’s a number of modern skates now… Perhaps, they’ve a lighter configuration? Gary Moore’s Parisian Walkways is the music of Hanyu’s SP. A choreographic start of the program. He skated around a little and now it’s the entry to the jump. I’ve a feeling it was better than Fernandez’s! Cool, isn’t it? He turns around with a 3-turn, swings his leg and jumps immediately! 3Lz3T! Cleaner than with Fernandez, I think – it looked easier! (after the SP) You’ll agree, dear friends, that this wasn’t a SP, it was just an exhibition number at the gala at the end of NHK Trophy! Well, over here the Japanese audience are raving, everyone is cheering for him. The 17 year old Japanese skater. I can just imagine everyone thinking this is the future Olympic Champion for Japan. You know it’s hard to say he just skated the program, or that he jumped through it, or just that he span around it… It’s like a performance (literally, work of art) – and he performed it! He produced a major effect. The spectators can see it too – well, they aren’t as much experts as the judges. The judges will notice everything. They won’t be able to give him anything lower than 90! Orser is happy, as you can see. You see the way they’ve figured things out for the three of them (literally, an idiom meaning ‘they’ve knocked off a bottle between the three of them)? It worked very well for them. The three of them have come together, three merry friends (an allusion to a well-known Russian song here). I’m concerned how Fernandez is going to cope with the competition, because Fernandez is a hard worker, he’s a workaholic. He started with the 35th position at his first World Championship and he’s been making it for the podium for years, and then there appears a 17 year old next to him who just goes out onto the ice, skates – and gets more! And you understand that you’ve been working your socks off for so many years – and then you see a talent like that! Yeah! Three skaters make a crew. (a quote from a song, sorry, nearly untranslateable!). Well done, guys, great, both Fernandez and Hanyu! He’s been training with Brian Orser since spring 2012, but I’d like to remind you of his previous Japanese coaches who he grew up to this level and won the 2010 Junior World Championship – they are Nanami Abe and Shoichiro Tsuzuki. Hanyu grew up into what he is now with these specialists, so you can’t say in this case that Orser made him a champion, no, he came to Orser well-prepared. But they’re cleaning up the finer points with Brian Orser, Tracey Wilson, the choreographers David Wilson and Geoffrey Buttle, who was invited by the team to choreograph the FP (sic!). That’s a great shirt, look, these folds, and inside they’re covered with glittering mirror-like cloth. They look fantastic during spins or step sequences. Yeah, you’re a lucky guy, Brian Orser, to get such students! But on the other hand, he provided Korea with their first Olympic Gold. Yuna Kim won in Vancouver. Yuzuru Hanyu has just thanked everyone. Well, the same score, the same score – 95.32, now I hope these numbers don’t go to his head. He made his home audience happy. I think his success won’t go to his head! Everything will be all right here!
No news about Yulia so far.
I loved the first one!
lol at the way they put a link to Yuzuru Hanyu Fan Fest at the end of the article!
Уголок для российской души (поклонники ЮХ, милости просим!)
Fay replied to Fay's topic in International Talk
привет, к404! Добро пожаловать! А вообще чем тогда, на ЧМ-2013, так зацепил Юзуру? - он был с травмой, и выступать ему тогда было явно сложно... -
There you go - Eteri's interview has been translated. https://www.fsuniverse.net/forum/index. ... ne.101210/ Yuzu's mentioned in this part
I have no problem so far. Now that I complained, it stopped. :)
Somebody said: А ты молодец, что вовремя свалил из дурдома (more or less: that was a right decision to leave that asylum!) Adian replied: После такого даже возражать и защищать это место не хочу, так что спасибо (After this, I don't even want to try and object and defend the place (the Sambo Sports Club), so thank you!
The forum keeps logging me out on its every few minutes. I've no problem logging back in, but I wonder if it's only me having this glitch.
Oh boy, the stars just don't want to align for her for a second time, it seems Wishing all the best for her and her future, whatever she may choose to pursue after this quad Well, let's hope it's a minor injury. I'd heard rumours of it for quite some time, though. And speaking about Eteri article... Adian was really hurt and offended by it and put out a comment in ask. com he quickly deleted then - but which showed how incensed he was. Poor boy. The only one to come with a bunch of flowers and the one to get outed as a moody stropper throwing his skates away regularly. I wish Eteri would learn not to disclose such details - in the long run, it harms her reputation more than she's aware.
Plushenko's Academy's trying to get this girl to jump 4Lo. https://www.instagram.com/p/BTq7lUjlkNV/
Уголок для российской души (поклонники ЮХ, милости просим!)
Fay replied to Fay's topic in International Talk
Я не сомневаюсь, что он успешно все закончит, но этот год у него был достаточно сложным, и следующий обещает тоже быть напряженным. Так что пока учеба, наверное, отойдет на задний план. Но можно не торопиться и набирать постепенно эти кредиты. -
Sotnikova's got a slight injury and is treating some old injuries of hers. They'll decide after May 20th what they're going to do.
Yeah, I read that article and I was appalled by it, honestly - her skaters are not given any right to be individuals with different issues, but they have to be pawns. Yeah, and she does sound bitter when she speaks about Yulia or Adian. And she misunderstands Yuzu quite badly, I think - he's not the type just to do what he's told to do. He'll question it all right... I'd translate the article, but I feel pretty sure that there will be a translation of it in FSUniverse soon enough. We just wait. I find it hard to go through that text, sorry. If no translation surfaces, I'll do it by and by.
A bit of ballet from Yuzu Source unknown, PM me if you happen to know where it comes from
- 1,987 replies
Faster rotations Which makes me rather sceptical about these quads.