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Everything posted by Fay

  1. Yuzu's never going to wear anything as boring as this
  2. He was once Yuruzu, too... at the Olympics
  3. For the perspective - 10k is well over 660 pages in the old FF. In a week. LOL Well, we had some news of sorts today. In an instagram. Yuzu's back in Toronto, remember?
  4. And we're over 10k comments in the forum! Good work, everyone!
  5. Fay

    Music talk

    I sincerely hope he doesn't do another P&J
  6. Только, к сожалению, мы проверить ничего не сможем, разве только Ше-Линн чего-нибудь наинстаграммит. А так все тайна, все покрыто тайной..
  7. I tend to be a bit more sceptical about Plush, though - his coaching success is yet to be seen.
  8. Plushenko's instagram promises: A couple of days ago there was a program on Japanese television. The Japanese, as always, get at the root! I couldn't even imagine 7 years ago how right I was! ) I am pleased that after Vancouver, just after I was the only one among all the sportsmen in the short and long program who made the 4T-3T cascade and became only the second, the rules of Figure Skating changed and the base value of quadruple jumps increased! My task as a coach that not only boys, but also girls would make quadruple jumps! This is the future! I am sure that at the Olympic Games in Korea men will fight for the first place with 5 quadruple jumps! At the Olympic Games 2022 women with make two quadruple jumps and two 3.5 Axels so to get the gold medal! The level is extremely high, but one should never give up and try to reach it! https://www.instagram.com/p/BTyQvP5At_O/
  9. Averblah just describes him right - the man loves to speak and give silly interviews! :rofl2:
  10. Ну будем надеяться, что они спокойно поработают над постановкой новой программы.
  11. Some more hot pictures from the best pair on earth
  12. Happy first week, everyone, our baby's growing strong and toddling on quite well!
  13. No information about whether she's making a move to the seniors so far, though. So... let's wait and see?
  14. Polina Tsurskaya decided to fight on in spite of her health issues. She keeps this season's SP. .
  15. Ближе всех кто живет к Крикету? Наверное, liv. Она в менее чем в часе езды. Пример канадки, которая болеет не за Патрика Чана. Так что будем ей задания давать, когда с новостями будет совсем швах... :s_tongue
  16. Рецепт привлечения массы народу в твоему инстаграмму - сфотографируйся с Юзуру Ханю. Как же ему удается сохранять такой юный вид, а?
  17. Well, honesty, I never believed they would. Trankov has lost his zeal for competition. Though all they're saying is that they won't compete in the first half of the season, as I gather, so theoretically, they could start later. But I don't believe they will.
  18. Yay, he looks younger than ever! Nice to see the boy!!!
  19. That pose makes me go modern! in my head. Or at least not slow and calm. I think so too, so I'm looking forward to sassy Lena! She's great at interpretation - hope she manages her jumps too.
  20. Да, в характере ему никак не откажешь, это верно. Так уж случилось, что меня он окончательно втянул в свою орбиту своим трагическим выступлением на Кубке Китая 2014 года. Я с ужасом смотрела на него тогда и думала, каким же безумцем надо быть, чтобы в таком состоянии выступать... и какую настойчивость надо проявить. Вот доехал на одном характере, на волевых качествах...
  21. It seems Elena Radionova has finished her choreography with Shay Lynne Bourne. No idea what the music is, though. https://www.instagram.com/p/BTw77OKFeUU/
  22. The Church is taking over everything now?
  23. 2014 GPF SP | СПОРТ (if anyone finds a shorter version of the video, they’re welcome – but this gives me an opportunity to translate whatever’s being said about Yuzu during the warm up or later. Brace your girdles…) (during the warm up)… now they’re showing us Yuzuru (Yuzuri!) Hanyu, Olympic Champion, current World Champion, playing an unusual part for him – he’ll be the one opening the SP because of the way his athletic fate has been shaping up this season. He hasn’t been successful in everything so far. He only just made it to the GPF at his last home Grand Prix event and his result is the sixth here. Everyone wonders what’s going on with this athlete, the Olympic Champion, current World Champion – whether it’s the natural post-Olympic reaction when the gruelling season in which he won everything in sight and was best all around is over, or it’s the response to the injury he received in the collision with a Chinese skater at CoC. But he still competed in both CoC FS and the final GP event in Japan. (Yuzu’s skate) The SP competition will be opened by Olympic Champion and current World Champion Yuzuru Hanyu. What we will see now will give us some understanding what’s going on with this outstanding skater. His coach Brian Orser has sent him off. This skater from Japan is just 20, but he has achieved such brilliant results in his career. By the way, he’s a world record holder in the SP score - more than 101 points, his PB is 101.45. The only skater to get over that barrier of 100 in the SP. Frederick Chopin’s Ballade. A superbly executed 4T. (then he keeps silent) This is certainly the best SP this season. If it hadn’t been for that fall on the 3Lz3T combination… though it was visible there when he was entering his second jump with such a lean that he was likely to fall. But anyway, how much is he going to lose there? He’ll lose something like 2 points. He was faultless in the rest of the program. Everything is level 4, all the spins are level 4, the step sequence is level 4. Every element apart from the combination received very good GOE. The art and mastery of this skater is so great than even a fall isn’t an obstacle to his getting over 90 points for his SP. I’ve a feeling that after all the troubles of this season the Olympic champion… you see here him enter the second jump in the combination there? And a fall follows. I can see his PCS now – well, he’s received more in his career, but these are quite impressive as well. The highest mark for choreography is 8.86, and the others are also just under 9. Well, he’s letting his competitors know that he’s come to win here. His SB at the GP event was 82.95, now his score will be in a different league. You can see it perfectly – he’s lost around 3 points in that fall, but the result is very impressive nonetheless. He can’t believe it himself – 94.08.
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