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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. As much as I like Brian, I really don't want him giving an interview about Rika too soon, and that's solely because Brian somehow always manages to say something clumsy that comes out wrong. Would not want that to happen again. IMO, Rika's going there for Ghislain, who by all accounts has developed a really interesting method for gaining quads using biomechanics. She would be silly not to use every tool at her disposal to get a quad or two under her belt. Like it or not, she'll need them this season going up against the Russians. It probably doesn't hurt that Brian's on record as saying Rika's 3A is 'perfect' during a skating seminar he was giving. . . . Ooh. Wait. Wait - - what if -- Omg I'm afraid to say this out loud but: What if Rika wants to try for 4A? What if that's why?
  2. Doesn't surprise me if you consider the origins of those books. I mean, Tolkien wrote LOTR in part to create a backstory for the fantasy language he was creating as part of his Master's thesis at Oxford. CS Lewis was likewise an academic and in the same writing circle as Tolkien at Oxford, so, yeah, they wrote in English 'plus alpha', to hijack a Japanese term.
  3. Someone posted a fanart of Yuzu in Origin 2.0 as a wood elf...did you not see it?
  4. I feel like reading Lord of the Rings in Japanese would be ...difficult. Even in English, the text is so dense. I can't begin to imagine what a task translating it would be.
  5. You'll note that I did not say I could picture him skating the program. Just wearing the costume.
  6. Sure, and normally I enjoy all his artistic choices too. I just don't find R&J 2.0 aesthetically appealing except for the fact that Yuzu's inside it. I'm not a big fan of white stretchy lace as a material ( looks too much like kitchen curtains) to begin with, and so for me it detracted from his performance.
  7. Meanwhile I remain unconvinced that boobskirt ever worked, even for Yuzu. I could 100% see Boyang wearing Dory, and even doing the program. Pieces inspired by TV/movies seem to be Boyang's forte. I think he'd leave out the waggy finger though.
  8. I was thinking Jason would suit a grown-up version of R&J 1.0 quite well. Yeah, I could see Jun in HYK...at least it wouldn't look bad on him...he'd probably also be able to wear Origin 2.0 and not look ridiculous. How about Nathan in Ballade? It's in a style I think he'd be comfortable with
  9. Ahahahaha! The swan bags! LOL. But apparently only Yuzu really needs one - don't think Jun or Jason are likely to run off and try quads on a major injury like Yuzu does.. There's another problem with Sweden hosting it now....they're one of the countries that didn't really lockdown for the coronavirus and I'm not convinced that their plan went quite the way they hoped it would...grantd next year is a long way off in COVID time but what if they're in a wave of it by then? And still not shutting anything down? I'd think very carefully indeed about committing to an all-event ticket this far in advance. on to other things (apologies. This post is a very mixed bag.) I was re-watching Yuzu's SCI19 Origin this morning, and it very belatedly dawned on me that a Japanese kid winning Canadian gold in the heart of the BC mountains might have had a really special significance for some folks watching. The history I'm referring to can be found here: https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/japanese-internment-banished-and-beyond-tears-feature Not one of Canada's finer moments, at all, and the fact that the Japanese Canadian community has rebuilt from this and become such a wonderful thread in the fabric of my country fills with me awe. This morning the thought occurred to me that if any of the survivors of this horrible time were watching Yuzu win at Kelowna, maybe it was very sweet for them to see it.
  10. I know this should be good news, but it just makes me sad all over again that Montreal got cancelled.
  11. Even here, he looks quite neat and tidy to me. Obviously comfortable, but it's a far cry from what I see on the streets daily.
  12. It's funny how 'casual' is such a different standard depending on where you are... to me, his perfectly wrinkle-free, sparkling white t-shirts and immaculate denim look anything but 'casual'. Informal, yes, relaxed, yes, but 'casual' has a much more sloppy connotation on this side of the Pacific than anything Yuzu ever wears. This is a lovely outfit on him. Hey, the Xylitol outfit was perfectly fine from the waist down to the ankles! The white shoes were not fine. And let's just forget what happened on the upper half.
  13. Oh come on now, Keegan would look okay-ish in PW, and HILY and Vertigo would work just fine on him. Maybe, possibly Mission Impossible as well, since that's basically just a sparkly black T-shirt and Keegan does love black T-shirts. It's kind of fun to try and picture who of Yuzu's competitors would be able to pull off which of his costumes. IMO none of them could carry off HYK or H&L successfully, though. Or Swanyu.
  14. Try and picture Keegan in Origin 2.0. It's literally impossible to envision. @Hydroblade Actually, if you Google 'Yuzuru Hanyu white T-Shirt" and scroll past all the redbubble fan art T-shirts, there's quite a few nice ones of him in various white T-shirts with interesting black-and-white graphic designs. He seems to favour them for his casual attire. Either that or the magazine stylists pick them out for him.
  15. Or in a white T-shirt! It's not like the guy doesn't make fashion choices every now and then. Edited image to use a more public source - this is from the Planet's magazine list thread. The image I had before was from a google search and it was a wallpaper image on pinterest I think.
  16. I know, right? Does he hear himself?
  17. If that happens, make sure you buy a lottery ticket the same day to capitalize on your good luck
  18. I saw it in a slightly different light. It seemed to me that Yuzu was expressing a genuine love for his fellow man there. I think that man really cares. I don't really feel a need to use his behaviour as some kind of springboard to tear down other skaters' choices or decisions. They are entirely separate matters. Just go over to the Team Russia thread, it's all in there from somewhere around mid May onwards
  19. Wonder if Plush will compose one of his famously biting Instagram posts in reply as well.
  20. Yeah, his hair in the last one looks a bit like he tried to carefully arrange it to hide the fact that it hasn't been cut, but I think it's definitely longer. "I want to work together with you to help prevent the spread of this infection" - what a perfect sentiment.
  21. Good. Even if Takahashi doesn't want to make a fuss, what she did was not acceptable because of the power imbalance.
  22. Tangentially related, goes to show it's in every sport: https://ca.yahoo.com/news/top-u-swim-coaches-abused-192548406.html (By the way, the above article hits home for me as we had a coach at my swim club in the 1980s who "seduced" (groomed, he definitely groomed her) a girl a year older than me aka 16 (and at the time I was swimming for the club!) and then dragged her off to another city with him after the club found out what he was up to and fired him. The club wasn't able to take any further action than to warn the next place that hired him unfortunately, as there were no further mechanisms available at the time (late 80's).)
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