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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. Anyone see this? https://twitter.com/miruru1207/status/1272478374624030721?s=20
  2. They've been popping up everywhere, so maybe?
  3. I find airplanes very conducive to serious concentration, especially for reading and writing, but everyone's going to be different. However, flights from Canada to Japan are long (13 hours plus), and you have to pass the time somehow.
  4. Welcome to the rollercoaster. . . . I hope you like rollercoasters, because stanning Yuzu is a ride and a half.
  5. Think about how much time he must spend in airplanes. What else is there to do but study? I bet that's his big secret.
  6. Same. And sometimes, I feel like I want to be him. It would be wonderful to have that level of belief in myself, and be able to swoop and fly across the ice like that. Well, the swooping and flying I can at least try to learn . @barbara from what I can gather, the Japanese education system is quite different from here and trying to get into university is seriously competitive. If everyone around you is doing the same thing (cram school), it would be hard to be the one not doing it, I think.
  7. https://www.tofugu.com/japan/japanese-cram-school/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cram_school Basically, it's after-school tutoring on a large scale, but rather than only being for students who are having trouble with a subject, everyone does it.
  8. I've never heard of Alain Robbe-Grillet but the other two are things just about anyone can do, aren't they? They're simple.
  9. I was being facetious. Of course they wouldn't . Neither will this silly idea of changing to separate artistic and technical programs.
  10. After reading that interview, I have 3 thoughts: 1. They wouldn't need to make rules changes or switch to having a separate 'technical' and 'artistic' program if the judges actually followed the current rulebook when judging programs. 2. The real purpose of separating the two streams seems to me to be more about making it easier for judges to judge, rather than giving skaters with a more 'artistic' side a chance to win. The same thing could be accomplished with better use of technology, without changing events. 3. If they want to judge skating skills separately so as to give 'artistic' skaters more of a chance to win, that badly, then they can bring back school figures and screw everyone over honestly, instead of pretending. Forgive me for being sour, but I honestly fail to see a need to make such a change, since all the problems this is supposed to address can be adequately dealt with under the current system by judges judging according to the current actual stated rules. For once.
  11. It actually doesn't taste that sweet, especially when served on grilled smoked sausage. The honey just takes the edge off the sharpness of the mustard and makes for a warm taste instead of a hot one.
  12. It's a very good rule and I admire them for it. It really shows how much his hometown cares for him.
  13. I refer to this kind of thing: https://www.worldwideholland.com/food/sauces-herbs/cold-sauces/marne/marne-honey-mustard-sauce-350-ml And no, Yuzu has never mentioned mustard, nor even wasabi, that I know of. I am simply making conversation at this point.
  14. You'd probably enjoy Montreal smoked meat sandwiches. It's usually just smoked meat and sharp mustard on rye, with a sour pickle spear. one of my favorite lunches. So where do you reckon Yuzu sits on mustard? My guess is he likes honey mustard, but only in small amounts.
  15. I've never had one . Something to put on my 'when i visit Japan' list.
  16. I didn't realize that was his dad's school. he must have been so nervous!
  17. Oh no! I'm firmly in the mustard and pickles camp and I can't stand cheese on a burger! Does this mean we can't be friends anymore ? The whole Hanyu family must be pretty great people to be willing to support Yuzu in his wild medal chase for so long. They've sacrificed a LOT. Not every family would do so much. That being said, I always think of that one interview with Yuzu's mom that I saw. I think was the interview with the Zigunerweissen costume design? Anyway, she said something like "I just wanted my son to keep busy, and Whoops! I had an Olympic athlete." i.e. even she was surprised...Kids! What are ya gonna do? Shouganai.
  18. They sound wonderful but I've never seen them for sale. It's not something that would be easy to find in North American shops, I suspect.
  19. The drought is deep and long. Next thing you know we'll be talking about the various brands of crystal beads that Satomi puts on Yuzu's costumes, or something...
  20. Isn't zunda sweet though? I suppose you could make a dessert soup.
  21. I say again, the only one that looks edible to me is #6, because at least I can guess what's in it - most likely a cream soup made with white and green vegetables. I suspect #7 is the famous https://www.greatbigstory.com/stories/black-ramen In any case, Yuzu in no way resembles soup. The cakes I could get behind, because he's so sweet and delicious himself (to watch, anyway) but the soups are a bridge too far for me, I think.
  22. As pretty as they are, the only one of the soups that appears edible to me is the Requiem. And our lovely delicate HYK is a borscht, of all things?
  23. I don't know for sure, but I do know that his estate and in particular his son, have kept very strict control over the book since Tolkien died, so it would not surprise me if they control translations too. But even in the original English, the writing style makes it a little bit difficult to get into fully. If, at the start of the book, you don't manage to catch on to Frodo's feelings and start seeing things from his point of view very quickly, you end up getting lost.
  24. Good gracious, the very thought makes me dizzy... But on that note, have you ever seen the parody 'Jabber-whacky', which uses names of commercial products in the place of Lewis Carroll's invented words? http://www76.pair.com/keithlim/jabberwocky/parodies/jabberwhacky.html
  25. ....... how would you even do that? I think half the words in that poem are probably untranslateable entirely. Brillig? Slithy toves? Come on!
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