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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. I agree, but somehow they never made it into any of my physics texts in high school and uni...
  2. We'd die. For real. My heart would not be able to take that.
  3. I agree, so much! I'd go so far as to say that Yuzu never really skates the same program twice - he's always tweaking and playing around with the expression, and sometimes the elements too. And if his kiss&cry comments after doing Origin at Saitama are any indication, sometimes even he gets taken by surprise (" and...I guess...I'm doing...eagle!", anyone? )
  4. looks like he's trying to be serious, but is about to burst into giggles at the same time. What a magnificent man he's becoming.
  5. It's unfair how beautiful his hands are...even next to the rest of him.
  6. As he himself has said in many TV news clips, when he's trying to encourage other people, "work hard and do your best!" Yuzuru knows better than anyone how much hard work it takes to get to the top. He would encourage you for sure! I don't have many study tips as I graduated from uni the year before Yuzu was born. However, here are a couple of life tips that might help: - if you're going through a tough time, keep going. Eventually everything comes to an end, even hardship. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and you'll get there. - say positive things to yourself, about yourself. Some days it might be the only nice thing you hear. You are your own best cheering section. - rest is as important as work, especially when you're trying to learn complicated topics. Rest lets the knowledge sink in ( oh look, I had a study tip after all!) As for achieving your dream of one day seeing Yuzu skate live - every dream begins with tiny steps. If you can think of a tiny step you can take today to bring your dream closer to reality, then take it. It could be as little as learning a Japanese word, saving $1.00 towards the ticket, or starting to research where you want to work so that you can be able to see him in the future. Keep doing those little things and your dream will become a goal, then a reality.
  7. He praised the ice quality? I guess since he did kiss it, he would know better than most!
  8. As for modern songs, he seems to be a straight-up rocker in his preferences anyway, so I don't see him doing anything too bleak or emo. If he ever decided to do a show with all rock covers, that's something I could get behind. It would be spectacular.
  9. But....I wonder if he sees it in those terms. While I'm not terribly familiar with every single aspect of Japanese culture, this idea of doing whatever you can to help the community seems to be very ingrained. It could be that he doesn't see it as anything more than that.
  10. I think it would go a little differently than that. Most would either struggle with the technical aspects or have to re-work the program to fit their capabilities. There are extremely few who could deliver the programs verbatim from a technical standpoint. On the second point, though - there are definitely programs for which Yuzu is not suited. That's not to say that he couldn't do them, but try and picture him doing Man of La Mancha, for example. Or any of the Russian programs. Or even Nemesis. They're just not Yuzu. From a technical standpoint he probably wouldn't have trouble, and artistically I know he'd try his utmost, and it would be ...something... but I don't think he could inhabit them the way he does a Seimei or a PW.
  11. Oh he did it! I couldn't tell from the footage. Yuzuru-kun and Ice-Chan - a love story for the ages!
  12. Probably, like most parents, they're feeling a mix of pride, 'I hope this doesn't go to his head' , and 'if they only knew what he was like as a baby' ...
  13. I'm always a fan of the sit twizzles, but it's starting to dawn on me that unless the music has exactly the right rhythm, they're difficult to fit in. But watching the 24hr TV performance, I spotted something intriguing: while he was doing that one leg entry into camel spin that only he does, for a brief moment he appeared to be doing twizzles in camel position. Now, I have no idea if those are even a thing, but if they are, and Yuzu wants to throw them in a program, l won't complain! To sum up, though, the number one element I would like to see from Yuzu this year is his creativity on the ice.
  14. His soft face when he's petting the kitty might just be the best Yuzu of all.
  15. That granny at the haskap farm! Her reaction was so cute.
  16. If you read the page, they were voted best new product in their category at the Consumer Electronics Show 2019, so it's probably just that, like Yuzu, they're just that good.
  17. And now for something completely different...should we tell Yuzu about these, or do you reckon he already knows? : UA True Wireless Headphones
  18. At the start of the news clip, one of kanji captions on it said June. So sometime during June. I couldn't tell whether he did Seimei in full for the kids, but you could tell he was putting his heart and soul into it just as if he had an audience of thousands. And it sounded like the kids were asking skating-related questions. I'm not 100% sure, but I think the little girl was asking about speed going into jumps?
  19. Two people in the last leg has been done before; the first time was in 1976, at both the summer and the winter Games, a boy-girl pair of young athletes did it. Since then they've had multiple people light it, multiple times, and sometimes multiple cauldrons ( like at 2010 in Vancouver) . It's pretty well up to the organizers to decide what they want. IMO, it would be very fitting if they chose a team of young athletes ( like say a Tohoku-area youth baseball team) to do it, rather than Yuzu. But it would be lovely to see him do it, too.
  20. Well, Shinzo Abe is also a Yuzu fan to some extent. He's on the record as saying that he was so tense watching Yuzu's final Pyeongchang skate that he crushed a tangerine in his hand without noticing. So if Abe is the one who gets to pick, it probably will be Yuzu.
  21. Thus completing the circle of life...
  22. I heartily agree. To be used as a weapon of mass fanyu destruction, should the need arise.
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