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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. 'If you can't sing well, at least be enthusiastic', eh?
  2. So I went and looked up the actual recording they released - and I'm a bit disappointed they don't use Yuzu's voice in it (nor Shoma's). Apparently Keiji is the only one who can sing well enough for public consumption .
  3. Oh, I've seen that...but he doesn't actually sing in this, does he? I thought he only lip-synced the words...anyway, he can't can't be any worse than some of the others. edited to add - nevermind, I just saw the explanation you gave above. So that's really his voice? It's not awful. got it.
  4. ....if ever Yuzu were to do another warhorse....
  5. Can't help but hope Yuzu sings a bit better than a cat does
  6. The thing is, you're a reasonable adult. Given the size and age spread of Yuzu's fandom, there's bound to be plenty of unreasonable people, who may or may not be mature enough yet, participating in social media about him. While these kinds of overheated reactions (I'm referring to the most recent incident specifically) are disappointing, it just doesn't seem reasonable to think that we can prevent them happening. For every 100 fans that get the message not to go crazy trying to 'help' Yuzu by attacking 'leaks' or what have you, there's a 1000 more who think they're doing the right thing and showing their devotion by piling on. And giving those ones any reaction only fuels the fire. On the Internet, silence kills drama, so to my mind the best way to smother an overheated fan drama reaction to something is to ignore it. Don't reply, don't 'like', don't retweet, nothing. Just leave it to die in silence.
  7. See, this is why I actually hope he will bring it back this year. I want to see what Origin would be like at Yuzu's idea of 100%.
  8. Amen! but when you watch him skate it on the FaOI broadcasts, you can see that it's really taxing him. I'd kinda like Yuzu to be able to breathe at the end of his programs...maybe I'm expecting too much?
  9. You just reminded me of how his family (i.e. his father) had to apologize to their neighbors in Sendai after fans started showing up at their house, making life difficult for everyone on the street. I wish people would think a little before they fire off whatever it is from the keyboard.
  10. "Do you have a minute to talk about our Troll Lord Yuzuru Hanyu? Here, have a copy of Ao Hono. "
  11. I don't think the roof at Sixteen MIle would withstand the screams, if he did that.
  12. and what if it was a slow, sad, draggy Roxanne (like what Brendan Kerry (unforgiveably) did to Grease last year)?
  13. Probably something like 'Dude, no. Please no. Don't make me remember.' Jeff has mentioned publicly more than once how bad his nerves were in Torino. In fact, he made a piece about it for SOI Canada 2018.
  14. I can't help but feel that the universe will do this to us at least once...if only to remind us not to be too full of ourselves...
  15. That implies that, as wild and crazy and risky as we think some of Yuzu's competition layouts seem, he's actually toning them down compared to what the limits of his abilities really are. What seems crazy risky for anyone else, is, in fact, playing it safe for Yuzu. He's just that much over and beyond what others are capable of. Now that's a truly mind-blowing thought.
  16. I hope it's true! he never did get it to where he wanted it to be.
  17. Hmm. I'm not sure that a Yuzu Hanyu could happen in my country. I think someone like him could only come from Japan. Even if a similar inspiring figure arises in Canada (Terry Fox comes to mind), the feeling is different. I'm not sure I can explain this very well, but basically every country has it's own emotional/psychological 'personality' that shapes how they create heroes and, in turn, shapes the kind of hero they create.
  18. What does he really think about all this - the fans, the fuss, the fame, the Hanyuconomy, the fact that he's become such a symbol/idol for so many? What does he think it says about our times and society?
  19. Note that he's aging in reverse as well.
  20. Same. But who's to say she didn't say that? I think most moms would.
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