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Everything posted by Fay

  1. Nah, let me first regain my sleep pattern. Or I just die of sleep deprivation!
  2. I didn't know that. In H&L he is more elfic then ever. I also was referring to Tolkien's elves. Actually there are three different elf races in his books, one of them gray-eyed and dark-haired iirc. And now I really want to paint him in elfic outfit. :love: Yeah, he'd look magnificent - way better than some of Peter Jackson's elves! :laugh: :grin:
  3. Yuzuru's usually called an elf in the Russian social media. Not an alien. And Tolkien's elves were usually dark-haired. With some exceptions like Galadriel.
  4. Anna Pogoriliya is rumoured to be working in Detroit working on her new program(s?) with Camerlengo.
  5. Со мной тоже можно на "ты", Sesinda! Да, уже не совсем мальчик - хотя для меня все же вечный мальчик!
  6. A point of special pride - nearly every single name can be shortened in Russian and be remade into dimunitive. Which can be made into even further dimunitives. So Lyosha can become Lyoshenka - which is way more intimate and tender and... sickly sweet sometimes! We love our dimunitive forms!!!
  7. Sesinda, ну конечно же мы совсем не против - мы рады новым участникам! У вас прекрасный русский язык! (можно на ты?) Насчет родинок и пятен я пока не задумывалась - может, кто-то другой может ответить. Знаю, что есть на спине родинка - на нее специально обратили внимание... Насчет усиков - да, тень на верхней губе уже намечается, так что наш молодой человек взрослеет!
  8. Welcome to the craziness and fun of the place!
  9. Hmmm, I'm at a loss here, sorry... anything to do with amber? You've got to have heaps of it there... :goe: Haha thanks! But you only know it because you're our neighbour.. well, and once we were one state. I love my country, but I have to admit that we're not very popular internationally :smile: And I sincerely apologise for my country's behalf, in general, for the way your country was treated. But it's a slippery slope there - politics! But if it's any comfort... I come from another part of Russia which was annexed... like in the 16th century!
  10. Yeah, not right to lump Latvians, Lithuanians and Estonians together...
  11. Er... he might have done in 2012 GPF. I'm not that sure though...
  12. Hmmm, I'm at a loss here, sorry... anything to do with amber? You've got to have heaps of it there...
  13. I guess, guys, we could have fun with this 'what would you put onto your poster to identify your nationality' topic in a separate thread - so as it doesn't just get buried?
  14. Any version! Or all the versions, better still! :rofl2:
  15. I'll use a picture of Cristiano Ronaldo. He's a national symbol! Then on mine I'll put a photo of Nadia Comaneci and Dracula! :rofl2: Just keep Dracula! That's going to look awesome! :rofl2:
  16. BALD EAGLE!!! That's a beautiful bird of prey!
  17. I'll use a picture of Cristiano Ronaldo. He's a national symbol! That's going to be ... interesting! Cristiano Ronaldo rooting for Yuzury Hanyu!
  18. Let's put a samovar, a balalaika and a bear onto ours... and a bottle of vodka!!!
  19. :rofl2: KGB is watching... Right, my head is on the chop anyway - I keep in touch with Russia's enemies! :rofl2:
  20. Wow, if he can rotate that combination, he's certainly welcome! Not sure what to expect, though.
  21. (looks around to see if she's going to be persecuted)... since I can't stand our dear President, this is going to happen over my dead body!
  22. Is this like, graduation exams for high-school, in order to graduate? Yep. They do matter if you go on to get a higher education - the results of these exams will determine where you can apply. Though Zhenya being Zhenya, she doesn't have to worry about these things - usually top athletes get into an academy of physical culture and sport and train to be coaches or something. Unless they want something very different.
  23. ...I don't even have a Russian flag. Well, neither do I, so far, but it's not that hard to get where I live. :) Canadians have this clearly recognisable maple leaf, but our flag is going to be hard to recognise unless it's, well, a flag!
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