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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. Seriously? Incredible. Anyway, maybe it's old news, but the video is new and Kevin posted it for whatever reason so,
  2. However. Tuktik has a very womanly body overall - she has curves, she has all the things that are supposed to be drawbacks in jumping, and she still jumps. Her high muscle proportions in her legs point to a clue - because women's bodies are different, they need more muscle in their hips and thighs to master the big jumps after puberty. I also think, just based on the general physics of jumps, that women overall may need to develop a different jump technique from the men, for any jump, not just quads. So, yes, it may take a while for someone to make that transition from jumping with a pre-puberty body to jumping with a post puberty one...but it can be done. Zhenya's not only changed her technique but her whole body has changed as well. It takes a while for a skater to adjust to those changes. It's too soon to write her off.
  3. It'll be interesting to see how it goes.
  4. I know and it's a crime. A scoring crime.
  5. My point is, if your argument for someone not being able to get a new quad is that they're 'too old' at 20, and Yuzu's 25 and still actively pursuing new quads, then clearly the 'too old' argument is invalid. It's not about age. Jump technique - sure. If someone has to change their technique from scratch in order to get a quad, then that means their path is harder. But at the end of the day, a quad jump is about mastering the biomechanics of it. It's easier for someone small and light but that doesn't make it impossible for anyone else. And it has nothing to do with age.
  6. Those goods are lovely. I would love to have the clear files or the postcards, and the Seimei towel is to die for. But ordering from Japan is so tricky right now. I have five packages from there that have been sent to me since the start of the pandemic and so far only one has arrived, no idea where the rest might be. Japan Post even returned a bunch to the original shopper who had to scramble to send them by DHL, but then customs held up the shipment... nightmare.
  7. All I'm saying is, if anybody can get her there, it's the coaching team she has now.
  8. How come I never noticed? Anyway, it's still a good video.
  9. Look at Kevin go with that backcounter entry! https://twitter.com/FSIgstories/status/1277645782846447622?s=20
  10. TBH, I think the term 'Japanese fan' has even been applied to Caucasians waving the Japanese flag for Yuzu. It makes me wonder if the commentators need better glasses. Sooner or later they'll be using the term for an audience in which there are no actual Japanese whatsoever, just because that audience is cheering for Yuzu. it's like they can only see the flags and banners and Pooh's and not who's holding them.
  11. Yay! Finally some 'what are the judges smoking, anyway?' emojis! These will come in handy.
  12. Whoever's running that is definitely One Of Us.
  13. Live Yuzu skating, direct to ours computers...a dream indeed!
  14. Is that from the tabloid article or from something more reputable?
  15. I pulled the info from this article, which cites skatingscores.com: https://olympics.nbcsports.com/2020/01/24/jason-brown-national-championships/ To find the info on Skating Scores, it's not obvious...looks like it requires clicking through every protocol from Jason's competitions to find it.
  16. I researched a bit more, and as of US Nationals this year, he's made 17 attempts at quads in competition, 3 of which were awarded full rotation. So okay, maybe not the greatest, but he's getting there. I just don't think it's correct or fair to discount and dismiss any athlete's determination and hard work and years of perseverance out of hand with " Oh they're dreaming, they're too old, they're never gonna make it, they should just give up already and make room for the young'uns". The fact is, quads have only been jumped in competition for about 30 years now. That's hardly long enough to know if there's really an age limit on when you can gain one as an elite skater. I think the human body is an astounding thing, capable of so much more than we know. It behooves no one to say something is impossible for an athlete who is working hard at it. After all, Yuzu has been talking about and working at 4A for years, and he's 25, but no one here is saying he's never going to get there. So why say it for Zhenya? As long as she doesn't give up on trying, the possibility is there.
  17. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/olympics/2016/10/23/jason-brown-quad-silver-skate-america/92649166/ He's landed it in competition.
  18. My final word on women's quads, and women's skating in general: I just don't buy into the age narrative and this crappy sexist idea that as a woman, you're washed up at 18. It's utter tripe.
  19. What I'm thinking is that, with people like the 3 A's having multiple quads, if, as a woman skater, you are going to pursue quads, then you have to go all in and try to get more than one. Or get one plus a really, really good triple axel. It's not enough to just have one. Anyway, if anyone can get Zhenya to the point of jumping a quad, it's the TCC crew. People said it was impossible for Jason, and here he is with a working 4S.
  20. Understandable, but I'm also old enough to know that there could be a lot more to the story that we don't get to see so I'm willing to keep an open mind. Also, remember that nothing Zhenya did was ever against the law and Japan never issued any quarantine 'orders' as such (because they're not allowed to, as per their constitution). All the pandemic measures were requests by the various governments, but only requests. Appeals to conscience, as it were. Yes it says something that she acted the way she did, but on the other hand, there was no legal reason for her to refrain from going about her business. The part that made me facepalm was her response to criticism on social media. She could have just ignored those comments, instead of engaging with them in a, hmm, shall we say, non-productive way. Anyway, given that those tabloids couldn't even be straightforward about the fact that she was going back to Russia, I'm not going to read too much into what they claim she said about quads. If Tuktumysheva can get a quad toe at 21, Zhenya can get a quad sal, of that I'm sure. Whether it's worth it is another story.
  21. So why didn't Flash and Josei Jishin say so? Instead they made it sound super mysterious and let everyone think suspicious thoughts. As for why she spoke to them, maybe they were hounding her for interviews this whole time and she thought that if she gives them a little, they'll leave her alone? It wouldn't be unheard of. IMO, she needs someone handling her PR and her social media for her, stat.
  22. I have more of a James Bond image. It's about time Bond was Japanese, no? But for your vision: Rhapsody in Blue, most definitely
  23. For real, he would look so handsome in a tux.
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