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Everything posted by Fay

  1. The chances of a repeat are pretty slim though. The girls are great, the pairs are solid, but dancers are... a mess, the men are showing some promise, but we need some more time. Chanada has a well-balanced team, on the whole, so... if Gaby's in there, I wouldn't mind seeing them win. Sorry for being not patriotic.
  2. Russian men could mess up badly, compared to the others, though. Dancing teams aren't that good either... But I'm not sure that's going to be enough for the Japanese team to overtake them.
  3. Vaitsekhovskaya's interview with Trankov, translated by Tanka from fsuniverse. Tanka will never learn to spell Yuzuru's name! I'm not changing it, sorry! https://www.fsuniverse.net/forum/index.php?threads/vaytsekhovskayas-interview-with-trankov-i-was-a-background-player-in-sochi.101221/
  4. So will one russian will replace another russian? Instead of Alena, maybe this time Evgenia will be the one giving him a kiss? You'll have a mad crowd of superjealous girls here... do you really want that?
  5. I don't drink, but I can keep notes and blackmail people later! :yay: The saddest thing is that I can't drink anything - the stuff is a deadly poison for me now. But I can get drunk on placebos...
  6. I'll go back to Eteri's article and quote one tumblr blogger vspirit8. You'll all understand why. Because I just loved it. :devil: https://vspirit8.tumblr.com/post/160390597832/этери-тутберидзе-если-воспитание-проецировать-на
  7. :s_wink I think. come autumn, we're going to have regular drinking parties over here... and writing very slurry posts!
  8. :yay: :yay: :yay: Should we do sth to celebrate when we reach 2000 members? :space: Like a little contest, or game, or activity? maybe sth like guessing what he will perform at shows, and the one with most correct guesses wins. or predicting how many shows he'll do in total. idk, sth fun is what I'm hoping :yay: We'll think about that when we get closer to 2000. Now it's going to be a steady trickle, not an avalanche anymore, I think...
  9. Oh absolutely and I don't expect any quick success at all. But Plushy has this incredible drive, he's one of those people that make me think they're almost willing things to happen. My one gripe with him is that I wish he'd gone to school in this break and gotten some theoretical knowledge under his belt but still, hopefully it all goes as best as it can go. I mean Adelina will and won't be a good test case, considering everything so I'm going to keep an eye on the Juniors coming from there. Have some pity - the guy was busy doing shows all this time. :s_tongue He's got the drive for himself, but it remains to be seen whether and where he can drive others. Let's live and see - but he sure thinks BIG!
  10. Думаю, что видео после шоу не заставят себя долго ждать. Да и репортажи будут - звезда же выступает. Там каждый шаг протоколируется. Так что будет о чем поговорить. И ждать осталось уже не так долго.
  11. Is anyone from the planet going to any of the shows?
  12. Yeah, can we somehow ask the power that be at FoI to stream... at least Yuzu's performances? LOL
  13. :pooh: Так, новый повод начать дергаться... НАДО БЫТЬ В КАНАДЕ И ТРЕНИРОВАТЬСЯ!!! Но это так, это уже привычно. Ох нелегкая это работа болеть за Юзуру Ханю!
  14. I miss this and I want to see it in my dreams tonight...
  15. Ну дык... потому и поставлен!!! Я лично не знаю, у кого еще Ше-Линн. Надо разведать!
  16. I'm so bad that I've been regularly getting kicked out of the forum every ten minutes or so three nights already. Apparently, my company is corrupting for the innocent souls. :devil:
  17. Yuzu's never going to wear anything as boring as this
  18. He was once Yuruzu, too... at the Olympics
  19. For the perspective - 10k is well over 660 pages in the old FF. In a week. LOL Well, we had some news of sorts today. In an instagram. Yuzu's back in Toronto, remember?
  20. And we're over 10k comments in the forum! Good work, everyone!
  21. Fay

    Music talk

    I sincerely hope he doesn't do another P&J
  22. Только, к сожалению, мы проверить ничего не сможем, разве только Ше-Линн чего-нибудь наинстаграммит. А так все тайна, все покрыто тайной..
  23. I tend to be a bit more sceptical about Plush, though - his coaching success is yet to be seen.
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