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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. Hey, satellites! Look at this awesome thing that just showed up in my recommends on YouTube: Don't know how I feel about Yuzu as a boxer, but I'm sure if he was one, he'd be the guy who kept on punching no matter what, until the other guy loses...
  2. It's rapidly becoming the center of the skating universe
  3. It was originally pushed as part of the 'figure skating is dying, we need to get more fans in' narrative, back when it was first announced.
  4. 1. the continued promotion of the awards show despite the almost universal disapproval of/disinterest in said thing by fans 2. the nature of the awards themselves (are they really the kind of awards fans are interested in seeing? I feel like they're more relevant to the skaters and coaches and so on) 3. some skaters have expressed excitement/interest in the thing on their social media (for example, KM-T showing off the dress she was planning to wear for the 'red carpet' event at Worlds) 4. the people promoting this (such as Zakarian) have expressed how great it will be for the skaters. 5. gut feeling
  5. The more they talk about this event, the more I feel like it's meant for the skating community, and not fans. which means that it fails in its primary goal of attracting more fans to the sport.
  6. Also, from what Brian has said in interviews, Javi's skating is more like the embodiment of his (Brian's) and Tracy's philosophy of skating and they shaped Javi a lot, whereas with Yuzu, they take more a role of being facilitators, helping Yuzu get where he wants to go in skating, but Yuzu's the one in the driver's seat. TBH, I wonder if it could be any other way with Yuzu - can't exactly see him quietly accepting the directions of a controlling coach LOL.
  7. Just using a bit of common sense here, it really seems unlikely that Brian or any of the other TCC coaches would talk with Zhenya or her mom about their arrangements with Rika or any other skater (purely on a business level, it would be unprofessional). My guess is Sputnik is spinning a tale out of nothing. I could be wrong, but I doubt it. Also why post an article that you have to edit and re-edit? Why not do some basic journalism first, fact-check and confirm your sources? And since when does anybody do an interview over WhatsApp? Is Medvedeva's mother in the habit of talking to journalists about her daughter's team mates? Has she ever given any kind of interview before? I dunno. This situation gets more and more fishy... something isn't right. What Sputnik is claiming does not match up with Medvedeva's previous behaviour at all. I mean even when she left Eteri, Evgenia kept her comments to a minimum. I honestly can't picture her saying something like this out of the blue to a media organization of any kind.
  8. Never mind the bracelets, look at his gorgeous hand and wrist in those photos!
  9. And here we are with every politician we have issuing commentary over the fact that we're not inclusive enough!
  10. That was my thought as well. Also, yes the JSF probably should politick more on Yuzu's behalf, but the fact the the disgraced former French fed president suggests it speaks volumes about the French fed's approach to scores they don't like, and not necessarily good volumes.
  11. That would be so perfect! Even the slogan - "I will what I want". Is that not the very essence of Yuzu?
  12. Does anyone have a comprehensive list of all the companies Yuzu has endorsements and sponsorships with? There's Kose, Citizen, ANA, Ajinomoto, Ghana, that bedding company (I forget the name), Xylitol, Bathclin, P&G (but I think that's over), John Wilson Blades, EDEA Skates....am I missing any? And of course the continued failure of Under Armour to capitalize on his fondness for their gear. I hop they at least send him a free shirt or something, in appreciation for all he's done for them without even meaning to.
  13. You don't say! If ISU Figure spent half as much time trying to improve the judging technology and get more cameras at ice level and use machine learning to create software that counts rotations and checks edges as they do on pointless back-and-forth about scoring schemes, figure skating would be an objectively scored sport already, with no cheating.
  14. Various Team Canada news. Looks like the pairs are back on the ice, carefully staying, according to Trennt Michaud, 2 meters apart. Gonna make training lifts and throws a bit tricky, although it looks like Mike has a plan. It's also a gravity optional day for Keegan, apparently . ice dancers also back on the ice: Including some honorary Canadians: Did Olivia and Adrian stay here the whole time? Does anyone know? Katia Kurokova is also back on the ice, but the rink isn't TCC so I'm wondering if she's still over in Europe...not sure what her home base is, whether Poland or Russia. https://twitter.com/FSIgstories/status/1273284463783526400?s=20
  15. There's a max? I've not been using emojis enough, I see.
  16. I am so looking forward to this as I've never seen it. Hoping for some decent camera angles. I find ice show cameras always focus on the face when you want them to focus on the feet and vice versa.
  17. All the more reason for him to study....gives him an excuse to avoid people, should he need one. Honestly, airplanes are quiet spaces where all you have to do for several hours is sit and accept whatever the flight attendants bring you. No one can phone you, no one can interrupt you...it's golden time for any task requiring concentration, IMO. At least, it is if you're flying alone. @SitTwizzle I never said it was the only time he studied, just that it's a reasonable guess that he uses the time that way.
  18. The last plane trip I took, I spent the whole time frantically folding origami cranes for giveaways to fanyus at SCI, so I guess you could say I find planes fairly comfortable. I also usually have no trouble sleeping, reading, or otherwise being productive, so I don't really find it difficult to imagine Yuzu studying or writing papers on a plane. But no one can say for sure.
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