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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. I'm still trying figure out whether it was a sudden fit of religion. I mean, it was a total monk tonsure. And Switzerland is a hotbed of Trappists...
  2. Can't beat the Saitama organizing committee matching the Kiss and Cry to Haru yo Koi, though. That was truly another level. Now I wish I could make a Yuzu-matching K&C... would love to do one for Origin 2.0...
  3. Aw, ToshI! (why'm I crying?)... "I'm only good at doing my best"....
  4. temperate, in other words. I agree with you on HYK, but Swanyu to me feels cool...gently cool, not chilly, but a little too remote and ethereal to be warm.
  5. When you say 'boat shed' , this is what I picture: https://nationalpost.com/pmn/news-pmn/canada-news-pmn/historic-big-boat-shed-on-lunenburg-waterfront-to-be-revitalized https://developns.ca/projects/big-boat-shed/ I've visited this space with an architecture prof and I can see the resemblance to TCC, but the Bluenose boat shed is on a much bigger scale.
  6. In competition, though, WTT was it.
  7. Yes, and Yuzu only skated it in the 2016-17 season. His last competitive performance of it, at WTT 2017, was in fact on Prince's birthday.
  8. Prince passed away in April 2016, so he had died before Jeff and Yuzu put the program together (LGC premiered in Sept 2016). So he never saw it. However, I do believe that recently, a spokesperson for Prince's estate did comment favorably on Yuzu's interpretation of the song. Unfortunately I can't find the quote back, though.
  9. Me too!! Not least because so many people were nay-saying it for him back in 2018. Plus anytime someone spits in the eye of the 'you have to be young/small to do quads' trope, it makes me really happy. It looks like a converted curling rink to me...curling clubs often have that homey feel and no boards.
  10. I know, it makes no sense. Whatcha gonna do?
  11. This came up in the 'We Love Yuzu' banner thread, and it surprised me, but apparently in a lot of countries, displaying the national flag too prominently can be a very loaded gesture, and Japan is one of those places. It does surprise me a lot that it's an issue in Japan of all places, especially since they no longer use the older version of the flag that was the real hot-button symbol, but there you go. And don't forget that even in Canada, there are places where flying the Maple Leaf is not welcome. It's a sucky side-effect of past history unfortunately. Anyway, here's what Google Translate said for the article: "According to the Japan Skating Federation, "I did not know that it was made by Aichi's manufacturer, but I have already received inquiries," he said, "It seems that Hanyu was doing it personally, but the athletes of the Federation are public. "(Informal) items with Hinomaru or JAPAN on display are misleading and should not be worn. We instructed Hanyu to refrain from doing so in the future." Immediately before the important tournament, everyone wants to avoid making noise outside the competition and affecting Hanyu's performance. However, it is true that the ripples have spread. The exterior of the factory "I think that Hanyu gave me the bad thing, but I am sorry if there was a problem. We do not intend to sell using Hanyu at all," Nakagawara (factory owner where the masks are made) explained. It seems that fans who have already identified it as a product of the company have made a reservation, but since about 50 employees make one by one by hand, it is said that it is best to produce 100 pieces per month. Hanyu will have a short program on the night of the 27th and will be free to play on the night of the 28th of March. It will shut out both dirty air and noise, and will show you the best performance.
  12. ? I guess they mean the advertising? Anyway, Hanyuconomy at work!
  13. He knows, and he occasionally has fun with it, like for example when he was teasing the crowd by pretending to toss his face towel to them after FaOI that one year, then giving them the waggy finger . As long as it's done in moderation (both by the fans and by him), it's a little bit of good, clean fun.
  14. It was really fun to watch Jason appreciating his own skating though. Especially when he said that normally, if he watches video of himself, he's just picking apart the details so he can do it better. And when he said how much he missed TCC and skating, he got me in the feels...you could see how hard he's finding it to be off ice. I just wanted to give him a hug.
  15. So the discussion today about LGC and PPOS made me wonder what kind of Yuzu programs do people prefer. I personally love him at his hot and fiery best and could watch him bring the passion all day in pieces like LGC and PW....but he's a master at the cool, lyrical, flowing perfection of programs such as Ballade, too. Of course, we can sit down and watch Seimei and have both at the same time. So, what 'temperature' do you hope he goes for next? Hot, or cold?
  16. Wow that clip seems so quaint now...all those judges would faint if they saw some of the costumes today. And
  17. Little does he know....Yuzu would simply pick his brain for dance tips, like with Nomura Mansai
  18. I do like Prince, and personally I've always thought LGC was more Prince than even Prince himself could have done. I don't know what kind of research Yuzu did when he was putting together that program, but he captured the essence of Prince perfectly...right down to the the PPOS, which are exactly like something Prince would have worn early on in his career. Prince was never shy about showing off that kind of thing at all. So I find Yuzu's accomplishment with that program all the more amazing. LGC is, for me, less like 'Yuzu skates Prince' and more like a portrayal of 'What if Prince were a champion figure skater'. Apart from Yuzu's attractiveness and athleticism, with LGC Yuzu's also doing a fantastic job of playing the character of Prince. It's amazing in every aspect.
  19. Kose has delayed the launch of Yuzu as their 'global muse', so there's that.
  20. My dear satellite, they are called that because both the fit, and the physique displayed, is such perfection that it might tempt the very angels to fall from heaven... Please forgive my poetic hyperbole. except it's not really hyperbole. That boy looked so fine in those...
  21. ...just saw a Google translate from Chinese to English that ended up calling him String Knot Player...
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