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Everything posted by Fay

  1. That you can - and you can show disdain, displeasure with them too. Or just friendly feelings. Camaraderie. There are quite a few options.
  2. No, I'd say Adelina's quite liked there. Actually, so is Yuzu now. It'd nice seeing Russian fans cheering for his winning the title this year. Not all of them did - but there were quite a few cheers!
  3. Yeah, since I'm in FSO, you certainly have to be a high-brow anything! And I doubt their expertise, really. If someone can claim that Gatchinsky's spread eagle entry into 3A is more difficult than Yuzu's counter one, I have serious doubts in their ever learning to skate for themselves..
  4. VK is more... compartmentalised. There you can find fan groups for any skater. In FS groups there are still really active trolls who neevr miss a chance to say something ugly about Yuzu. But the worst is sports.ru. This is where all the nutcases go...
  5. Hmmm, I really don't know then - it worked for me. I'm on the computer, though...
  6. The same old reason. There isn't anyone like Yuzu among Russian skaters, are there? And most of them were Patrick Chan fans, anyway...
  7. Не, ребята, мне воду в твердом агрегатном состоянии подо мной, ладно? Как и Юзу...
  8. Have a look at the jawline... Source unknown, PM me if you happen to know it.
  9. Did you switch the 'View signatures' on?
  10. Hydro described what to do over here
  11. Yes, they let him go to the Nationals in an exceptional move.
  12. So next time you see him itching, you know what he needs!!! Four clean strong revolutions in the air is the new drug!
  13. Yeah right, we have a history of banning people for being off-topic... ;) A quad-deficiency rash... I like the idea!
  14. LOL this is absolutely what would have happened!!!
  15. Ну тогда и я "фигуристка" - могу просто по кругу кататься часами.
  16. Whining is OK. I'm on FSO myself - and I have bloody good fun there laughing at some some people who'll go to any lengths to try and diminish Hanyu's influence. Some of the people are just hilarious.
  17. Well, I guess we'll have to be exciting enough to help you to get over your prejudices now!
  18. Oh come on, forget FSO. It's the content that matters, not the form!!!
  19. I like our version of dirty and obscene vocabulary, really....
  20. Да, на привыкание уходит немного - или немало - времени. Но тут мы уже надолго обосновались.
  21. Well, apparently, Yuzu doesn't even have to take part at internationals, if it comes to that. He becomes one of the seeded skaters along with Shoma, Keiji and Takahito. And that was an exceptional decision the JSF made concerning Yuzu - that he's already in though technically, he's not a last season's Japanese medalist. http://www.sponichi.co.jp/sports/news/2017/05/14/kiji/20170514s00079000212000c.html
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