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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. I don't know if we'll ever see 4F in competition, to be honest. Hasn't Brian said it's not a strong jump for Yuzu? I'm expecting 4A when he's good and ready to show us, and not before. And it seems clear that Lady Lutz will be making her return this year. But, since it's Zu, anything can happen. The word 'realistically' has an entirely different meaning when it comes to him.
  2. ACI is so early in the season this year though...and Yuzu's next competition is SCI at the end of October. Basically he has nearly two months between "first pancake" and having to actually be in tiptop shape for serious competition. I'm not surprised if he currently has training days where he's not doing all the jumps in his repertoire.
  3. How can a sentence be so wrong and so right at the same time? And my Lord, do we ever sound thirsty! Thirsty aunties LOL!
  4. Hmm, maybe. My take on Raf is that he'd respect a hard worker over a (not so hardworking) high talent any day, and since Yuzu has both a great work ethic and a lot of talent, he's the best of both worlds for Raf.
  5. I have to say, Raf always sounds like a man who wishes Yuzu was his skater. I get the sense that Raf wishes some of his skaters were as motivated as Yuzu
  6. I understand you saying that, but it's not my intent. What I was saying is that I think it's rude to make such a comment about a person based only on one photograph and no other real knowledge. This. One more thing about this, and then I'll drop it: I actually thought Yuzu looked incredibly masculine in that photo, so it was a major shock to me to hear another man say the opposite! As it happens, my next door neighbours are a married gay couple, and, unless you happened to see them together, you would never know it. They're both quite manly men. So I've learned that appearance counts for nothing as far as this goes. One of the things I have really admired about Yuzu over the years is how well he's done at keeping this very private part of himself, private. I couldn't even begin to guess what his preference might be from his behaviour or appearance, and for someone who lives in the public eye, that's quite an amazing feat in and of itself. And I also agree that speculating about it is wrong. However, it's an issue that will continue to cause fanyus headaches everytime someone in their life makes the assumption that a man who skates and dresses well must be gay.
  7. Yes, it was rude...but also, totally something that can't be seen in a photo so why on earth do my male friends think they see it? People confound me sometimes.
  8. I feel like banging my head against a wall right now. I was out for dinner with friends tonight and chit-chatting about my plans for the week, which means the conversation came around to Yuzu eventually. I was trying to explain some things and I ended up showing the husband this latest photo of Yuzu, in the FaOI fishnet. And his only comments was, "I can tell from this picture that he bats for the other team" ( a colloquial expression referring to sexual preference, especially a sexual preference different from the norm.) It was so bloody annoying!!! My friend is normally pretty open-minded so I can't for the life of me imagine what there was in that picture that made him think that way. And it's not the first time male friends have had this reaction when I show them photos of Yuzu. It is a mystery to me how anyone could guess something like that (whether someone is gay or not ) based on one photo, wtf. Anyone else have similar experiences?
  9. @mercedes Re: the fishnet photo: HOLY SH- SKATING GODS! That's the hottest he's ever looked!
  10. Oh, that's so cool! I love how Yuzu is inspiring all these kids to try harder!
  11. Joking apart, if Jason were to do that after barely getting to 4S last season, then all the other coaches might as well go home. It would be the hugest endorsement of Brian's methods anyone could possibly imagine.
  12. Not gonna lie, this is a major reason why I'm bankrupting myself to follow him this year. If 4A happens, I wanna be there.
  13. Yeah no. He'd be all, "I can do that too!" And then show them how it's done.
  14. More like trying to speak something fun into existence...
  15. So, now that we've all convinced ourselves that it's going to be a recycled programs season, and resigned ourselves to it, and talked ourselves into thinking it's a good idea, and psyched ourselves up for another round of Origin... Watch Yuzu do something completely different, just to raise the troll level. You know he would!
  16. Well ok. The idea is pretty funny, but... The man who should have skated to Rasputin was Plush. If ever there was a guy whose public image embodies the themes of that song -! But I guess it would be cultural suicide for a Russian to do that piece, given the actual historical event the song is based on. Next thing, someone will be suggesting Yuzu do Right Said Fred's "I'm Too Sexy"...
  17. Check the Skate Canada website, they usually say if there's going to be livestreams. Although I think this year Skate Canada is also working with TSN. They've just filmed a bunch of stuff with On Ice Perspectives and the national team.
  18. As fun as that would be, I'm not sure it's his style. I think Masquerade is the true indicator of where Yuzu feels his 'sexy' lies....i.e the manly drama king. rather than Rod Stewart, Yuzu's more like Elvis Presley. He'd be all "A Little Less Conversation"...*evil grin*
  19. yes. he is. so trying to guess what he's going to do is a fool's game. but very fun. 4A/4Lz, 4Lo, StSeq, 4S, Ch. Sq, 4T-3A, anyone?
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