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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. Stop that! I'm trying to be good over here! Otherwise I'd be waxing poetic about his sensual hands...among other things...
  2. If he really was one, there'd be a mile long lineup outside his door.
  3. Our boi is growing up! He probably just wants to see how loud fanyus can scream LOL.
  4. You might say that, rather than being merely watered, rain came to the desert and made all the cacti bloom! Between Ghana and new Citizen photos and the totally unexpected clavicle reveal...
  5. He is having SO. MUCH. FUN!!! I approve.
  6. HA! HAHA! Brilliant! I want! I forgive Ghana for the pink monstrosity now.
  7. Yes, I believe he said that or something very like it during the Japan Foreign Correspondent's interview after the Olympics. And I absolutely hope he achieves his goal.
  8. To sum up: Yuzu is the outlier by any measure, and there's minimal differences between the other 5. Vincent needs to bring that 1-foot time up, though.
  9. ...the psychological weaponry.... But let's get serious here. He looks best in cherry blossom pink so that UA would look like ballet gear. There'd be no more shade about 'ballet ankles' and such after that.
  10. Ah, but we're all so happy in our madness...
  11. It is. Although the music doesn't lend itself to skating, I think. However, I really like the idea of making the Mad Hatter a tap dancer.
  12. Ok, now tell me what music it would go with. I'm picturing something like Le Corsaire...or The Who (could totally see this being Pinball Wizard)
  13. My take on any speculation as to where they'd be staying for ACI is ultimately that there's no way and no reason for us to know or try to guess, and it's probably inappropriate for us to do so. From a sheerly economic perspective, they'd all save money by staying at home. That might not be a factor for Yuzu or Evgenia, but it probably is for the others. It's not like the competition goes late or starts early this time, which would be a good reason to hotel.
  14. Oh dear. I hope your keyboard and screen survived.
  15. ACI is literally a 30 minute drive from TCC...somewhat longer if the traffic is bad. Totally pointless to stay in a hotel.
  16. "Baby Yuzu in bed/ Boss Yuzu at work" put my mind straight into the gutter, thank-you very much...how am I supposed to focus today now?
  17. but why deny Raf his fun? Anyway, not like he can talk this year....Stephen's FS costume looks suspiciously like prison garb...
  18. Oh my word! I sure hope not! The first red costumes Ghana put him in were so wonderful and he looked great in them (back in 2015-16). What happened?
  19. I honestly thought it was a photo of Denis Ten at first...or Han Yan. The angle totally changes the shape of his face.
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