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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. You may be right, but I have my doubts about whether he'd ever flex that power in an obvious, public, way. My guess is that he'd only do it if he had exhausted all other options.
  2. All I can say about incorrect technical calls is that, in cases where there is clear and present evidence of judging error, the skater and/or their coach should have a right to appeal the call and ask for a re-mark of the performance, as reviewed on video. My understanding is that the ISU does not have an appeal rule like this yet. In order to prevent such a right from being abused, do something like limit the number of times per competition an athlete can appeal, or limit the number of points that can be gained upon review. (because you know it'll get abused otherwise) At least that way, the technical panel can be held accountable for outright error. This rule is present in many sports and can be a great mechanism for ensuring fairness.
  3. Think of how happily and affectionately Yuzu goes running into his arms for a hug at the end of every program. That would not happen if they weren't close. Yuzu doesn't strike me as the type to be huggy with everyone. Also, Brian has learned the hard way to be very careful what he says about his skaters at all, because it can be easily twisted around. I would guess that he also is aware that if he says anything bad about the ISU, it could be held against his skaters later. So saying nothing is the safest thing. Doesn't mean he's not thinking it. We just don't know.
  4. Not gonna lie, I saw someone walking around at ACI who was so covered up and masked that I wondered if it might be Toshl in disguise.
  5. Just a suggestion here: how about something like 'Swiss fans for Yuzu', 'Chilean fans for Yuzu', 'Brit fans for Yuzu', etc? It directly states both the message and the problem at the same time. Or you could use the country flag like so: ' 🇨🇦 for Yuzu' , etc. Personally I think that simpler is better.
  6. ...except Ling Ling already landed 4A and all the quints, in a program with all Level 4 components . That's what being Ling Ling means! I have to admit, when I saw all the tweets talking about Yuzu's attention to detail on this, my first thought was 'I wonder if he watches TwoSet?'
  7. I dunno, there's no reason to believe he didn't put as much research into the archery gesture as the violin gesture. It looked very like the style used in Japanese archery to me. Also, I thought that bit was a self-reference or maybe for his dad since his father has said in an interview that he chose the name Yuzuru, meaning 'taut bowstring about to release' , for him. Origin 2.0 might be a continuation of H&L in that sense, wherein it's about Yuzu's life maybe.
  8. Personally, I think they'll admire his skating and recognize right away that he practices 40hrs/day...
  9. I appreciate what you're trying to tell me here. Just know that in my case, the delay has so far been 26 years and counting, since I was 20 when my first dream blew up in my face...it's a little hard to be philosophical these days. More like, I've come to the conclusion that not everyone gets a grand vision to follow, some of us just get to take care of other stuff instead. Have you seen the early videos where they do exercises in the park while trying to play?
  10. He can't be any worse than some of the movie actors they've roasted. He's probably considerably better! And it could be a challenge for them, too - try to skate and play at the same time!
  11. True, although I suspect that for a great many years to come, skating will be his life in one way or another.
  12. "Olympic Dream" means something for everybody then, not just smol mushrooms with great ambitions. But seriously, though, I envy Yuzu his singularity of vision. I've spent my entire adult life trying to decide what I want to be when I grow up (after my one actual dream proved to be a financial nightmare I couldn't overcome). I would give my eyeteeth to be so passionate about, and good at, something that my dream couldn't be denied even by a magnitude 9 earthquake. People would always tell me "well, you're so ____ (fill in blank with positive noun of your choice), you could be anything!" as if that's supposed to be some kind of help. Imagine having such a powerful dream, from such an early age, that you never had to experience the stress of trying to choose something, you just had to do it. It's not that it would be easy, because obviously it's not easy. It's that you would always know your path without wandering around lost in life. How lucky to have something like that.
  13. Also, I'm never spending money on parking again. Just calculated how much $$ I could save in 871 days if I put my daily parking fees into it, and yes, I can afford Yuzu in Beijing.
  14. It's definitely not too soon to start saving money for Beijing!
  15. You're asking the wrong crowd! We're more likely to cheer you on.
  16. Maybe you can panic in advance and get it out of the way before then!
  17. From his mouth to God's ears! May it be so. Also, he's lived in Canada for eight years and suddenly he's picking up Trudeau-isms... "Just watch me", eh?
  18. Ghana needs to make a maple-flavored chocolate for those little dispensers.
  19. I can forgive the ignorance about the rest of the guys, but to leave their country's actual results out of the article...! It makes the accusations about 'fake news' look factual.
  20. ...so I just tweeted at NBC not to ignore Camden. It's not that I'm a Camden fan, but when they're frothing at the mouth to attack Yuzu so anxiously that they skip mentioning their own athlete, there's something wrong. I could do a better job than that, and I'm nothing but a STEM geek and not a journalist at all. And it's so unfair to Camden, who really had a great performance for his first time out in Seniors.
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